Bulletin: West Seattle graffiti-vandalism suspect Ryan Cox arrested

(scroll down for latest information, added to the original report)

ORIGINAL 10:16 AM REPORT: Just announced by Seattle Police at SPDBlotter:

Ryan Cox was arrested this morning by Southwest Precinct detectives near the intersection of 44th Avenue SW and SW Alaska Street. Cox was taken into custody without incident at around 8:30 a.m. He will be booked into King County Jail. The Seattle Police Department appreciates all of the public assistance in this matter.

The arrest comes less than 24 hours after police released photos of Cox, including three like the one above, in which they say he was caught in the act of marking/painting the same three-word anti-gay slur that reappeared on businesses and homes around West Seattle repeatedly over the past three months (here’s the report we published Sept. 9), after incidences in the spring that led to his previous arrest. 10:44 AM UPDATE: We just checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen, with whom we have talked about the case multiple times in recent months (including yesterday, after we got three more reports, at which time he told us about the arrest warrant). Regarding more details on this morning’s arrest, he says Detective Nick Bauer spotted Cox at California and Erskine on the south end of The Junction, called for backup, and “several patrol units assisted in the arrest” two blocks north. 11:48 AM UPDATE: The King County Jail Register shows Cox was booked about an hour ago, and the charges are listed as property destruction and “dangerous weapon” – we’re checking on more information regarding that last one. 11:57 AM: Lt. Paulsen explains it: He says Cox was found carrying a “fixed-blade knife.” He’s scheduled to answer the charges in a hearing tomorrow; bail currently totals $1,330.

Also today/tonight: WS Democratic Women; Sealth concert; more

December 17, 2009 9:45 am
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2 more event reminders have arrived since our earlier item about today/tonight highlights. First, the West Seattle Democratic Women are lunching today, with guests including two of the local leaders who remain finalists for West Seattle’s open King County Council seat after the long no-decision night the other night (here’s our play-by-play if you missed it):

The West Seattle Democratic Women are having their annual fundraiser/auction at the West Seattle Golf Course today at 11:30. Come on down if you are in the area. Lunch is $10, but you can just come and hang out with us if you like. We have some great auction items and Sen. Joe McDermott and Rep. Sharon Nelson will be attending.

Here’s a map to the golf course. Meantime, Lynn sends word of the Chief Sealth HS winter concert – happening outside WS:

Due to lack of a performance space at Boren, Chief Sealth High School Music Department will be presenting their winter concert tonight at Mercer Middle School Auditorium (1600 S. Columbian Way) at 7PM. Admission is free and following groups will be performing.

Jazz Band
Concert Band
String Orchestra
Mariachi band
Intermediate and Honor Choirs
Men’s Vocal Ensemble

Here’s a map to Mercer Middle School. Also today/tonight, some holiday-shopping special events – more on those next.

ADDED 11:07 AM: Since the Ryan Cox arrest will be atop the home page here for a while, here are a few of the shopping notes we wanted to share: First, tonight 5-9 pm, longtime WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits in the Admiral District is having its “Wrap It Up” party, 5-9 pm, with 15 percent off purchases over $100. (While you’re in the Admiral area, check out the other local businesses that have joined Click! in sponsoring WSB this season to encourage you to “Shop Local” in their district too – they’re listed on this page, with a map and even coupons [yet more coupons here].) On Alki, Coastal Boutique is having a sale event noon-7 pm today with 40 percent savings. And looking ahead to this weekend, six Junction businesses have joined forces to offer free “stocking stuffers” with purchases, including WSB sponsor Brunette Mix – another participant, Clementine, has the full list here.

Today/tonight: Tunnel/Viaduct, Admiral Safeway, WS Big Band

All’s been somewhat quiet in meeting-land, with the holiday season leading many groups to take December off. But not the two that are meeting today/tonight:

ALASKAN WAY VIADUCT SOUTH PORTAL WORKING GROUP, which is working on VERY West Seattle-relevant issues centering on how the south end of the planned tunnel ties into the transportation grid, meets 4 pm at Puget Sound Regional Council‘s board room, 1011 Western (map) …

SOUTHWEST DESIGN REVIEW BOARD looks at the Admiral Safeway redevelopment project at 8 pm (here’s our preview with the link to the proposal that’ll be reviewed) after Transitional Resources‘ new residential building at 6:30 pm (here’s the corresponding link); both meetings are at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center

Also tonight, the WEST SEATTLE BIG BAND‘s Holiday Concert fills Grace Church (map) with music, 7 pm …

And one note from outside West Seattle – but maybe near your workplace or somewhere outside WS you’re going today/tonight – the Jimmy John’s sandwich chain is donating all Puget Sound PROCEEDS (as in, 100% of sales) today to the murdered Lakewood Police officers’ families’ fund. Here’s where to find local locations – Pioneer Square looks like the closest.

Update on West Seattle’s stolen totem pole: No fast re-install

That totem pole is back in its place outside the Redmond Library, where a Seattle company called Artech reinstalled it – along with another large work of native-inspired carved-wood art – on Tuesday. We were there that day to talk with Artech, after the Seattle Parks Department told us the company had expressed potential interest in doing some work on the West Seattle Rotary Viewpoint Park totem pole before it’s put back in place. First, a recap of where the stolen-then-found totem pole saga stands: Still awaiting word of charges against the suspect, a 69-year-old West Seattle man arrested eight days ago. The pole, found in Oregon a week ago after, police say, he told them where to find it, remains at a Seattle Parks facility (as we showed you Monday):

The pole found with it in Oregon has been identified as one stolen from outside the Renton Fred Meyer (as we reported Tuesday). Now the question is how long till the West Seattle pole can be returned to its home at the viewpoint alongside 35th at Alaska. The Rotary Club of West Seattle, which donated the park and the pole – carved by Native American artist Robin Young – in 1976, is taking a major role in sorting that all out, and has created a task force that will start meeting after the holidays, while raising money now for restoration/reinstallation. The Parks Department says it’s connecting Artech with the Rotarians. We got in touch with Artech to find out more about their interest, and what they’re all about – read on:Read More

West Seattle Hi-Yu: First the theme, now the button contest!

A week and a half ago, we brought you first word of the theme chosen for next year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival float, “Dreams Do Come True.” (The art above is from the winning presentation, details here.) Tonight, Hi-Yu’s Deena Mahn sends word of the next step: You’re invited to enter the contest to turn the new theme into next year’s fundraising Hi-Yu button! Here’s the official announcement:

Looking for an easy and creative way to show your community pride? A fun winter break project for the kids?

West Seattle Hi-Yu is kicking off the annual button design contest. This year’s theme is West Seattle Hi-Yu “Dreams Do Come True.” This year’s float design will depict a fanciful fairy-tale theme; think castles, rainbows and unicorns. The winning button will be chosen at the general membership meeting by popular vote on January 4, 2010, 6:30 p.m. at St John the Baptist Church Hall. Previous years’ buttons may be viewed at

All button designs should be in final size, which is 2 ½”. Hi-Yu welcomes entries from all ages!

The winner receives a $25.00 check and will ride in the West Seattle American Legion Grand Parade in July. Please send entries by mail to West Seattle Hi-Yu, PO Box 16130, Seattle, WA 98116. Deadline is January 2nd, 2010.

THANK YOU for supporting your community festival.

Deena also shared a photo of last year’s winner, Kyle Jonson, riding in the July 2008 parade, along with the image of his winning button design:

By the way, if you’re ever looking for a WSB Hi-Yu story, look for the West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival coverage category in the list toward the bottom of the sidebar, or bookmark this link (newest story will always come up first)

Seattle City Light confirms power outage in northwest West Seattle

Thanks to the WSB’er who called a few minutes ago with word of a power outage in the Charlestown Hill area [map]. Seattle City Light hadn’t confirmed it at that time, but has now: 68 customers; a crew is on the way, no word yet what caused it; they’re not promising restoration before 3 am. While the boundaries listed by SCL are not usually precise, here’s what they’re listing – between SW Spokane and SW Andover, and between 51st SW and 59th SW. 4:29 AM UPDATE: Just checked the City Light hotline again and there’s no longer an “outage message” recording, which should mean everybody’s back on.

Update: Search for stabbing suspect in 5200 block of Delridge

Police and fire have responded to an “assault with weapons/aid” call in the 5200 block of Delridge [map]. We’re on our way to the area to check; scanner traffic indicates a search is on, no word who was hurt, how, or how badly, yet. 6:03 PM UPDATE: Also from the scanner, sounds like a stabbing incident – the victim is on the way to Harborview Medical Center; there was a question about whether the suspect also “was cut.” 6:25 PM UPDATE: The search is centering on the building that used to house a much-scrutinized “used goods” business that cleared out a few months ago. No indication yet of an arrest, or of specific circumstances. Adding a photo. Delridge traffic is NOT blocked at the scene but IS moving slowly, as you might expect. 6:30 PM UPDATE: Just spoke with an SPD sergeant at the scene; he summarized this as one male stabbing another in an argument over a female. They’re not sure yet what the weapon was, but they continue looking for the suspect – who, per the scanner, indeed apparently was also wounded. The victim, we’re told, was stabbed in the arm – not a life-threatening injury. 6:57 PM UPDATE: Don’t know how soon we will be able to confirm but scanner traffic indicates an arrest.

What West Seattle Food Bank needs before Christmas

(Photo provided by West Seattle Food Bank, as Admiral Co-Op Preschool students celebrate recent donation drive)
By Lauri Hennessey
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

With just over a week to go till Christmas, the West Seattle Food Bank is finding plenty of need in the community, and supplies are dwindling. In fact, the food bank has seen a 27 percent increase in the number of households served over a year ago.

The food bank has also seen an increase in the number of times individual families need the food bank, with a 17 percent increase in the number of times households are coming to the food bank.

Still, Executive Director Fran Yeatts is hopefuly the food bank will continue to weather the storm, to a large degree because of the ongoing generosity of the West Seattle community.

We asked what they need for Christmas – read on for the answer, as the story continues:Read More

Update: Photos of West Seattle graffiti-vandalism suspect

(scroll down, more photos added at 3:36 pm)
As we reported earlier today, we were awaiting word on whether police would be able to release a photo of the West Seattle vandalism suspect who’s wanted for multiple instances of marking/painting a specific three-word anti-gay slur – and now a photo’s out, along with a few more details on SPDBlotter, which says he’s charged with five counts of property destruction, and is indeed the same man arrested earlier this year: 31-year-old Ryan Joshua Cox. SPD Media Unit Officer Renee Witt also tells us a second photo will be made public shortly, “showing him walking away from one of the crime scenes.” From the SPDBlotter report:

He is believed to be homeless and may be wearing multiple layers of clothing to keep warm. He may be wearing a dark colored jacket with a red collar and carrying a red satchel.

Cox is known to suffer from mental illness. Due to the volatility of his behavior, citizens should not approach him.

Anyone with information regarding Cox’s location is urged to call either 911 or the Southwest Precinct Detectives at 206 233-2623. Those wishing to remain anonymous are encouraged to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800 222-TIPS (8477) or send a text to CRIMES (274637). Your text message should include “TIP486” to ensure proper routing. If a tip leads to an arrest and the filing of charges, callers may qualify for a cash reward of up to $1000. Calls are taken 24 hours a day.

Cox spent almost a month in jail after his arrest last May; he was also charged then with property destruction, but the charges were eventually dropped when he was found not competent to stand trial. He was referred for a state-hospital evaluation at that time. The graffiti vandalism started reappearing about three months ago, and most recently had expanded to an even-wider area than where it had repeatedly been done before, including multiple incidents in the Admiral District. ADDED 3:36 PM: The aforementioned additional photo is actually THREE photos, and they have been released by police via SPDBlotter:

6:13 PM UPDATE: Got an e-mail report that similar tagging happened apparently within the past hour in the 5400 block of California SW. The person who spotted it has called police.

Urgent call for help: High Point Community Center needs 400 toys

Thanks to Kendra for letting us know about this – we’ve just confirmed it with Brian Judd at High Point Community Center: They were supposed to have a Toys for Tots distribution event at the center this past Monday, but Toys for Tots has been having a regional shortage, and didn’t bring toys to distribute to the families. So now they are trying to directly collect enough toys to make holiday wishes come true for the families NEXT Monday at 2 pm. Between now and Saturday afternoon, bring unwrapped toys for any age, 3 through 18, to High Point CC (6920 34th SW; here’s a map; they’re open till 9 tonight, 10 am-9 pm tomorrow, 1-9 pm Friday, 10 am-5 pm Saturday) – they hope to have 400 by the time the families all show up again on Monday. ADDED 5:04 PM: If you have extra donation ability, here’s another request we received, from Maria at DNDA:

We provide affordable housing to low income families and are in dire need of gifts for their families. We have about 17 families that need gifts this year.We have a lot of children that will be needing toys this year and are going with out. If you can provide a toy or donate money please contact Phillippia Goldsmith at
Phillippiag@dnda.org or call at (206) 935-2999

WS Crime Watch: “We have a warrant for the suspect’s arrest”

That’s what Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen tells WSB this morning – we had asked about the status of the search for the man suspected in the ongoing “homophobic graffiti” vandalism, after getting three more reports this morning of new sightings of the same profane anti-gay slur that’s been appearing in an increasingly wide area, including businesses between The Junction and Morgan Junction. Lt. Paulsen says he was “seen in the Junction area yesterday” and adds that arresting him is a “precinct priority.” We don’t have a photo to share yet (that could change) but regarding a description, at last month’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (WSB coverage here), police said “white male, late 20s, early 30s, always looks stressed out” and an attendee said he was known to wear hoodies.

Hometown Holidays update: New times for Sunday’s carriage rides

This Sunday is the last of three special Sundays as part of the West Seattle Junction Association’s Hometown Holidays (co-sponsored by WSB) – with special events including mule-drawn carriage rides, as shown in our photo from Sunday before last – and we just got word from Susan Melrose of WSJA that the hours have changed: You can catch the carriage by the HH HQ booth in front of KeyBank between 11 am and 3 pm on Sunday. (The time period for Santa photos and gift wrap at the other HH HQ, in the storefront just east of Cupcake Royale, remains noon-4 pm.) The full scoop on Hometown Holidays, including the ongoing $6,500 Junction Giveaway (which has its final drawings on Sunday, so get your entries in before then) is here.

School attendance-map flap: Roxhill Elementary toes the line

(Editor’s note: School Board member Steve Sundquist has another community meeting this morning, 10 am at Delridge Library)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“We all know the line has to be drawn somewhere, but — right across the street?”

So asked one of the 25+ people who crowded into Roxhill Elementary School‘s library Tuesday night to try to find out from Seattle School Board member Steve Sundquist why the Roxhill attendance area in the new Student Assignment Plan has one headscratcher:

When the West Seattle lines were redrawn, for the maps that were finalized with few amendments last month, the western boundary of Roxhill’s attendance area moved several blocks east, and now goes down the middle of 30th SW .. yards from where the school sits on the east side of that street (note the school icon next to the boundary line in the map section shown above).

Read More

Pre-Christmas greenery: Hike with the Nature Consortium Friday

At the trailhead at 14th and Holly, you can meet up this Friday for a walk with the Nature Consortium, which is headquartered at West Seattle’s Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Here’s the invite:

West Duwamish Greenbelt Guided Eco-hike
Friday, December 18th

Join us for a free public guided hike in the West Duwamish Greenbelt, Seattle’s largest remaining forest. We will explore the hidden treasures of this amazing natural wonder, and hear about the history and the future of the forest from Nancy Whitlock, Executive Director for the Nature Consortium (and forest steward). Difficulty is mild. Inexperienced hikers, seniors, and babies in backpacks are welcome. Special note to Parents of toddlers and preschoolers: please be warned that this hike can be challenging for you if you are with a preschooler or two who walk down the hills but want to be carried up ☺

Please bring your own water bottle. Granola bars provided. Dress in layers for weather. Wear appropriate footwear (some parts of the trail are muddy.) Long pants recommended.

Extreme rain cancels. Be ready for inspiration!

Meet at the trailhead at 14th Ave SW and SW Holly [map]

Call 206-923-0853 or e-mail lisa@naturec.org reserve your spot. RSVP today! www.naturec.org

Young West Seattle achievers: Runners, musicians, dancers

News to share about some young West Seattleites on the move, in more ways than one:

First, West Seattle state-champion runner Maddie Meyers (left) was the only girl from our state in the Foot Locker National Cross-Country Championships last weekend in San Diego; she finished 23rd, with the third-highest time for a 10th grader (she attends The Northwest School). We have reported on some of Maddie’s achievements before (here and here). She qualified for nationals by finishing 7th at the West Regionals a week earlier. Also from the fleet-of-foot department, Jo Bader shares a photo and news from last weekend’s Girls On The Run event at Seward Park, with West Seattle girls participating:

Girls on the Run of Puget Sound is a non-profit organization whose mission is to use the power of running to educate and prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. GOTRPS operates an after-school prevention program for 3rd through 5th grade girls throughout Puget Sound, including two programs in West Seattle at Hiawatha and Pathfinder.

Girls from the West Seattle GOTR programs participated this past Saturday in the GOTR 5K at Seward Park. The event is the graduation 5K for our 10-week fall program participants. It is also a fundraiser for the GOTRPS organization and attracts lots of supporters. The program is run by volunteer coaches who were all on hand to cheer on our girls to the finish line. It was a chilly, but very fun day.

Congratulations to all of the girls who completed the program and their very first 5K! Their coaches are very proud of them.

Girls on the Run of Puget Sound

Jo says there’ll be a spring program at the same locations, and they’ll be looking for coaches: “It is really fun and very rewarding!”

Next, from Madison Middle School teacher Jeanne Merritt, a recap of the school’s Winter Concert a few nights ago:

Madison Middle School’s annual Winter Concert took place Thursday evening under the leadership of music teacher Clark Bathum.

The beautiful music performed by 170 students was inspiring.

The program began with the jazz band performing Fat Cat and featuring piano, sax and trombone soloists. Then they played a lively Cuban piece featuring a guitar soloist. Another band group played music showcasing percussionists. The program finished with a full orchestra performing four selections from the Nutcracker Suite.

The Madison orchestra is co-taught by string specialist Mike Watson, and the Latin jazz band is taught after school by local salsa musician Fred Hoadley. He also arranges all the Latin music.

Madison’s music students are accustomed to excellence. Last year they won many awards at the Music in the Parks Festival in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho: First place jazz band, first place string orchestra, Esprit de Corps award (musicianship and gracious conduct), and soloist award (eighth consecutive year).

Thanks to Jeanne – we appreciate news from West Seattle schools (photos are great too) – editor@westseattleblog.com. Last but not least, as The Nutcracker continues at Pacific Northwest Ballet, we have the company’s list of West Seattle-area youth who are in the cast. Read on:Read More

Moving day as Fauntleroy Church gets ready to remodel

December 15, 2009 10:15 pm
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That’s the office of Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) senior pastor Rev. David Kratz – empty because today was moving day for staff members at the church and co-housed Fauntleroy YMCA. They’re temporarily clearing out because work starts soon on the first major renovation of the 101-year-old church’s half-century-old building. The Y will stay open during the project, except for (as reported here last month) its drop-in day-care program, and the church will be able to carry on with its activities (including Christmas Eve services at 4, 7 and 11 pm). According to the church website, the work’s total cost will be around $2.7 million, with major work including electric and heating systems plus repairs to a leaky foundation; the church has been raising money for more than two years.

West Seattle Holidays: Endolyne Children’s Choir at The Mount

Among this week’s holiday highlights, with Christmas getting closer, are concerts big and small. Providence Mount St. Vincent has been hosting music groups almost nightly (schedule’s on our West Seattle Holidays page) – tonight, we stopped by to see/hear the Endolyne Children’s Choir (if you don’t recognize the song in our clip, it’s “Fum, Fum, Fum“). Endolyne also performed at the West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays Tree Lighting (here’s our package of video highlights from that night). Still to come this week: West Seattle Big Band holiday concert at Grace Church on Thursday night and Northwest Boychoir at Holy Rosary on Friday night.

West Seattle Christmas lights: Fowl yet festive

Ten nights till Christmas, counting tonight, so we’re stepping up the holiday lights spotlight – the ones we’ve featured already are archived here (newest to oldest), and tonight, we have a photo from the famous Ducky Reserve on the south edge of Lowman Beach (map) – Dr. Ron Sterling is well-known for his year-round displays of toy ducks in seasonal garb, but this year the Christmas ducks are more must-see than ever – they’re best viewed by parking and walking up, so tonight you’d need an umbrella. The ducks, as you can see, already have one. And if you can’t get down for a look, here’s a Sterling-produced video with an up-close view of every ducky detail:

The main ducky display faces Beach Drive, but the side facing Lowman Beach Park is festively lit too – and there are some nice lights across Beach Drive as well.

Utility work temporarily blocking a few Junction parking spots

Brian at TouchTech Systems in The Junction pointed out this work under way today in the 4500 block of California SW and wondered if it’s related to future business changes in the empty storefront that used to be part of CAPERS and is expected to become home to a Wing Dome and TBA business. However, according to city permits, it’s just “side sewer” repair work.

Park gun law challenger asks courts to put the law on hold

Another followup in the story of the man who filed a lawsuit challenging the city ban on guns at certain Parks Department facilities by taking a concealed weapon into Southwest Community Center a month ago (and alerting the city in advance, which meant a security guard was there to meet him, as seen in our 11/14 photo at left): Bob Warden sent the media the documents that he’s filed seeking a preliminary injunction to stop the city from enforcing the law. Here’s the court document; we asked Warden if he has a court date set yet – he said no. The request for an injunction says in part, “If plaintiff went to the Southwest Community Center with his pistol tomorrow, there is no reason to suspect that the rule would not be enforced” and goes on to state as part of its argument, “banning armed good guys likely makes a place less safe from bad guys …” (Our partners at the Seattle Times are covering this story too – here’s the link.)

Preschools invited to participate in West Seattle Preschool Fair

After the holidays, it’s time for many families to start making major decisions – if they haven’t already – about school for fall 2010-2011. With that in mind, a West Seattle Preschool Fair is being organized, and they’re inviting preschools to participate – here’s the official invite:

Build visibility in the West Seattle community for your preschool program!
West Seattle Preschool Fair
February 22, 2010
5:30 – 8:30pm
Location: TBA
Featuring the Families Read Workshop by Page Ahead: Children’s Literacy Program from 6 – 7:30pm

In the Families Read Workshop, parents learn methods to develop their child’s literacy skills. This interactive workshop includes a model read-aloud and a hands-on activity. Parents receive literary resources and a free children’s book.

Schools or Childcare Agencies interested in requesting a registration form, please contact:
Tana Dorsey
206. 465.3501

Register by Dec. 31st to reserve your table.
All fees cover the operational cost of the event and are not for profit.
Limited tables available; registration based on first come, first serve.

Parents interested in attending, mark your calendar and look for more announcements to come. This event is free for the community.

Seattle Public Schools questions? Ask your School Board rep

December 15, 2009 12:31 pm
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Though the maps have been announced, families still have many questions about Seattle Public Schools‘ new Student Assignment Plan – focusing on “neighborhood schools” – and there are two opportunities in the next 24 hours for you to get answers from West Seattle’s school board rep Steve Sundquist. Thanks to Westwood Neighborhood Council‘s Donn DeVore for sending word that Sundquist will be at a meeting at Roxhill Elementary at 5 today (the Roxhill office says that meeting’s open to the public and it’s scheduled for the school library); and from the WSB Events calendar, he has another of his community chats tomorrow morning, 10 am, at Delridge Library.

Eyes on the sky: Dreamliner finishes 1st flight at Boeing Field

(AirlineReporter.com video of the takeoff, link found in Seattle Weekly compilation)
ORIGINAL 10:42 AM REPORT: You probably watched the Boeing 787 Dreamliner take off for its first flight – whether online or on TV – but if you want a closer look when the test flight concludes this afternoon, it’s reported to be coming in to the airport closest to West Seattle, Boeing Field [map]. So far the landing is expected to happen at or after 3 pm. We know many WSB’ers have Boeing ties; congratulations to you all. Here’s the official Boeing “first flight” website. 11:26 AM: Here’s the flight tracking from FlightAware (thanks to @mcneight for the link via Twitter) – and here’s iPhone video with the perspective from the media sidelines as the 787 took off, shot by @flightblogger:

1:28 PM UPDATE: And now it seems the Dreamliner’s arriving at Boeing Field earlier than projected – any minute now. KING5.com is streaming. Around 1:35 pm for landing, according to various Twitter sources.

1:35 PM UPDATE: And a picture-perfect (aside from the rain) landing. Q13 FOX stream came up fastest where we’re at.

4:18 PM: A couple of landing visuals which show the excitement just before and after this afternoon’s touchdown – this is video @codyrh shared via Twitter:

The change in plans meant not everybody got to Boeing Field in time. But “westseattledood“‘s photo from “vehicle approach” shows the interest: