WS Crime Watch: “We have a warrant for the suspect’s arrest”

That’s what Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen tells WSB this morning – we had asked about the status of the search for the man suspected in the ongoing “homophobic graffiti” vandalism, after getting three more reports this morning of new sightings of the same profane anti-gay slur that’s been appearing in an increasingly wide area, including businesses between The Junction and Morgan Junction. Lt. Paulsen says he was “seen in the Junction area yesterday” and adds that arresting him is a “precinct priority.” We don’t have a photo to share yet (that could change) but regarding a description, at last month’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (WSB coverage here), police said “white male, late 20s, early 30s, always looks stressed out†and an attendee said he was known to wear hoodies.

20 Replies to "WS Crime Watch: "We have a warrant for the suspect's arrest""

  • jiggers December 16, 2009 (10:36 am)

    newsflash… A lot of people wear hoodies to keep their heads warm and dry. You get profiled if you have a backpack or hoody on. People in Seattle love ot be very judgmental in the way you appear. Anyways, I hope they catch the mofo.

  • Gina December 16, 2009 (11:05 am)

    The three word phrase appeared on the side of the house by the bus stop at 45th and Admiral overnight. In foot high letters.

  • Alki Area December 16, 2009 (11:23 am)

    PLEASE post a picture. There is no point in having a “crime watch”, and have the public be on the lookout, for someone we can’t identify. Am I supposed to call the police because I see someone “stressed out” looking. Seriously. At LEAST a sketch, something…

    • WSB December 16, 2009 (11:36 am)

      If police can make one available, Alki Area, we will, ASAP. But we have no independent source available otherwise. Nor would any other media organization – KC Jail booking photos, for example, are not routinely available unless a high-profile (we’re talking murder, in most cases) suspect is being sought. If someone has done state prison time, which as far as I can tell is not the case here, the state Corrections Dept. often can provide a photo (we’ve obtained/used those pix in a few cases) – TR

  • MAS December 16, 2009 (11:24 am)

    Jiggers – There are a lot of white males out there too, some of them in the late 20s to early 30s and more than a few look stressed out. Should we leave those parts of the description out as well?

  • mark December 16, 2009 (11:37 am)

    I would guess the hooded “artist” might have a paint can in his hand as well, a for sure give away

  • jeannie December 16, 2009 (11:48 am)

    Good point, Mark! I just wonder if jerks like this are capable of even more vile crimes. I suspect they are. And I hope, if they catch him, he receives a strong sentence. This guy is trouble.

  • Doc December 16, 2009 (12:04 pm)

    If this is the guy that my neighbors and I think he is, he used to sleep in solstice park. There is still a cardboard bed and a book where he used to sleep. I tried to talk to him a few times back in the summer and he doesn’t respond and will just get up and walk away. When they say “stressed out” they don’t mean “I had a long week stressed”, they more mean, “I am being followed by the CIA and wear a tin foil hat, Mel Gibson conspiricy theory” type stressed out. I used to see him in a tan jacket a lot that helped him blend into the dried grass at the park.

  • T-Rex December 16, 2009 (12:06 pm)

    My guess is this guy has more than just this one problem…YA THINK???

  • VanessaC December 16, 2009 (12:21 pm)

    Will we ever see the time come, where the persons caught and convicted of these crimes have to clean it up?

  • k December 16, 2009 (12:39 pm)

    Who is responsible for cleaning up after this guy? It’s horrible to drive past it. I know it’s raining outside, but there has to be someone who can remove it or cover it.

  • Mookie December 16, 2009 (12:46 pm)

    I’m wondering why they have an arrest warrant for the same guy again – is there a witness who saw him doing the graffiti this time? Will he just be found not competent and released again (and again) while this vile stuff keeps appearing around West Seattle?

  • Mookie December 16, 2009 (12:48 pm)

    Doc – what’s the book?

  • LP December 16, 2009 (1:07 pm)

    Oh I hope they catch him soon. His behavior is really escalating I think this guy is capable of much more dangerous, violent things. It really scares me actually. It is so sad, because obviously he is very mentally ill and needs help, but my sympathy is long gone for this guy. He’s terrorizing our neighborhood, I feel less safe knowing he is lurking. I’m surprised he hasn’t been caught on video yet with how brazen he’s become. Get him SPD!

  • k December 16, 2009 (1:20 pm)

    i meant “passed it” not “past” as brought to my attention by spelling police. was posting from my phone. no matter how i spell it, it’s horrible and needs to be stopped.

  • poc December 16, 2009 (1:36 pm)

    My question is this: If his prior charges were “dropped because he was found incompetent to stand trial” then what has changed? Shall we arrest him, let him out again, arrest him, let him out again… you get the idea. I guess it is ok to commit crimes if you are not competent to stand trial because no charges will be made. Not competent for trial should equal Western State or some type of treatment. Lets not just dump people back out on the street. What a wonderful system we have ehhh. Perhaps he when he kills someone the powers that be will say, “oh, we goofed”. Heard it before.

    • WSB December 16, 2009 (2:15 pm)

      poc – he was referred to Western State but records of what happened after that referral were not available, even to the city prosecutor who handled the case (I checked with her when this started coming around again).

  • charlabob December 16, 2009 (1:42 pm)

    We finally saw the words at an entrance to Schmitz (?) Park. I have to say, I agree that they should be cleaned up quickly, but it’s extremely powerful and frightening to see them, instead of simply imagining, “Anti homosexual graffiti.”

    WRT not competent to stand trial, you can credit our diminished mental health system for a lot of that, sadly, along with several high profile murders in the area. Thanks in part to budget cuts, and in part to liberal (including my) attempts at deinstitutionalization in the 80’s, there’s no place to put someone who isn’t competent to stand trial or who even says, “I’m batsh*t crazy — do something before I kill someone.”

  • Doc December 16, 2009 (2:01 pm)

    The book is Empire Falls, by Richard Russo. It used to be in pretty good condition last time I was up there, but the rair really soaked the poor thing…

  • Xylle December 16, 2009 (3:04 pm)

    K you were right the first time! You passed it as you drove past it :)

Sorry, comment time is over.