(scroll down for latest information, added to the original report)

ORIGINAL 10:16 AM REPORT: Just announced by Seattle Police at SPDBlotter:
Ryan Cox was arrested this morning by Southwest Precinct detectives near the intersection of 44th Avenue SW and SW Alaska Street. Cox was taken into custody without incident at around 8:30 a.m. He will be booked into King County Jail. The Seattle Police Department appreciates all of the public assistance in this matter.
The arrest comes less than 24 hours after police released photos of Cox, including three like the one above, in which they say he was caught in the act of marking/painting the same three-word anti-gay slur that reappeared on businesses and homes around West Seattle repeatedly over the past three months (here’s the report we published Sept. 9), after incidences in the spring that led to his previous arrest. 10:44 AM UPDATE: We just checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen, with whom we have talked about the case multiple times in recent months (including yesterday, after we got three more reports, at which time he told us about the arrest warrant). Regarding more details on this morning’s arrest, he says Detective Nick Bauer spotted Cox at California and Erskine on the south end of The Junction, called for backup, and “several patrol units assisted in the arrest” two blocks north. 11:48 AM UPDATE: The King County Jail Register shows Cox was booked about an hour ago, and the charges are listed as property destruction and “dangerous weapon” – we’re checking on more information regarding that last one. 11:57 AM: Lt. Paulsen explains it: He says Cox was found carrying a “fixed-blade knife.” He’s scheduled to answer the charges in a hearing tomorrow; bail currently totals $1,330.