West Seattle (and beyond) mid-afternoon miscellany

A few things you might not mind being reminded of before it’s too late:

ALASKAN WAY VIADUCT CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: It’s the regular semiannual maintenance closure, scheduled for 6 am-6 pm each day. Sunday, they often wrap up earlier, but don’t take it for granted until and unless it happens.

FIREWORKS SATURDAY NIGHT: After the Elliott Bay fireworks show that caught so many people off-guard a few weeks ago, we found and published advance word of another one that’s now just days away: General Construction (which has a location in West Seattle, on the Duwamish) is celebrating its centennial with fireworks off Pier 66 downtown this Saturday night. The company sent word today that 8:30 pm is the planned showtime.

EARTH HOUR: That, by the way, is right at the start of Earth Hour, when you’re invited to turn everything off for an hour to save power and make a statement. 8:30-9:30 pm Saturday. The Space Needle‘s supposed to go dark again this time around.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON HIKE: Just got word that the Nature Consortium‘s regular monthly hike through the West Duwamish Greenbelt is a little later than usual this month – Friday afternoon, 1 pm, meet at 14th/Holly, RSVP to lisa@naturec.org or 206-923-0853.

FREE CONCERT FRIDAY NIGHT: Also just got a note about West Seattle Jazz Night, 7 pm Friday at Madison Middle School, with performances by musicians from Madison, Denny and Chief Sealth, plus the Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra. Free!

LOTS more in the WSB Events calendar, for this weekend and way beyond.

West Seattle businesses: “Coming soon” sign on an ex-Huling lot

Sorry, Trader Joe’s fans, NOT the sign you’re looking for. But thanks to John S for the sighting tip – perfect timing; we were a block away when we got his note. That sign, “Pike Place Produce Co./Coming Soon” has appeared on the small building in the middle of the ex-Huling/Gee lot south of the Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell station. We called Pike Place Produce, which is headquartered right across from the famous market downtown, and while they confirmed something is in the works in West Seattle, they directed us to the owner, who won’t be reachable till later today. Retail? Offices? Both? We don’t know yet – we’ll add an update when we find out more, but just wanted to let you know, if you saw the sign, we’re working on it. (This is one of the sites that’s been vacant 2 1/2 years, since Gee Automotive, which relatively briefly took over the longtime Huling dealerships, closed.) 6:13 PM UPDATE: Looks now like the owner may not be reachable till tomorrow – so it’ll be a separate story when we get the chance to get details.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Teacher’s bag taken, 2 other break-ins

Three Crime Watch reports to share – one condo break-in, two car break-ins (that’s where the teacher’s bag comes in) – read on:Read More

Westside Yoga and Doga: Welcome, new West Seattle Blog sponsor

Today, we’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Westside Yoga and Doga. Longtime West Seattle residents Kelly Page and Brenda Bryan have joined forces to bring a new locally owned Yoga and Doga studio to Morgan Junction. Brenda is internationally known as the author and creator of Barking Buddha Doga, and Kelly trained with 5 of the 30 certified Ashtanga teachers in the world. Her primary teacher was David Garrigues, and she has traveled to Mysore, India, to study with Sharath Ragaswamy and Shri K. Pattabhi Jois to learn the classical Ashtanga yoga style. Together they have opened up the first Doga and Ashtanga Yoga studio in the United States. Westside Yoga and Doga opened its doors to Yogis and Dogis on February 22. Ashtanga Yoga, made popular by celebrities such as Madonna, Christy Turlington, Adam Yauch and Sting, is a physically challenging and traditional yoga style dating back to 2000+ years and Doga is a new and nontraditional Yoga practice with dogs. Although different in approach, Kelly and Brenda realized their goals for creating a community and an awareness of well being for people and animals were very similar. Kelly and Brenda met as Yoga instructors at a popular Seattle Yoga studio, but it was their love of dogs and their involvement in the dog-rescue community that brought them together as friends and business partners. In addition to teaching, writing and running Westside Yoga and Doga, Brenda will continue her work with The Seattle Humane Society. Aside from running the Yoga and Doga studio, and being mom to a three year old, Kelly will continue her work as Washington State representative for Dogs Deserve Better, a nonprofit organization that rescues dogs off chains and passes legislation for the betterment of dogs continually chained. Westside Yoga and Doga will also advocate out of their studio with a rescued “Dog of the Week,” as well as fundraising and education for the betterment of our canine companions and their people. Westside Yoga and Doga will be open daily with a variety of classes, including Ashtanga Yoga with live music every Monday morning by classical Indian musician Brandan McIntosh on sarod, Doga classes, family yoga, prenatal, workshops and Barking Buddha Doga teacher training. Memberships include the “just people” classes and also the dog and people classes. All levels of Yogis and Dogis are welcome! Westside Yoga and Doga is online at westsideyogadoga.com; 206-501-4474.

We thank Westside Yoga and Doga for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

NOTE: Westside Yoga and Doga hosts a special benefit for Dogs Deserve Better this Friday night, 6-9 pm – see the flyer here.

Viaduct’s South Working Group gets a 5-year peek into the future

That’s the newest WSDOT video simulation taking you underground along the route of the “proposed bored tunnel.” Why do official documents – even the opening slate of the video – still call it “proposed”? That was one of the questions asked at Tuesday’s meeting of the South Portal Working Group, which meets periodically to receive and review new information about all the changes in the works for the transportation network feeding into this side of The Viaduct. Read on for the answer, as well as the toplines from the main focus of the meeting – how construction will be “staged” over the next five-plus years:Read More

West Seattle Wednesday: Schools; candidates; open mike; movie

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS QUESTION/ISSUE? Take it to School Board rep Steve Sundquist during his next community-conversation meeting, High Point Library at 11 am.

MEET YOUR CANDIDATES: So far, five people are in the running for the 34th District State House Position 2 seat that’ll be on the ballot this August/November. They’ve all been invited to a candidates’ forum that is part of the agenda for tonight’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting at Highland Park Improvement Club, 7 pm.

POEMS AND STORIES: Tonight’s the next Set Apart poetry & storytelling event at C & P Coffee, 7-9 pm. It’s free, all ages, with an open mike in addition to a featured reader. At another coffeehouse tonight:

FINE FILMS AT FRESHY’S: The movie series continues tonight with the film whose trailer you see above – Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rope,” screening at Freshy’s Coffee, 7 pm (see the Facebook event page here)

More! on the WSB Events calendar.

Walking on Logs: 1st step toward a better-maintained future

March 24, 2010 6:41 am
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Story and photos by Christopher Boffoli
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

A small but passionate group of West Seattle citizens met at the High Point Library Tuesday night to discuss ongoing issues with the maintenance and upkeep of what has become an icon at the gateway of West Seattle, the Walking on Logs sculptures.

The meeting was organized by Nancy Driver (2nd from right), who helped to orchestrate a community cleanup at (and beyond) the sculptures’ site two years ago. Driver is seeking to establish a plan for ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the site and to relieve the burden on 89-year-old Earl Cruzen (2nd from left), who has been a steward of the site and its sculptures since before their creation.

Read More

West Seattle schools: Talking Madison Spectrum, at Lafayette

March 24, 2010 12:40 am
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As of this fall, Madison Middle School no longer will be the only Seattle Public Schools middle school without the Spectrum program for academically gifted students. That’s of great interest to Spectrum-qualified West Seattle students, many of which attend nearby Lafayette Elementary, where a meeting was held Tuesday night to try to answer families’ questions. Photojournalist Matt Durham was there and says about 100 parents heard from West Seattle’s school board rep Steve Sundquist (above) as well as Madison principal Henterson Carlisle (below).

Also at the meeting, the man who runs the district’s Advanced Learning programs, Dr. Robert Vaughan (seated in the background). Matt reports that parents were reminded that if they are interested in having their children attend Madison’s Spectrum program this fall, they must file enrollment paperwork making that choice, even if the students are currently in Spectrum at Lafayette or elsewhere. (That’s explained at the bottom of this page.) P.S. If you have an education topic to take up with Steve Sundquist, his next community-chat gathering is this morning (Wednesday), 11 am, at High Point Library.

2 door-to-door alerts: “Matching funds,” black trenchcoats

Two door-to-door alerts tonight – again, soliciting is not against the law and those who are reported may be perfectly legit, but those reporting the sightings wanted to be on the safe side and share the info – read on:Read More

West Seattle professor Richard Curtis to launch U.S. Senate run

Noontime tomorrow at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, West Seattle-residing philosophy professor Dr. Richard Curtis meets the media to launch his run for U.S. Senate – the latest local resident jumping into a political bid this year. But he says it’s not politics as usual – he’s running against incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Patty Murray as an independent, and since it’s our state’s first U.S. Senate race under the “Top Two” primary system, his news release notes, “Everything about elections has changed. There is no ‘spoiler’ issue as this will be a head-to-head race about ideas. The two major parties will not be able to drag out their tired, old ‘lesser evil’ arguments. The people can freely vote their values knowing that the top two vote-getters will go on to the general election.” More on Dr. Curtis’s campaign after his news conference tomorrow. (Thanks to Michael for the tip.) ADDED EARLY THURSDAY: At Youngstown, we asked the candidate about the major difference(s) between him and incumbent Sen. Murray:

Full house for Fauntleroy Community Association’s Food Fest

More than 100 people ate, drank, talked and celebrated their neighborhood tonight at the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual meeting, aka Food Fest. There was a bit of business:

That’s Bruce Butterfield, who in addition to announcing raffle prizes, was re-elected as FCA president; other FCA officers were re-elected too. And he gave a quick shoutout to some of the neighborhood successes – leading a cheer for the recent completion of the purchase deal for Fauntleroy Community Services Association to own and operate the building that’s home to The Hall, the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (WSB coverage here). That’s good news for many, including Tuxedoes and Tennis Shoes Catering, which runs The Hall:

Tuxedoes and Tennis Shoes was one of the food providers tonight – others included The Original Bakery, The Kenney, Endolyne Joe’s, Bird on a Wire Espresso, and Giannoni’s Pizza. And inbetween bites, attendees got a chance to get informed, too,

Judy Pickens, whose volunteer work includes a lot of love and care for Fauntleroy Creek and its watershed, was offering information to help keep local water clean – simple action you can take like stenciling drains to raise awareness of their connection to open waters. And other local organizations were on hand, like the Morgan Community Association, whose past president Steve Sindiong is behind Judy in the photo above, and all the way from The Junction, ArtsWest (WSB sponsor):

Alan Harrison, who presided over a gala night last week unveiling next season’s lineup (WSB coverage here), says season-ticket sales are going well – you can get yours here. But the main point of the Fauntleroy event was to renew memberships and add new ones; if you live in the Fauntleroy area but couldn’t be there to sign up or renew, there’s info online. And as Butterfield reminded the crowd, everyone’s welcome to FCA board meetings, second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm, at The Hall.

South Park Bridge update: “Pressure solves problems”

We’re at the South Portal Working Group meeting looking at what’s ahead for the Alaskan Way Viaduct – an ongoing process – and one group member, Marty Oppenheimer from South Park, brought up the issue of the South Park Bridge‘s impending June 30th closure. For those following the issue – of interest to many in south West Seattle and White Center, too – there were a few interesting replies from various city, state and port reps who are here. Ron Paananen from WSDOT noted the situation is “starting to get the attention of people in Olympia.” Ron Judd, also from WSDOT, said Transportation Secretary Paula Hammond asked him to “sit down with various folks to see if there’s a way in which we could provide some sort of assistance or help in solving this problem” – especially regarding putting together a “competitive” package to seek money for the bridge project. He added, “Pressure solves problems – and pressure is beginning to build.” Mike Merritt from the Port said, “We’re all engaged – we need to find a path that the project hasn’t had in the past.” He noted there’s a “big meeting” regarding the South Park Bridge situation tomorrow with multiple agencies/jurisdictions involved; we’re checking to find out more about that. Meantime, we’ll have a full report later on the main subject of this working-group meeting: What it’ll be like as Viaduct/South End construction is staged over the next five years – what closes when, who detours where and when, what’s getting built when, etc. Lots and lots of changes, twists and turns – we’ll try to help you make some sense of it.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Dentist’s sign destroyed by vandal(s)

We’ve had a couple reports of vandalism in Crime Watch the past few days (see the WSCW page for links) – and another one this morning. We took the photos above after Dr. Bill Raleigh (WSB sponsor) e-mailed us to report, “We are sad to say the handcrafted sign out in front of our office was destroyed over the weekend. Being right on the corner of California and Genesee [map] and in a well-lit area didn’t help – the vandals broke the sign in half, leaving pieces strewn over our grass.”

State announces hours for new West Seattle liquor store

The state Liquor Control Board just sent out a news release to announce what Westwood Village management had revealed last week – the new liquor store on the northeast side of the center opens this Friday. But there’s also some new info – its operating hours: 11 am-7 pm Mondays-Thursdays, 10 am-8 pm Fridays and Saturdays. (No Sundays, for those who asked.) This replaces the Morgan Junction liquor store that closed a year and a half ago.

New at North Delridge’s Nucor plant: Stars and Stripes in steel

Maybe you’ve noticed this while driving The Bridge back to West Seattle? Scott C tipped us to it the other day – and now, we have a photo from West Seattle Nucor plant engineer Craig Anderson, showing what he explains is “the new 10′ x 20′ American Flag we installed on the East End of our bag house that is visible from the westbound lanes of the West Seattle Bridge. The flag is one way we support our troops with American Pride. The flag was designed and fabricated out of 100% recycled steel by Nucor and is illuminated at night so it is visible for all to enjoy.”

Former West Seattle soccer coach sought on molesting charges

Our partners at the Seattle Times just broke this story: Police are looking for a man who coached a West Seattle youth-soccer team until last November, now that he has been charged with child molesting and other crimes. 38-year-old Francisco “Javier” Valdivia-Enriquez, who coached Deportivio Moctezuma, is accused of molesting nine teenage boys, according to the Times. He reportedly has not been seen since late November and is believed to be out of the country. More when we get the charging documents. ADDED 12:37 PM: We have received and read the paperwork – read on for a summary:Read More

West Seattle sea scene: USS Nimitz, heading back out

Thanks to the person who called a little while earlier to say the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) was heading back out of Puget Sound, visible from West Seattle shores. We sent quick word via Twitter and Facebook and rushed down in hopes of a photo – it was too far away when we arrived, but Kyle Braget got the image you see above. After a short visit, Nimitz is heading back south to its current homeport, San Diego (with crew members’ families on board for a “Tiger Cruise”), but will be back here for a longer stay starting in December, when the nuclear-powered carrier returns to Bremerton for maintenance. ADDED 11:16 AM: Two photos from Gary Jones – the second one, explained as being among those watching the Nimitz leave!

ADDED 1:11 PM: Christopher Boffoli shot a bit of video – with a beautiful cloud formation in the frame toward the end:

Reporting line-cutters, & other Washington State Ferries changes

(Fauntleroy ferry dock, photographed last week)
Two notes in an announcement from Washington State Ferries – first, this Sunday marks the start of the spring schedule, which means Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth is back to three boats; second, on that same day, WSF joins the State Patrol’s tipline service, so you can report line-cutters by calling a special hotline. Read on for the official news release with details of both:Read More

West Seattle Tuesday: The look ahead at what’s going on

March 23, 2010 7:16 am
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(1st of 2 photos from David Hutchinson – know what this is? See photo #2 at the end of this preview)
REMEMBERING MARK HEGGE: Services are at 11 am Our Lady of Guadalupe for well-known service-station owner Mark Hegge, who died last Thursday.

WEST SEATTLE ROTARY BRIEFED ON HAITI: At noon today at Salty’s on Alki, the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s luncheon program is about “Establishing Sustainable Prosthetic Services for Amputees in Haiti.” Winfried Danke, executive director of the Prosthetics Outreach Foundation, discusses the current situation in Haiti and plans for long-term solutions. The public is welcome; buffet lunch is $20 per person.

WALKING ON LOGS: 5:30 tonight at High Point Library is the meeting you’re asked to attend, to help figure out how the community can pitch in to help maintain the area around Walking on Logs on the southwest fork of The Bridge. More details in our original announcement.

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP MEETING/FOOD FEST: If you live in Fauntleroy, come be part of your community association – renew your membership, or join now. The Fauntleroy Food Fest and FCA Annual Meeting starts at 6 PM at The Hall at Fauntleroy.

“CLIMB FOR A CURE” FUNDRAISER: 6-9 pm at Talarico’s , David Town‘s fundraiser for a Mount Rainier climb to fight breast cancer. Tons of auction items donated locally – details in this WSB Forums post

TEEN TRIP: Tonight at 7 at the West Seattle High School library, an informational meeting for this summer’s trip to Japan through the YMCA Teen Leadership Institute. Local teens in grades 8-12 can apply; full details in the WSB Events calendar.

LATEST ON THE VIADUCT (AND RELATED PROJECTS): The next meeting of the Alaskan Way Viaduct South Portal Working Group is 4-5:30 pm today at the Puget Sound Regional Council Board Room in Pioneer Square, 1011 Western.

NEED CENSUS FORM HELP? Special Census 2010 information sessions, open to the community, continue today at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) – full details here.

(Photo #2 from David Hutchinson – starfish near Alki Point during Monday low tide)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car vandals; double theft; phone grab

2 short Crime Watch reports to share tonight – one just in from Anne-Marie, reporting car vandalism not far from the car-egging report published here earlier:

We had vandalism done to our car tonight. 39th and Thistle [map]. I saw two young teens in baseball caps run after kicking the side mirror off the car. Police have been called.

And from Joseph:

My son’s Huffy Mongoose kid’s bike (orange/gold) and silver Razor scooter with red handlebars/trim was stolen today from our carport that faces the alley behind the West Seattle Baptist church, right off California and Genesee [map]. It happened between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. Wanted folks to know.

ADDED 1:21 AM: One more Crime Watch report – a phone grab at a West Seattle bus stop – read on:Read More

White Center (etc.) annexation: Now, no one’s in a rush

March 22, 2010 10:54 pm
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Two weeks ago, the Burien City Council started the process of considering a resolution to officially indicate interest in moving ahead with annexing northern North Highline – including White Center – once it had “successfully incorporated” southern North Highline (which becomes part of Burien next week). At the time, Seattle was looking at a vote in White Center (etc.) this November. Then suddenly last Friday, it was announced that Mayor McGinn no longer wanted to move that fast, since the budget picture wasn’t looking too good – maybe a November 2011 vote. And so tonight, Burien councilmembers decided to cancel their resolution, during a meeting that at one point was standing- and window-sill-sitting (photo right) room only. Here’s our first report on partner site White Center Now. What now? Depends on who decides to make the next move first.

Update: Multiple-car crash on the West Seattle Bridge high-rise

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
9:21 PM: Thanks to those who’ve called/texted about this: The “medic response” on the 911 log for the westbound West Seattle Bridge, at the highrise, is reported to be a multiple-vehicle crash. No other details so far. 9:28 PM: Via Twitter, one person stuck in the backup, @bppalmer, says two westbound lanes are blocked. Also, WSB’er JoB relayed via JanS that it’s on the right side “just past the top before the Delridge exit” – at least one car appeared to have serious damage. 10:04 PM: Added photo; things should be clearing up – the fire presence at the scene has ended, according to the 911 log. No info at this point regarding injuries or cause. P.S. Here’s Christopher’s short video view – in the absence of working city traffic cameras – from the same vantage point as the photo above:

From the WSB Forums: “Bee” on the lookout


(June 2008 Riverview-area photo by Christine – click to see larger version)
We’ve had a few reports in recent years of bee swarms (particularly the summer of 2008), followed by frantic searches for information on who, if anyone, to notify. This year, the experts have reached out first – with this note in the WSB Forums today. Beekeeper Brad Jones writes that if you find a honeybee swarm – he and other local beekeepers (including Sustainable West Seattle president Brian Allen) will help find it a home. Their contact info is in the Forums post – worth bookmarking!