White Center (etc.) annexation: Now, no one’s in a rush

March 22, 2010 10:54 pm
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Two weeks ago, the Burien City Council started the process of considering a resolution to officially indicate interest in moving ahead with annexing northern North Highline – including White Center – once it had “successfully incorporated” southern North Highline (which becomes part of Burien next week). At the time, Seattle was looking at a vote in White Center (etc.) this November. Then suddenly last Friday, it was announced that Mayor McGinn no longer wanted to move that fast, since the budget picture wasn’t looking too good – maybe a November 2011 vote. And so tonight, Burien councilmembers decided to cancel their resolution, during a meeting that at one point was standing- and window-sill-sitting (photo right) room only. Here’s our first report on partner site White Center Now. What now? Depends on who decides to make the next move first.

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