West Seattle development: Harbor Ave. project no longer stalled

(WSB photo by Tracy Record)
It’s nowhere near the scale of “The Hole,” but this once-stalled West Seattle development project now has new ownership and has finally been completed. It’s “Harbor Work Live,” designed by Junction-based Nicholson Kovalchick Architects, built in the 2400 block of Harbor Avenue SW (between Salty’s and 7-11). The permits were granted back in 2006; exteriors appeared mostly complete when the project suddenly idled a ways back; there they sat, obviously missing some final touches, for many months. Now they’ve been purchased and completed, and instead of being sold, they’re available for lease, and immediate occupancy, according to the agent representing them, Jacob Menashe. We met him at the site for a quick tour. On the corner (Harbor/Fauntleroy) is a space where he says they’re hoping to attract a small café that might appeal not only to nearby residents but also to pedestrians on the Harbor/Alki trail:

(Next two photos courtesy Jacob Menashe)
That space, Menashe says, could either be leased just for the ground-level retail – or with the living space above. (The units in the back not-street-front row are four stories, and almost 2,000 square feet.) Depending on whether they are leased separately or as live-work, there’s up to 19 units on the property, all with garages and decks, and an industrial-modern interior:

Views, too. There’s more info on individual units – including prices and photos – on the project’s website.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Burn ban for King County

The dry, clear weather is great for views, but also has led to this: A “Stage 1” burn ban takes effect at 4 pm today for all of King County (among other parts of the metro area) – that means your fireplace/woodstove, too. Read on for full details from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency:Read More

MLK Weekend of Service: West Seattle volunteer opportunity

January 11, 2012 10:53 am
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As usually happens this time of year, we’ve received e-mail asking about volunteer opportunities in West Seattle for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day – which is celebrated next Monday. So far, we have heard from the Nature Consortium, which is hosting “a Weekend of Service,” with events in the West Duwamish Greenbelt on Saturday and Monday. Mouse over those days on the calendar on this page of the NC’s site to get full details. Anyone else looking for volunteers for MLK Day – either Monday, or the preceding weekend? Please let us know and we’ll add the info here! (And if you doing something impromptu like these local kids did last year, let us know about that too!)

Walking tour today, DESC project group meeting ahead, more: North Delridge Neighborhood Council notes

January 11, 2012 9:57 am
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By Karen Berge
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The Downtown Emergency Service Center‘s (DESC) Delridge Supportive Housing project was the major discussion topic at the North Delridge Neighborhood Council (NDNC) January monthly meeting on Monday evening.

This first meeting of the new year, held at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, kicked off with brief introductions and reflections on New Year’s resolutions from the 15 neighborhood attendees. After that, meeting business quickly got underway. The very full agenda also included a proposal for a new committee on Community Design and Land Use; details about today’s North Delridge Walking Tour with City Council and SDOT representatives; information about potential Bridging the Gap grant projects; discussion of the recent request to the city regarding an update to the Delridge Neighborhood Plan; and other items and announcements.

First, since it’s about an event happening today:

Jake Vanderplas, NDNC Transportation Committee chair, briefed the group on
details about the North Delridge walking tour set for 3-4:30 pm today (meet outside the Delridge Community Center). Tour participants will include City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, representative(s) from SDOT, members of NDNC, and any other interested Delridge neighbors or others who wish to attend. Issues include large and small items relating to bike, pedestrian, transit or driving safety (for example, a Walk-signal button that doesn’t activate the signal light when pressed). If you know of additional issues or sites that should be addressed/visited on the tour, they suggest that you post a comment on their site. A new pedestrian issue that was brought up during this meeting is an asphalt sidewalk with a mailbox positioned inconveniently in the very center of the walkway.

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West Seattle Wednesday: Business, politics, ‘green resolutions’…

January 11, 2012 8:39 am
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We hear traffic is worse than usual again today. Certainly the sunrise would have been some distraction an hour ago; no other obvious causes, but we’re still monitoring. Thanks to Brian for sharing the photo via Twitter. As for the day/night ahead – from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BRIDGE CLOSURE SCHEDULED: Fauntleroy Expressway overnight closures

AT THE LIBRARIES: Seattle Public Library story times – here’s the citywide list, including what’s happening in West Seattle today.

GOT A LITTLE ONE? Baby Peppers class starts up! 10:30 am at Bright Horizons in The Triangle. Details here.

ANNUAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING: West Seattle Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, 11:30 am, Neighborhood House‘s Neighborhood Center in High Point (details here). If you haven’t already RSVP’d, contact the Chamber ASAP to see if there’s still room.

WALKING TOUR TO TALK ABOUT TRANSPORTATION ISSUES IN NORTH DELRIDGE: Take a North Delridge walking tour with city reps, 3 pm; meet outside Delridge Community Center, more info here

LIVE MUSIC AT AVALON: Pourquoi Pas plays tonight, 6:30, at Avalon (which is celebrating its first anniversary this month).

GO GREEN IN THE NEW YEAR: West Seattle CoolMom meets: We’ll be discussing our New Year’s resolutions for greening our lives and lowering our carbon footprints. Bring your stories and ideas. We’d love to hear what you did in 2011, how you did it, and what you’re looking forward to in 2012. 7:00 – 8:30 pm at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor, 5612 California SW).

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: 34th District Democrats meet, The Hall at Fauntleroy, 7 pm. Here’s the latest agenda information.

West Seattle garage fire ‘tapped’ on 31st SW

If you’re in or near Arbor Heights and wondered about the sirens – Seattle Fire sent a big response to what was reported as a garage fire on 31st near 97th (map), but canceled most of the units within minutes, declaring the fire “tapped.”

‘Toys and food’: West Seattle photographer Christopher Boffoli opens exhibition

Story and event photos by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

“Toys and food — everybody gets that,” says longtime WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli of his photographic series featuring food and tiny human figurines. It’s making a splash worldwide and here at home, as an exhibition titled “Big Appetites” opened at a downtown gallery.

Christopher’s show at Winston Wachter Fine Art began with an artist reception last night. Inspired by media depictions of tiny people, from “Gulliver’s Travels” to “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,” he’s been playing with the imagery concept for the past few years, but it’s only in the past few months that their popularity has “exploded” — especially internationally, since a first wave of European interest last spring.

“The ‘tiny things’ fascination crosses cultures,” says Christopher. “There’s a God-like feeling that comes from playing with small toys. The size disparity draws people into a different world.” Christopher’s photos will soon be showing in galleries in London, Brazil, and Monaco.

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Neighbor thwarts theft

Out of the WSB inbox, from Mary, who tried a simple tactic to stop would-be thieves:

About 2:00 (Tuesday afternoon) I heard a vehicle stop in the alley next to my home, (in the Westwood neighborhood) and looked out to see 2 men taking something heavy from my neighbors’ yard and loading it into their pickup truck. Just as I got outside and to the alley, they were driving off, but stopped when I spoke to them. I asked if they had permission to take “that thing.”

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‘Fact-finding, conversation stage’: Family Promise, post-closure

Story and photos by Katie Meyer
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

A continuing passion for helping homeless families drew more than 30 attendees to an “exploratory, fact-finding” meeting Monday night at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) by members of the board of Family Promise of Seattle, the shelter program that recently closed.

Representatives from a wide network of churches and non-profit groups, many of whom had worked with Family Promise, shared their questions, concerns, ideas and enthusiasm. People representing Alki UCC, Admiral UCC, Fauntleroy UCC, Hope Lutheran, Operation Nightwatch, Union Gospel Mission, Church of Mary Magdalene, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Catholic Community Services, and two Queen Anne churches (among others) were among others at the meeting interested in listening and speaking with the FP board members about possible solutions and synergies to provide services to more homeless families in the future.

The rate of families becoming homeless continues to rise. Mary’s Place, a downtown day shelter that provides services for homeless women and children, has seen a staggering 300% increase in families coming through their door in 2011. A speaker from Hope Lutheran stated they “would like to continue helping in the format we have been helping in. 100 families were helped in West Seattle at Christmas; 1 in 5 of those families were homeless. We had families who were in a tent city, others were living in their cars. I hope we can continue to be helping keep families intact.”

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A West Seattle lost/found story with a happy – and honest! – ending

What would you do if you found cash just lying out in the open, absolutely no hint as to who had lost (or left) it there?

Times are tough. You can imagine that many might at least fleetingly consider keeping it.

But a WSB reader we’ll call Texasgirl – her Forums handle – decided to find the owner of the cash she and her boyfriend discovered. She e-mailed us:

My boyfriend & I were out walking (Sunday) afternoon at about 1 PM, and we found quite a bit of cash laying on the sidewalk on Admiral, on the bridge over Fairmount Avenue … It’s enough money that we’re sure the rightful owner is missing it. These are tough times for many out there, and we know this could be someone’s grocery money or rent money. If someone can identify the amount and denominations, we’d like to arrange to return the money to them. If the rightful owner isn’t located, we’re planning to donate the cash to a worthwhile charity.

We e-mailed back to suggest they contact police, and post in the WSB Forums, where lost/found notices are welcome (aside from pets, which have their own page). So they did. And it worked.Read More

Lowman Beach sewer-overflow project: Design meeting Thursday

January 10, 2012 6:18 pm
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King County Wastewater Treatment Division has announced the next meeting of the Design Advisory Group for the Murray Pump Station Combined Sewer Overflow project: This Thursday, 6:30 pm, Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW). Their summary:

The public is welcome to attend. The group will review initial architectural concepts and the project team will discuss how the design concept reflects the community’s input. The project team is seeking the DAG’s initial input now so that it can be incorporated into any larger revision efforts that will also take into account interior design work while also reflecting feedback from WTD’s Operations staff and SDOT.

The planned overflow-control project involves razing the residential properties on the east side of Beach Drive across from Lowman Beach Park – once the county owns them all – and building a million-gallon underground storage tank. As laid out in the newest timeline document, demolition on the site is planned later this year, with construction starting next year.

West Seattle Weather Watch: New forecast mentions snow

This morning’s snow shower – of which we have video proof! – was not forecast. But the brand-new forecast just out continues to strongly suggest we might see some by weekend’s end. This forecast mentions possible “rain and snow showers” for Sunday as well as Monday (King Day, which means no school, among other things).

Fauntleroy/Alaska ex-76 station just got something new: A fence

The fate of the ex-76 station at Fauntleroy/Alaska has entered a new phase: A fence went up this afternoon, with a “No Trespassing” sign and a note directing anyone interested to contact a California company for information. You might recall that the station was being converted from a 76 station to an Arco station about a year ago, and then abruptly shut down. Back in August, after notes from neighbors upset that the site was continually being trashed in ways big and small, we reported that it had been cleaned up – and that its owner told WSB he didn’t expect to reopen it, and thought it would soon be “taken over by a bank.” (Here’s that story.) We can’t find any evidence of that in public records, but we have a message out to the company whose number is on the sign on the new fence. This gas-station site, incidentally, is part of what the City Council just rezoned to 85-foot-maximum-height development (20 feet higher than before).

Meantime, you might have noticed the land-use sign up on the kitty-corner Shell station; it was briefly up for sale last year, but is now in the process of getting approvals for underground tank replacement.

Update: USS Ronald Reagan, as seen from West Seattle

We mentioned this morning that the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was headed for Bremerton – and lots of folks subsequently watched as it headed past West Seattle shores in the past hour and a half or so. Bob A shares the above photo, taken from North Admiral, and also looked up its stats:

1,002.9 Feet Long
134.1 Feet Wide
Draft: 40.9 Feet Deep
Gross Tons: 109598
Net Tons: 55350
Built: 2003

The Kitsap Sun reports it’ll be at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for a year of maintenance and that its homeport has been “administratively” changed to Bremerton for that duration, so that the families of its 2,500 crew members can join them here. (We’re expecting to add another photo or two later.)

ADDED 6:40 PM: Here, actually, are three photos. First two are by Greg (thank you!) – including the view that a commenter described earlier, wondering about the cars on deck; third, with the ferry, is by WSB’s Patrick Sand.

The Kitsap Sun has an updated story on the carrier’s arrival, and photos from that side of the Sound, here.

Fire followup: How to help Teri, the cats, and Furry Faces

(Monday photo by Christopher Boffoli)
So many people have offered to help in the wake of yesterday’s fire (WSB coverage here) at the West Seattle home of Furry Faces Foundation‘s Teri Ensley, there’s now a coordinated list of what she, the group, and the cats (one died because of the fire) need. Thanks to Sara Riehl from AARF, another local animal-advocacy group that works closely with F3, for compiling it. We’ll link this in our BIG STORIES list on the sidebar so you can find it again later, and will add any changes in the days ahead:

(ADDED TUESDAY NIGHT) PayPal donations for emergency-relief fund: furryfaces.org/donations

(BACK TO ORIGINAL TUESDAY MORNING LIST) This weekend Kitty Harbor is hosting an adoption event for 60 cats. This event will be benefiting Teri and Furry Faces Foundation. They have 20 kittens, 20 teenagers and 20 adult cats up for adoption. It runs from 12-6 pm Saturday, and Sunday the 14th and 15th.

We will also keep you posted but are trying to put together a fundraiser for Teri and Furry Faces Foundation sometime this week at the Feedback Lounge.

Local businesses accepting donations:

Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW)
Muttley Crew Cuts (4200 SW Admiral Way)
Kitty Harbor (3422 Harbor Avenue SW)


Costco Gift Cards – She purchases most of her clothes there.
Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans Size 8
Calvin Klein Jeans/Pants Size 8
Her work is Business Casual, and she wears size 8 pants, medium top. She wears a size 7 ½ to 8 shoe, she loves flip flops and has most likely lost her favorite pair of red cowboy boots in the fire. She shops at PCC and Thriftway grocery store, she currently has Mac and Cheese and Stew from the Feedback Lounge but does not have any other food (she does have pots, pans and plates where she is staying)


Dog houses, dog igloos, cat/dog beds

Canned cat food- I know people asked for specific kinds so see the list below:

· Anything that Pet Elements sells
· She has a diabetic cat who can only eat wet food that is high in protein
· Her cats like: Turkey, Chicken, and Beef flavors
· Wellness
· Natures Variety
· By Nature
· Nutra source
· Taste of the Wild
She does not currently need any more cat litter; she had amazing donations come in already

· Cat trees
· Cat collars
· Cat leashes
· Dog collars
· Cat food
· Dog food
· Cat beds
· Cat toys
· Dog toys

As she has written in comments, Sara reiterates that Teri is thankful for the outpouring of support and has been heartened to read the words of encouragement both here and in direct e-mail: “She is blown away by the amount of support she has had, and is so grateful to live in such a wonderful place.”

West Seattle Tuesday: Music; community groups; anniversary…

(Photo from longtime WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli‘s exhibition, opening tonight, see below)
Now that the brief flurry of weather excitement is past – by the way, we’re still trying to figure out what’s causing traffic tieups for some who report it’s been a nightmare to get to the bridge, particularly from Avalon and Admiral – today/tonight’s notes from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

SCHOOL TOUR: As previewed yesterday, school tours this morning till 10 at West Seattle High School (our preview also lists tours at other local high school as well as their upcoming open house/information nights).

LIBRARY STORY TIMES: From the Seattle Public Library Calendar of Events: Toddler story time at the West Seattle Library, 10:30 am; baby story time at the Southwest Library, 11:30 am; family story time at the Delridge Library, 7 pm.

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY ORCHESTRAS: The new year begins for West Seattle Community Orchestras, with some changes – all detailed here for returning AND new musicians; rehearsals at Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle).

ALKI ELEMENTARY PTA: Meeting starts with treats at 6:15 pm.

INTRODUCTION TO BEERMAKING: Class tonight at the West Seattle Tool Library, 7 pm. Sign up – and find out more – here.

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Regular monthly meeting for ANA, 7 pm, Admiral Congregational Church. See the agenda here.

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Regular meeting for FCA. 7 PM at the schoolhouse (9131 California Avenue SW).

LOCOL’S FIRST ANNIVERSARY PARTY: 7 pm tonight, as previewed here, the neighborhood eating-and-drinking spot celebrates the first anniversary of its official opening.

CHRISTOPHER BOFFOLI’S PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION OPENS: We mentioned this in our story featuring longtime WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli‘s “2011 in review” slideshow – the photographs that are currently gaining him worldwide acclaim are going on display starting today and continuing through February 23 at Winston Wächter Fine Art (203 Dexter Ave. N. downtown), with a reception 6-8 pm tonight.

West Seattle Weather Watch: And now we’re seeing snow

(Short video clip, added 8:27 am)
We reported the other night that this was a possibility this weekend – but suddenly this morning, there’s snow out there. National Weather Service has a “short-term forecast alert” but it doesn’t include the s-word as of last check. (The current forecast for the day says “mostly sunny”!)

Aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan to pass West Seattle today

Just heard this mentioned on KING 5, and the Kitsap Sun has details – the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) is on the way to Bremerton for maintenance, and should be visible off West Seattle shores in the 10 am vicinity.

Help celebrate their 1st anniversaries: Löcöl and Avalon

Two West Seattle eating/drinking spots are marking their 1st anniversaries, and both have special events this week:

(Photo courtesy Löcöl)
LOCOL: 7 pm tomorrow (Tuesday, January 10), the cozy neighborhood spot at 7902 35th SW is throwing a party exactly one year after opening night. Proprietor Kyle Duce‘s announcement says, “Wow, it’s been an amazing year of fantastic people, friends, neighbors, wine, beer, food and support! Thank You All!! Hope to see you tomorrow night. We will be handing out Free Cupcakes from our friends @ Stuffed Cakes and will also have Happy Hour Drink Specials all night long!”

AVALON: 6:30 pm Wednesday, Pourquoi Pas will play live at the 2940 Avalon Way SW restaurant/bar, co-owner Mary Palmer tells WSB. Last Tuesday marked one year since Avalon’s official opening. (If you can’t wait till then, tomorrow is another edition of Avalon’s “Tapas Tuesday.”)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Another hit-and-run case

Another case today of bad things happening to good people … seems the latest parked car to be hit-and-run in West Seattle belongs to Jim Winder of Helmstetler Family Christmas Spectacular light-show fame. Jim lives in the 3400 block of 37th SW (map) and says someone smashed into his truck and took off:

I did not notice it was hit when I got home at around 4:30 (though it could have been damaged then) as I ride my Harley to work.

My son did say he heard a big bang around 3:40…also neighbor said he did not notice it when he got home… so could have happened between 3:30 and 5:30… though I was home and did not hear anything… so if anyone notices any new damage to the passenger side bumper of any cars in the area….

Video: New president, new home page for Seattle City Council

January 9, 2012 4:56 pm
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As shown in that video clip from the Seattle Channel, five Seattle City Councilmembers who were just re-elected in November took their oaths of office this afternoon, and right afterward, one of them – Sally Clark – was elected Council President. The other four include West Seattle-residing Councilmember Tom Rasmussen. Along with choosing a new president, councilmembers finalized who’s in charge of which committees this year. Just in case you want to keep track of who to contact on which topic, here’s the list; among the topics most often discussed here, Rasmussen continues to chair the Transportation Committee, Sally Bagshaw chairs what is now the Parks and Neighborhoods Committee, while Councilmember Richard Conlin is now in charge of development/zoning issues among other things as chair of the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee.

Meantime, with the leadership change, the council also made some changes to its home page – check ’em out here.

West Seattle schools: Tours & open houses at high schools

Though the 2011-2012 school year isn’t even half over, thousands of West Seattle families are looking ahead to next school year – so we’re gathering information about open houses and tours. Here’s open house/tour info for the three biggest high schools in West Seattle:

Open house:
5:45-8 pm January 26th (flyer here)
Tours: 10-11:30 am January 20th for Madison/Pathfinder students, 10-11:30 am February 7th for private/other middle school students; TBD for Denny students

Open house: 6:30-8 pm January 31st

Tours: 8:30-10 am tomorrow (January 10th) and February 9th
Information Night: 6:30-8 pm February 16th

Best ways to prevent crime? Councilmember’s ‘policy essay’

When the Seattle City Council meets at 2 this afternoon, there will be changes, including committee chairs. Councilmember Tim Burgess, a former police officer, will no longer be chairing the Public Safety Committee (Bruce Harrell will). As Burgess leaves that role, he has published a 14-page “policy essay” with his thoughts on preventing crime. He introduces it on his website here. As he notes – and as is obvious in neighborhood-crime coverage – violent crime is not Seattle’s biggest problem, but rather what Burgess calls “persistent and extremely corrosive street crime and disorder.” His recommendations include focusing on the so-called “hot spots” where a disproportionate amount of crime happens, frequent offenders who are responsible for more than their share, and “problem-oriented policing,” proactive as well as reactive. The essay is linked from his website, or you can go directly to it here.