the issues that count…

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    I got this clip in my afternoon mail and had to share it…

    my favorite line..

    when you have nothing to say you talk about the other guy.

    republicans keep talking trash.. it just tickles me.




    Loved this link, thanks.

    “The silence was deafening on jobs, healthcare, the middle class”



    more deafening was the silence on good government…

    “WASHINGTON, D.C. – Who would have thought the sleepy Interior Department, with the dull task of managing federal land, would produce an office with the culture of an out-of-control frat house?”




    Now that explains “Dril baby Drill” :)




    don’t forget the local/state issues. we’ll be writing a lot more about those in the weeks to come … at the 34th dd’s meeting tonight and they have just been pitched on an initiative i hadn’t even heard of:

    I’m going to be looking to see what ELSE I hadn’t even heard of … kind of embarrassed.

    We’ll do our best to post more soon about the local/state issues, which don’t seem to be getting aired much anywhere else, even the city papers.




    Thanks for the link TR.

    I had a union representative at my door yesterday, nice fella,

    give me some info on this particular initiative.



    the list of all ballot initiatives state and local (including a few king co. municipalities outside seattle, obviously you can ignore those)

    Death with dignity is one you probably haven’t heard a lot about yet (statewide). One of its supporters also is pitching the 34th DDs for support tonight.

    I’m honestly going to try to find the 34th GOPs because their meeting would be interesting too. BUt in the meantime, any of you who are D’s, these are very energetic meetings, as lively as Commonwealth parliaments, with lots of “point of order!” shouting etc. Hall of Fauntleroy, second Wednesday of the month. I believe Oct. 8 is the next one.


    recap to come, the meeting’s still under way

    *edit, 34th GOP meets third tues of each month says this



    Thanks TR..

    i am looking forward to learning more about local issues.



    McCain Rediscovers His Appreciation For Public Service

    “Indeed, McCain wanted to present himself as an entirely different person from the senator we’ve seen over the last couple of years. The national service bill McCain championed seven years ago, but recently blew off? Wouldn’t you know it, he supports it again. The community organizers his convention trashed last week? Wouldn’t you know it, now McCain loves community organizers.

    Given this, McCain’s remarks came across as hollow. He rediscovered the issue of national service, but apparently only because he’d accepted an invitation to appear at a forum on national service. There’s still no indication that McCain is prepared to back up his new-found interest with policy specifics or political capital.”



    Some on here may see this as desperate and cynical, but I truly believe that if Obama continues to only talk about ‘the issues’ and doesn’t start playing hardball with McCain he will lose in Novemeber. He is already losing and seems dumbfounded as to how to respond to all the lies that are being spread about him on an almost daily basis. Assuming the American people will see through the lies and realize that ‘the issues’ are what’s important is extremely naive.

    I don’t know if it’s been said before on this blog and it might get me labeled as ‘elitist,’ but Democrats seem to severely underestimate the stupidity/ignorance of a large portion of Americans. The Republicans know this population exists and do a masterful job of playing them like pawns. It’s damn well time the Democrats got off their asses and got in the game.

    Obama is sexist!? How about showing a clip of McCain telling the ‘Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father’ joke. How about the time he joked that his wife should compete in a topless biker beauty pagaent. Or when he snapped as his wife, ‘At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cu*t.” There must be hundreds of clips of him insulting women.

    Self-satisfiedly calling him ‘McSame’ and saying ‘he voted with Bush 90% of the time’ simply is not going to cut it. Obama WILL LOSE if he doesn’t ‘stand up and fight’ to quote McCain. It’s time to get down and dirty. If Obama manages to actually lose this election it will be the biggest ‘snatching defeat from the jaws of victory’ stunt I’ve ever witnessed. And Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. We will have gotten what we deserve.



    moral indignation won’t win this election against republicans… only against other democrats.

    i am not sure playing truly nasty is the answer.. but i do agree that there needs to be a change in the direction of the campaign.

    McCain is doing to Obama what Obama did to Hillary.. co-opting his rhetoric. And Obama is responding the way Hillary did.

    I think he should learn a lesson from the primary and adopt a new strategy because this one isn’t working.



    September 26th cannot come fast enough….



    “Democrats must learn some respect.”

    Interesting take on this election and the Republican mindset.

    “Democrats regard their policies as self-evidently in the interests of the US working and middle classes. Yet those wide segments of US society keep helping to elect Republican presidents. How is one to account for this? Are those people idiots? Frankly, yes – or so many liberals are driven to conclude. Either that or bigots, clinging to guns, God and white supremacy; or else pathetic dupes, ever at the disposal of Republican strategists. If they only had the brains to vote in their interests, Democrats think, the party would never be out of power. But again and again, the Republicans tell their lies, and those stupid damned voters buy it.”



    I believe the Republicans just do a much better job of hiding their disrespect. They realize a certain portion of the population is politically naive and they have figured out the hot-button issues that they can use to control them. I guess realizing a portion of the population is ignorant and then using that power to control them could be seen as less disrespectful than realizing an ignorant poplution exists and then openly talking about why they just don’t ‘get it.’

    Republicans just have the game down better. Democrats seem to believe the game is irrelevant. That is where Democrats show THEIR ignorance.



    This is where I feel torn. Do I want to support a candidate who “plays games” in order to win? No, not really. But, obviously, the game must be played or we will end up with four more years of government malfeasance. Look where staying on task with the issues, having good ideas thoughtfully presented by an intelligent well educated candidate is getting us…48% of the vote.

    I need to take Eli Sanders from the SLOG’s advice:

    just kidding :)

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