9:36 AM: Thanks to Laurel at Ounces in North Delridge for the photo – that tree down along the Delridge entrance to the eastbound West Seattle Bridge is one of multiple trees brought down by this morning’s gusty winds. We’ve had a report from Admiral Way’s south hill, too. The National Weather Service has a Wind Advisory alert in effect for our area until 4 pm today, expecting “south winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.” No new West Seattle outages mapped by City Light so far but that last group of 146 from Thursday night’s outage is still without electricity. Scott sent this photo of crews working in the area:
If you experience or see weather-related trouble, please call or text our hotline, 206-293-6302 (once you’re sure the appropriate authorities know – if a tree or other debris is blocking a street or sidewalk, for example, SDOT’s after-hours number is 206-386-1218) – thank you!
9:49 AM: And now, a big power outage. Almost 7,000 customers; map screenshot added above. Thanks for the texts/tips. This time some signalized intersections such as 35th/Avalon and 35th/Fauntleroy are involved – remember dark signals = 4-way stops. Parts of Alki and Genesee that got hit in Thursday’s outage are out again, as is a stretch of Delridge, among other mapped spots that are out. We don’t know the epicenter of this one yet – let us know if you see City Light crews.
10:19 AM: If you look at the outage map, this seems to have spared the business districts, which have a variety of events today, but please let us know if you encounter any changes at any place on today’s (big) list. Meantime, while City Light’s map projects afternoon restoration, PLEASE REMEMBER that their estimates are just wild guesses at this point, COULD be much sooner, COULD be much later. Among other things, don’t open your fridge/freezer – what’s in it/them will last longer.
10:24 AM: And in fact, some are reporting their power is back. Avalon area, for starters. The map may not catch up for a bit. … Map now shows almost everyone restored from this outage (but not that 146-customer South Alki pocket from Thursday night).
10:33 AM: Thanks to everyone who’s sent rainbow photos, in the meantime – sightings from Alki to Fauntleroy. The one above this line is from John-Michael Bennett III. (Added) Below is a photo texted from Fauntleroy, where the ferries have been battling those south winds:
10:48 AM: Now the rain’s moved back in, at least here in Upper Fauntleroy. We’re also still hearing dispatches for various trouble spots – a tree down on 34th in Sunrise Heights, wires down on 51st in Brace Point.
11:56 AM: Though the power’s back, a reader says it’s left the Junction post office cash-only.
4:22 PM: Looking at City Light’s map, looks like the South Alki 146 finally got their power back sometime this afternoon, before hitting 48 unpowered hours.