sidewalk etiquette

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    Local sidewalks are NOT pedestrian versions of I-5. There is no fast lane and no laws of right-of-way. Anybody may use the sidewalk at their leisure.

    So to the guy who was running down the street with his big dog on a leash and yelled out from behind us “ON YOUR RIGHT” while we were pushing a 200 lb power washer, and then got angry and abusive when we somehow failed to yield the right-of-way to his jogging satisfaction…..

    Mellow out dude.

    It’s a sidewalk. Not a racetrack. Your speedy dog jogging does not take precedence over my power washer pushing.




    Transplantella – I feel your pain! Last year we had a very tall evergreen tree cut down in our front yard, everything was going great until these 2 self-righteous women one with a jogger stroller and the other with a traditional stroller were walking down the street and once in front of our house they were obviously angry that the tree cutting service truck had the nerve to block the sidewalk. They asked us to move the truck, and cutting/mulching machine just so they could complete their walk down the street. We couldn’t believe it! Couldn’t they hear the loud roaring of the cutting/mulching machine? See the tree service truck was parked half on the sidewalk and the other on our yard?

    Maybe they are related the the guy with the big dog.



    Too bad the power washer wasn’t hooked up and ready to go!



    To that, I can only say: WHARRGARBL.



    heh heh



    luckymom30, the difference between your story and transplantella’s is that you were, in fact, violating a law in allowing the truck to block a sidewalk. Imagine if that had been someone in a wheelchair; that person would have no choice but to wait for that truck to be moved or to backtrack and hope there’s an alternate route.

    My husband and I moved two weeks ago, and when we brought the moving truck back to our old place to begin loading, we found a car was parked in the loading zone (reserved specifically for moving, deliveries, etc.), so we tried backing the truck up to our building’s garage only to discover the truck would fully block the sidewalk if we did that. People could still walk around the truck by utilizing part of the bike lane, then come right back onto the sidewalk, but I felt horribly guilty for the few minutes we had the truck there and decided we needed to move it, even if it inconvenienced us.

    That’s how sharing a public right-of-way works; we all need to use it in a reasonable and fair manner, not just do what’s most convenient for ourselves.

    (BTW, I’ve reported cars parked on sidewalks several times before. Yep, I’m *that* person.)



    I’m *that* person, too! The sidewalk is for everybody, not one lazy person’s car (although I have some tolerance for VERY temporary blockage when there’s clearly no other way to do it.)



    Yes, the tree service was blocking the sidewalk but no one else was walking by for hours, until these 2 women came by and the tree cutting was well under way. The tree cutter and mulching machine were in full service being used and could be heard well before they approached us and seeing a truck blocking the sidewalk and our front yard that would tell me geez I could tur around and walk around the block for more exercise and fresh air that won’t kill me or my baby. My god, it was beautiful day and they made such a big deal about it!



    I have also reported cars being left parked on the sidewalk.



    Two things:

    (1) A few years ago I stormed into a small church gathering on a Sunday in my neighborhood because a worshiper constantly parked over the sidewalk even after we had left notes, asked politely, etc…. because my father is in a wheelchair. So I loudly interrupted the gathering and said that the person was being unChristian in their attitude/behavior and they needed to move their car immediately. The congregation was stunned – but I don’t care. It worked and never happened again.

    (2) While we are talking about etiquette, I notice that in recent years no one speaks to anyone else when they pass on the sidewalk. I work outside around the City and I can’t tell you how many people won’t even look you in the eye, smile or acknowledge you. How sad! Where did common courtesy go?

    However, I find that if I smile and say hello first, most people will respond in kind. So try it – it’s not difficult and it just might make yours or someone else’s day.



    Yeah, sorry luckymom, you can’t decide when the law applies and when it doesn’t. And while many think of not parking over the sidewalk, we need to think “up” too. We used to have a blind man in the neighborhood and I watched him get clotheslined by some lumber that was sticking out of a pick-up that was fully parked in a driveway, but his cane didn’t pick up the hazard suspended out above the sidewalk. Probably didn’t even occur to the driver, not necessarily sure it would have to me, but I’ve never forgotten it since.



    A few years ago we were taking out our outdated rockery – got all sidewalk permits from city and had caution tape up plus “sidewalk closed” signs. While the backhoe was in the ditch, after hours, our neighbor from a block over thought the backhoe and ditch was a wonderful place for him and his two toddlers to play. When my husband and I told him the sidewalk was closed and to not walk/crawl/play there he got indignant – like it was his right! What an A**HOLE! And if he or his “precious” toddlers got hurt guess who would be sued! What’s up with some people??



    when we start thinking in terms of rights

    and not privileges

    it becomes much harder to share

    public spaces

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