Obama vs. McCain

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    Really was fantastic to see that we are now able to concentrate on the real issues Obama vs McSame. I am so glad to be so confident in a canidate! :)




    Now there’s a metric that the superdelegates can consider when deciding to vote for Obama or Clinton: who has the biggest lead in the national polls over McCain.

    If Hilary thinks she can, she should start doing that and stop trashing Obama. Maybe she could explain how she differs from McCain over Iran.



    if you can’t beat her.. dismiss her ;->

    apparently that strategy works for some..



    Why’s that, JoB? Don’t you think Hilary can get a bigger lead over McCain than Barack?

    Or is it that the only metrics she excels in are the ones she makes up herself.



    JoB did you not read everything posted in the Hot for Hillary forum? Obama has won the primary. It may not officially be announced yet, but her fake measurements are being completly laughed at. I personally am very thankful that Obama is starting to prepare for Novebmer because with all of the degrading his opponenet has done to him over the past few months he needs all the prepartion in the world.



    catlbob- the problem with that metric, is that polls are wildly inaccurate. It’s like a stock market poll, they are only right if they end up being right, and the other 8 that weren’t right are forgotten.

    In one state, like say North Carolina- for the primary now- you have “accredited” polls showing anywhere from +5 Obama to +23.5 Obama. That is an 18.5% difference, not even factoring in the margin of error of each of those polls of +-4, so really they are giving us a gauge of one state, and not having to look into the future, of anywhere between +1 and +27.5 for that particular race…

    To make the big decider a polls prediction of what public sentiment will be in 7 months, when they can’t even sort of predict what will happen next Tuesday, seems flawed.

    How about a couple of more useful metrics- who has run the most effecient campaign? Whose poll numbers go up when they campaign in a state, and whose leads shrink when they do the same? Who is a more effective communicator to undecided voters?

    Oh and the silly stuff, like who actually won that little election thing over the last 6 months…



    I had almost fogtotten about how important running an efficienet campaign is. Obama has surpassed all of my expectations during this entire Campaigan process!! He has not only set records with first time donars, dollar amounts in a single month, but also has done an amazing job of managing his campaing finances, being a leader and not having any times of mismanagment of his team, and last but not least going after the race that counts the delegate count.



    JoB- Hillary supporters like to bring up Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania as the great victories that should bring Hill the nomination.

    Hill’s own campaign predicted “you should see us regain the lead in pledged delegates after Texas and Ohio.”

    But instead, in all 3 states the Obama campaign significantly shrunk the margins, from 20+ point laughers to contested elections.

    My question to Clinton supporters- can you name 1 state where Hillary has done the same. Whether it be Wisconsin- 16 points, Virginia 28 points, Nebraska 36 points, Colorado 34 points, Georgia 32 points, Minnesota 32 points, Washington state 40 points… In none of these contests- most in battleground states did she have any success at making the race close. In fact, like in pretty much every state Obama’s campaign was more effective, and he expanded his lead in these states.

    So, in states that favor her, he is closing the margins and worst case losing by 9 or 10 points. In states that favor him, he is extending the margins and often winning by 30+ points. Why is that? What makes her campaign so ineffective at making races like Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado, Minnesota, Washington State close? There is no possible way a democrat can win the election without winning what 3 out of 5 of those states? Doesn’t by her campaigns logic, make her completely unelectable in the general?



    The Republican party has now stepped up and realized that Obama will be the canidate competing against McCain this fall. Infact, they are planning a $500,000 campaign against Obama and the Democratic party! Obama needs are support now more then ever.



    If the Repugs are planning a $500,000 campaign against Obama, he will not need your support! That is a ridiculously small amount of money which wouldn’t pay for one t.v. ad. Maybe 50 million?



    I figured the $500K was a way of dismissing him…this is all we have to spend to get rid of Obama. Given how much Clinton is spending, they may be right. I’m on their mailing list (opposition research, ya’ know?) and they didn’t even hit us up for money. :-)



    It saddens me that people will freak out at the polls and vote mccain. it will happen.



    k, it doesn’t have to happen. McCain is eminently beatable — that’s why it saddens me to have Obama criticized for campaigning *against* McCain. I would expect all of our candidates to be doing that at this point.

    BTW, apropos of nothing much, watch Michael Moore on Larry King Live tonight. He, too, looks very sad. He’s admired and loved Clinton in the past (even wrote a chapter about her in his first book) and wound up endorsing Obama. He continues to be disappointed.

    I suspect many of us feel that way and I also suspect the vast majority of Obama supporters will vote for Clinton if she gets the nomination. I suspect a larger number of Clinton supporters will vote for McCain if Obama is nominated and that makes me very angry.



    Why on earth would anyone think that McCain is eminently beatable? Have the dems not learned anything?

    Especially when you consider how Obama has been systematically destroyed (his own doing) by all the nutjobs he surrounds himself with? Ayers, Wright? For God sakes, the dems should have had this win hands down, now I can’t see how a dem could win.

    Hillary is universally annoying, Obama is wet behind the ears and is not trustworthy, even he doesn’t seem to know who he is or what he stands for or who has been his “spiritual leader” for the past 20 years.

    Yes lets see, who will the American people vote for, a military hero with decades of experience and who is well respected across the political isle or a junior senator who has managed to alienate pretty much everyone all the while running on a “united for change” mantra?

    Yeah, that’s a real tuffy…..




    The reason I support Obama is because he’s not a seasoned lobbyist seeking candidate.

    I’m willing to take a chance on him just as Abraham Lincoln was considered “Green” in the political process.

    Unfortunately some people will succumb to fear, mushroom clouds and Bin Laden speeches while the US infrastructure crumbles, and all we keep seeing is the looping of “Wright” on the TV.

    If that is what America wants, then we’ll just repeat the last 6 yrs of deception, constitutional shredding and more lost soldiers.

    It’s a sad premise if McCain won, but not far from the truth if more people would get involved with informing their minds instead of being more concerned with the finalists for american idol.



    Very well said Trick. And I am really not to worried about McCain. Between his 100 year war and his healthcare plan that actually takes away insurance from some he is not a threat.




    We’ll see the “real” McCain in the presidential debates, if he’s willing to do more debates and townhall type debates than Bush did.



    I honeslty can not wait!



    just some meanderings…McCain vs. Obama…a slant




    First on the issues:

    Does it concern those supporting McCain out there that he has no plan for the housing market and thinks the government should only be concerned as a last resort. (arent we there now? Shouldnt he have a plan???

    He also wants to leave No CHild Left Behind the way it is. This is not what our educators want to see. My sister, mother, brother-n-law, and sister-n-law are all teachers and since NCLB was passed they have gone on and on about how it must be changed.

    And I also recall that his healthcare plan would actually cost many Americans thousands of dollars and create more of a healthcare crisis then there is already.

    And he voted to extend Bush’s tax cut through 2010.

    And lets not forget that his wife is an ex-junkie and he had an affair… classy fam



    whoa: while I may not like McCain, it is SO not fair to bring up the fact that his wife is an ex-addict. Lots of decent people have kicked their addictions and gone on to be better people. Give her credit foro doing something others have not been able to do. plus, she does talk about it openly, which is a big help to others who might struggle with addiction.

    Low blow, BDG.



    I am brining it up because it is just as bad as Obama being called a Muslim because of his middle name and Wright.



    Okay, BDG. It’s obvious that my posts from another thread have gotten to you, but I was kidding around. I have been in a really weird mood today (I swear I’m not drinking).

    Honestly, though, do you think Obama’s middle name offends him? So why does it offend everyone that supports him? It is not a swear word, it is the man’s middle name for goodness sake!



    His middle names doesn’t offend him – or his supporters. The use that is often made of his middle name offends us. We don’t choose our names, except in rare cases. (I chose my last name, but it’s a combination of my parents’ names so I didn’t really choose that.)

    Just keep working on that “Sidney” pronunciation :-)



    It didnt offend me. I was just throwing out the other comments now because they will be said at some point.

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