Needed: infant car seat and baby carrier

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    i am currently 6 12 months pregnant with a baby boy and not working so im very tight on cash at the moment, so im hoping to find an infant carseat and carrier for a decent price if possible… or if someone happens to have one or both laying around that they would just like to get rid of that would be wonderfull.

    You can text me @ (253)298-7797

    Thank you,



    2 Much Whine

    Hi Lindsey, If you do find a kind soul to sell/give you a car seat please be sure to check the expiration date. Many people are unaware that car seats have limited lifespans – that is one reason many organizations won’t deal with used seats. They say you should avoid any seats over 6 years old and suggest you get a “history” of the seat. Here is a great article highlighting the various concerns.

    I’m not trying to tell you what to do, just making you aware. Good Luck!



    Check with Children’s Hospital. They used to have a program for donated car seats. Good luck!



    Maybe also call Westside Baby.



    Definitely talk to West Side Baby. They help many women in your position.



    Thank you very much 2 Much Whine… I will definitely make sure to do that.

    And thank you everyone else… I’ve never even heard of westside baby and I will definitely check with seattle childrens hospital as well. :)



    lrhamman – WestSide Baby works through 90 social service agency “providers” who place orders for, then deliver to, their clients; it is not a direct-delivery approach. But do call and perhaps they can put you in touch with a provider that’s convenient for you, such as the West Seattle Food Bank or Neighborhood House. Best wishes to you and your new little one.



    If you are on facebook, I would HIGHLY recommend joining the group “Car Seats for the Littles.”

    The techs on that board should be able to recommend a good resource for finding a cheap safe carseat.

    I am not sure what your budget is, but another option is to buy a new Cosco Scenara. It is not an infant seat, but can be used for infants including newborns. You can buy it new for under $40.00 from Walmart or even on Amazon.

    A final idea (which I would be very cautious about) is to check out the West Seattle Community Garage sale for a car seat. Just be sure to check the expiration date, make sure it has not been in an accident, and make sure it has never been checked as luggage on a plane. I believe we will have a car seat (that would fit this criteria) at our sale, but not certain.



    Guidosmom has good advice. CSFTL can be intimidating; there’s a lot of information about car seats. :-) I can’t remember if the Cosco Scenera is like this, but know that *some* convertible seats state a lower weight threshold that would work for a newborn (like 7-8 lb.), but then the lowest strap height is too high for a baby that size. When rear-facing (which is recommended until at least age two), the straps should come from at or below shoulder level on the baby. (For forward-facing, the rule is at or *above* shoulder level.)

    But the Scenera (Wal-Mart) or Cosco Apt are good choices for inexpensive convertible seats. Steer clear of the Safety 1st Alpha-Omega Elite; I’ve heard it can be very difficult to install correctly, and it can be dangerous in some install settings. Also the Graco Nautilus apparently confuses many people; they think it’s a convertible that can be rear-faced, but it’s only for forward-facing children.

    I think that’s all I have to add here. You already received great guidance above.

    As for the carrier… I assume you mean Ergo-type carrier? Check consignment stores. I always see a bunch at Again & A Gain and Olivia’s.

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