Boxes needed. Decent condition preferred, broken down even better, but really I’m not that choosy. Just need boxes.
Move is in September, so if you’ve got an August move-in, I’d be happy to take them off your hands after your move. Email me at aimgrrrl at gmail dotcom.
Hi Aim. I will have boxes for you. I have lots and many are new. Should have some for you by next Thursday but will have a few sooner. If you email me on Monday and remind me, that would be great since I am in moving hell right now.
I may have lots of ‘tomato’ boxes end of next week. They are sturdy and have handles and lids. Nothing better for moving. check with me end of next week.
check the liquor stores and grocery stores on Mondays….that’s always a great deal. Also places like Half Price books always have a heap of them. You may also check craigslist or freecycle.