Gun free zones?

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    Alki Warrior

    How’s that working out y’all?



    hmmmmm good ? some still do if they get away with it.. now most don’t and wont cause they can’t mainly schools and government buildings….and then their are the nut cases like today here and Canada.. of course the whole state of Texas lmao….



    so, two gunmen walk into your restaurant at the same time. One has already killed 3 people, the other is just exercising his “2nd Amendment rights”. How do you tell the difference?



    I believe the current, most popular response is, kill them all and let god sort them out?



    Alki Warrior – either you have *very* bad timing, or, if you’re referring to the shooting at SPU, you should be ashamed of yourself for being so cavalier about the loss of one life and the serious/critical injury to another innocent.

    And, in your best Clint Eastwood voice, you should ask yourself why no civilian carrying a concealed weapon in gun-crazy states like CO and TX has ever stopped a mass murder in progress.

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