Re: there is a health issue at Nickelsville



LOL! I was wondering when someone was going to bring up South Park.

While you are 100% correct they are in South Park, but like hammerhead pointed out you have failed to include that NV is in the industrial area and is for the most part isolated from much of the South Park community. Because of accessibility issues, I would think the residents of NV would probably utilize the areas up the hill.

I don’t think most people really want to send the residents packing without some kind of resolution. Many of the same people who are voicing concern now have tried to help individually or through local organizations when they could. Unfortunately there comes a time when decisions have to be made, especially the tough ones. For two years NV has been operating under the disguise of a camp united, we are hearing now many are struggling to survive in a very inhospitable place. Too afraid to leave and not wanting to stay.

I hope that people in the community will try to find some solutions. This area is filled with talented people. Architects, engineers, construction/developers, individuals well versed in sustainable living, doctors, lawyers and every career field in between. We literally have a wealth of knowledge waiting to be accessed. Solutions for those wanting help can be found.