Re: Seeking Advise – Neighbor's dog barks ALL DAY



Yup, start with talking to them. We were having a problem with our neighbors that have a few dogs that bark nonstop when they are not home and frequently when they are home. We are on friendly terms but do not really talk or have any sort of relationship. I went over to talk with them and I took the approach of maybe they do not realize how much their dogs are barking and how loud it is. I had a few suggestions in mind to offer too like shutting the windows and drawing shades when they are not home as the dogs see us through the window while we are inside our house and start barking. I also suggested that the dogs had some separation anxiety that they needed to help them with. It turned into a good conversation and it has been much better since, not perfect, but much better. I second WorldCitizen, sometimes folks just don’t know that it is a problem because they are not home. A few resources and knowledge can do wonders and you are not doing them or the dogs any favors by not telling them what happens when they are not home. good luck!

also, my next steps if that conversation did not work was to contact animal control and file a complaint. Luckily, it looks like i won’t have to do this but know that there are next steps if you need to take them.