NR…we will see how that all plays out..the gen. election season is still young – lol. So never say never.
My mind boggles when they start talking about their fifnacial plans for this country..when it gets into the trillions of dollars, and who it will help and who it will hurt. I have a hard time grasping the concept, period. Guess that’s why I work with my hands instead – lol..
Now…this Obama thing…about rejecting public funds…don’t read too much into it yet…it could very well be a good thing that he’s done. I, for one, have no problems with it. And…a presidential candidate who has never gone back on something that he’s said? oh, please…I can guarantee that they’ve all done it…yeah, I know..now you’re gonna ask for an example – lol…and I will be stumped. But…Mr. McCain has flip flopped on a few things over the last few years…abortion rights, being one of them, I believe (damn, don’t quote me – lol)…so as I said, never say never…