Re: Looking for Clean Beach/Play Sand.



Sorry for the delay: I install wells as part of my day job, and you should try “United Pipe and Supply” in the yellow pages.

They have multiple locations and offer clean and sorted sand in different size gradations. If I was you, I would mix two types of sand, maybe 10/20 mixed with 20/40 (though I’d encourage you to see what these sizes are–10/20 is pretty coarse, no mud pies. 20/40 is finer, and could be nice by itself.

BTW, I agree that the sand sold by hardware stores as playground sand is fairly “dirty”. United Pipe is open 8 AM to 5 PM and the sand is available in 98-pound sacks (2 cubic feet?) each (7.48 gallons per cubic foot). The price was $7-$8 last time I checked 4 years ago…

My two cents.