there are so many shades of gray…
beachdrivegirl walks her dog “off-leash” only at a fenced in park that is not designated for off leash dogs.. even though it is used for that by a group of people..
andrea and others walk their dogs off leash only in controlled areas…
some walk their dogs off leash but controlled by voice…
some walk their dogs off leash with little or no control…
the trouble with shades of gray is that those who walk their dogs off leash with little or no control use those who use more responsibility as their excuse….
Well.. they do it… everybody does it…
and there is a huge difference between dogs off leash in a fenced area… and dogs off leash and uncontrolled….
i have no quarrel with those who keep their dogs under control… as long as there are no problems.. which is a big risk everyone who walks their dog off leash takes…
but it breaks my heart to hear hubby come home from his morning walk with the pups and relate stories about my dogs on leash whimpering as they watch others chase balls and squirrels past them.