I let my dog off leash..

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    So.. there are always these posts about off leash dogs..and typically i just stay away from the topic. Because I am shamed to admit I let my dog off leash and I will continue to do so.

    I do want to clarify that although some may see this so very irresponsible. i consider myself a responsible off leash dogger.

    I only go to fully fenced places. I do not let my dog off leash if children or a stranger dog (yes, i meet my friends there and our dogs play) are around. And if someone enters the gate whether they are alone, with a child, or another pet i re-leash my pet.

    So to all of the other off -leashers out there that feel shunned…i am speaking out.



    Key phrase: *I only go to fully fenced places.*

    Not the same situation at all. All the other threads have pertained to open parks where the space is shared by everyone. You also state if you see any other dog, child, stranger approach, you immediately re-leash. Other people have shown no such courtesy to those around them.



    JT, you leash-ist.




    I do not have a dog, but I know if I did I would most likely give in to the temptation of letting he/she run free within certain means.

    You obviously care very much about your pooch by following certain requirements when you let your dog be off-leash.

    Although owners are tempted to let their dog be off leash in certain areas it can be very dangerous for the dog – last summer I saw a Chihuahua (who wasn’t on a leash)get spooked by a larger dog at Alki and jump off the sidewalk into the rocks below!

    Thank you, beachdrivegirl for speaking out! I think it is very important for fellow dog owners to understand that if they do choose to let their dog off leash to please be safe and smart about it!



    Kaleigh, if that’s the best you can call me, I must be doing something wrong :)



    Thank you guys for your support! And of course being safe with my dog is #1 he is basically like my child…



    As I mentioned in a previous thread, what would be wrong with fencing a corner of several parks for off leash dog activities. I can’t tell you how often I long just to walk my dog to a fenced area, throw a ball for a bit, then walk her (and her muddy wet feet) back home again. Especially now that I’m really limiting my driving time because of gas prices and the environment. Westcrest is 20 minutes away. I would try to run other errands while up near Target, but I can’t leave my dogs in the car or take them in the stores with me, so Westcrest is now totally out of the question.

    So, what do you think? Should we dog owners band together and request a small corner of our neighborbood parks be given to the dogs??




    you follow the same rules i did when i used to let my big dogs off leash.. and they are good rules.

    in one way, i wish you wouldn’t because it sets a bad example for others who may not be as responsible as you are… and may not get that the dogs are only off leash in an enclosed area…

    you know… those who just say everybody else does it and then absolve themselves of responsibility..

    but the other part of me says i am glad you and your pet have found a community.. and i sincerely hope it continues to work for you.

    my secret is that you couldn’t count the number of things i have done in my lifetime that weren’t a very good example for others on all my fingers and toes:)

    i hope you are as lucky in your escapades as i have been in mine.



    I have tried and tried WSMom. I spent about 6 months last year contacting different city of seattle parks officials…Finally i gave up. I am with you though it is a 20 minute drive or so to Watercrest and so I have to block out a large chunk of the day to bring my “baby” there so having a place within 5 minutes or so that is fenced in and friends that I can meet make the hole process easier. If you want to try to organize something again though let me know.. i have had a few months off and might be ready for round two. :)



    I’m fine with people having their dog off-leash if

    a) They are still watching their dog so if it takes a dump they know and will pick it up. !!!!!

    b) The dog is non-violent/aggressive and won’t harm me, other people/children or other dogs.



    I, too, have been frustrated with the lack of off-leash areas in West Seattle. I know the steward of Westcrest has been actively advocating for more funding for off-leash areas for to no avail. It seems like every year there is a petition being passed around but to no avail. At one point, they even took pictures of Westcrest with a very full dog park next to a very empty play ground. Since parks are paid for by tax payers, and tax payers tend to utilize off-leash areas more frequently, it would seem to me that more money would be allocated to off-leash areas than already is… but that’s just me. I don’t rule the world.

    On another note: Westcrest is having their 1st annual fundraiser. Sat. July 19th 12-3pm. The event is basically a meet and greet for Westcresters to get to know each other, and also raise a few bucks for more improvements to the offleash area.

    It will be held up in the Small/Shy dog area at Westcrest.



    Hey gambaru –

    Taking note of your announcement for Westcrest Dog Park’s 1st Fundraiser on July 19!

    That is such great news – many folks have been talking about doing a $raiser for as long as my labradoodle Levi and I have bee hanging out there. So glad it’s finally going to happen! We’ll be there!



    What is a labradoodle, anyways? It seems whenever people tell me they have one at Westcrest, the dog doesn’t look anything like a lab or a poodle.



    beachdrivegirl – thank you for putting it so well. Those are the exact rules I follow as well. It is still hard to believe, throughout the whole High Point community (the new construction) and all its preserved park areas – which are great – why NO dog park? And now the Myrtle park – again, nothing. So frustrating…



    elgrego — that is kinda the point! :) I don’t want to totally threadjack here, so I’ll just post a couple of informative links.

    Labradoodles in general: http://www.goldendoodles.com/labradoodle_faq.htm

    I have two Australian Labradoodles:


    I’ll be breeding my older girl when she next comes into heat, probably this fall or winter.

    Wish I could take them to Westcrest, but there are several issues which make it not such a good idea for breeding dogs to socialize off-leash. Sigh.



    Thanks Beachdrivegirl for coming out of the closet on this one. It gave me courage to post again! I always have my dog’s leash with me; and her response to my requests are impeccable (even when a chase-able kitty is sunning herself on the sidewalk!) I am never out of the house with out poop bags and discourage her from peeing in the same spot on walks so as to prevent yellow spotting someone’s parking strip.



    i wish every pet owner was as responsible as beachdrivegirl, flowerpetal and others who have come out of the closet.

    sadly, that isn’t true.

    I thank every dog owner i meet who leashes their dogs when i let them know mine aren’t dog friendly…

    unfortunately, they are the minority.



    Most people I see on Alki with their dogs have them on a leash. I did have one loose dog come up to my dog and I as we were laying in the shade, didn’t say anything about it to the owner cause she was cute and looked single…I have priorities!

    I admit I did walk my dog over to the far western end of the park yesterday and let him go for a swim. He’s big, black, busting his winter coat, and badly needed to cool down.



    In parks, on Alki or in the Junction I leash my dog consistently. There’s just too many people around; too many interesting smells and other attractions. Besides, she thinks that everyone is there to greet her… and of course that isn’t so!



    All is good and fun until an aggressive dog decides to attack either your dog or both of you. Sounds funny, but I have seen this happen and have been the recipient of a “good off leash dog” running at me while I’m about ready to drop dead from a heart attack in fear. I am a woman in my 30s who abides by city laws and walks my dog ON LEASH alone, but have been scared to death a few times by dogs coming at us full speed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE people, keep your dogs on leashes. If you don’t, don’t get angry at my LEASHED dog when it bites your dog for scaring him as well.

    “Fines for off-leash, license and scooping violations range from $50 to $150, and can be $500 at a beach. Please obey the law!”



    Thank you beachdrivegirl for saying everything that I’ve been thinking the past few weeks watching many people talk down to those who responsibly let their dogs run off leash. Through all the negative attention this topic has been receiving, I’m thrilled that you had the strength to say it first. Your use of the word “shunned” describes how I’ve been feeling too. After listening to so many negative posts about “calling animal control”, I am starting to reevaluate the community I chose to buy a house in. I consider myself a responsible pet owner and I also let my dog off leash in certain conditions where I feel that my dog is safe as well as other dogs and people. I agree that there are occasional situations where people are not paying attention to their dogs and the environment they are letting them off the leash. Westcrest is great, but I’ve had too many occasions where I’ve had my personal safety compromised as well as my dog’s. We are in dire need of more dog parks in West Seattle, especially where we have lots of space (i.e. Lincoln Park).

    I realize that there are off-leash violations because there are violations for everything, including speeding. I understand the consequences of letting your dog off leash because I am responsible for my pet and her actions. If I get a ticket for having my dog off-leash, then so be it.



    This has nothing to do with feeling shunned. As a pet owner, you must realize there are restrictions put in place for other people’s safety, as well as your own. If you can’t either take your dog to a legit dog park, hiking, swimming, camping or to a fenced back yard then maybe you shouldn’t have a dog. Sorry, I am a dog lover and have a dog of my own but I do not risk a situation I cannot take back by not leashing my dog (dog attack, etc). I think my dog will be fine if he gets a nice long walk at a fast pace even with a leash on. Unfortunately irresponsible people, as few and far between that they might be have caused people to be overly cautious which could be misconstrued as being “shunned”.



    I keep my dog on a leash because he is a puppy and cant be trusted not to run, he is not voice trained. But I did take him up to Magnolia one day he was on his leash and and a loose unattended pitbull approached us and seemed friendly at first then got fiesty and I was scared for a while, we managed to get back to the car safely But I was not happy. I am not afraid of pitbulls because of the dog usually I look at the owner to decide if I should be leerey, and what I mean is a young thuggish looking kid with a pit would make me nervous a woman in her thirties with a pit not so much. That being said if I had an offleash golden retriever approaching me i might be less weary than an off leash german shepard approaching. I have a mastiff and I see how people respond to him sometimes people will cross the street or go way out of their way to avoid him even though he is on leash, he is a pup so still not full grown and people ask if he is a pitbull, so I assume some people who do not have knowledge of how mellow mastiffs are may assume he is aggressive. He is not unless you try to come in our gate uninvited:). But I know there are other threads about pits and aggressive dogs I just want to second whoever said It is not the dog or the breed allways but the owner and how they raise the dog. I have spent alot of time socializing my dog and hope to have him do therapy work in the future. But as for me and my mastiff we will use a leash because thats how I feel safe taking him in public and I dont want to be the cause of giving anyone a coronary because my giant dog is coming at them unleashed, I just hope no one gets mad at me when he eats your unleashed small dog for lunch :)(I am totally kidding about that) We were at westcrest and there was a little french bulldog totally barking and jumping up and biting my dogs jowls and he just stood there and took it. And hes not even nuetered yet. Thats how aggressive he isnt. and i have been going on way too long sorry the end!



    I appreciate the need for more (or any) off leash parks for dogs, and when I had a dog we would have loved to be able to take her to Alki and let her play. But why is it that in one set of posts everyone is hollering about people who let their dogs off leash and phone numbers and emails start going out for animal control, but in this case it’s “yeah, way to go, good for you”. Is it because this person is known by most people here?



    I wondered the same thing, Barb! And shunned? Wait until you can’t bring your dog, leashed or unleashed, within 25 feet of a doorway ;)

    p.s. – love dogs, just saying…

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