Re: Hot for Hillary




I can understand that you want a different face in the white house..

but there is no bush/clinton dynasty.

And i challenge you to identify the point where clinton “started the fight and she set herself up” … unless you mean she did so by the very act of running.

we could each go back and try to identify the first “dirty trick”…

turns out i think Obama actually has the record on that.

as for “her wanting to change the rules all the time”.. can you point to those rules she wanted to change?

the fact is that Obama has actively campaigned to get the “rules” changed…

Hillary hasn’t asked to change the rules but she has asked to find some compromise that would allow the voters of Michigan and Florida a voice.. any voice.

As for your liking his positions.. i can and do respect that.

i am not sure the lack of support for Hillary’s mtg disclosure law makes it a bad law though. you should read that one for yourself.