you are verging on being abusive…
i don’t know how old your mom is.. but from your age i would guess that she was married some time after the return of World War II vets made a real change in the perception of romance in this country.
There is no other factor i can think of that had such an impact on women’s lives.. and ultimately on yours…. than World War II.
I would guess she was married after women got a taste of what it was like to hold jobs and make decisions on their own… and then were told to go back to the kitchens like good little girls and let men make decisions for them when their men returned from the war…
of course, if they didn’t have a man.. they were supposed to find one.. because they sure weren’t going to be paid a living wage for their work… widowed or not… they weren’t even paid equally to men during the war…
In fact, I would guess she was even married after 1960… because i am the child of a woman who only got to watch her much older sisters taste freedom during the War… I wasn’t married until 1969… and i suspect my grown children are substantially older than you…
You might ask her about some of the things i related before you decide that if my mouth is moving it must be a lie…
You might actually read some of the wide body of literature that is finally surfacing about what it was has been like to be female in this society..
in fact.. even more entertaining is to look at a history of law right here in Washington… which by the way.. was known for being one of the more progressive places to be a woman.
I am positive you would find even an honest conversation with your mother pretty enlightening…
if she is much younger than i.. she will have only heard about the abuses i lived in their last years…
but i am sure she will still have plenty of stories to tell.
we all do.