Bill Clinton campaigned on a platform of change… tho he/they were unable to make the kinds of changes they wanted.
that experience taught hillary that she couldn’t make the kinds of changes she wanted to make without learning how to play washington politics.
the truth is that a vote in the house or senate is always for sale. Unless they are sponsoring a bill, none of them will commit to vote for anything (even if they believe in it) without getting some favor for their vote. It isn’t how it should be.. but it is how it is.
I wish it there would be a new game… but this process is too well entrenched to give up without one heck of a fight… and that may take generations. You have to play the game that exists.. not the one you wish did.
the thing that would be different with this Clinton presidency is that there is a very good possibility that this president will have a congress they can actually work with… and imagine what somebody who knew how to play the game could do with that.
that to me speaks more of hope than anything in this campaign. Someone who knows how to work the system and has the ability to get things done.
Perhaps we would finally get the chance to see the democratic agenda in action.
Did you know that Hillary and Bill were wide eyed idealists… both working deep within the democratic party when they started? i think younger than you at their first real experience at democratic power brokering… in Texas.
She is still a wide eyed idealist… who optimistically believes there has to be a way to get things done and keeps trying even when she runs into countless roadblocks.
she will literally work with anyone to accomplish her goals.
And more important.. after the beating they took in Texas.. she stayed in the game. (One i dropped out of…) and she learned how to play hardball. She truly believes you can change the system from within. She has spent her entire political career doing just that.
I have read both candidates websites… so i know what their platforms are… and where they differ, i think Hillary has a better grasp of the issues… but being an old gal who has seen more campaign promises broken than kept, i wanted to know what Obama has actually done.
I will tell you that the news is more promising than i thought.. tho his senate record (including who he chose to mentor with and his attempts at passing substantive bills) is not what one would hope for as an agent of change.
I agree that Obama sells. But he is going to have to sell a lot more than people’s enthusiasm for him and hope if he wants to beat McCain.
McCain has a reputation of being a tough independent and when the shouting is over and he has that nomination, he will go back to selling that image.. regardless of the fact that he sold it out in a heartbeat to get his chance at the presidency.
Let me tell you, it’s a pretty convincing image.
And he has equally good plans for almost everything except getting out of the war and the economy.
He knows how to play hardball… and has no qualms about doing so.
And he has a republican administration behind him to help time events to promote his agenda.
If it becomes the Obama campaign against the McCain campaign, this pretense of a clean and gracious campaign.. the political high road… will have to go because it just plain won’t stand up against the republican/McCain smear campaign. It won’t be a gentleman’s race.
If he has to campaign against McCain, you won’t get the same candidate you have now because he will have to adjust his rhetoric and his strategy to combat some of the dirtiest politicking available.
I am sorry new resident and any other republican toes i stepped on there… but i am just stating the obvious… the truth is that if you don’t win.. you never get a chance to either keep or break your campaign promises and nobody knows that better than John McCain.
and i am sorry if this offends obama supporters. I am not putting him down. i truly think he would make a great president in 4 to 8 years… but for now, i am am hoping the better woman gets a chance to get things done:)
ok.. so i guess i have to apologize to the guys too for my sexist ways;-)
just more food for thought…