“the insults by Hillary and her supporters about Obama’s supposed ‘toughness’ need to stop. Really.”
now it’s an insult to question whether the candidate we are thinking of putting up against the republican fed McCain political machine can stand the heat?
i don’t think so. i seem to remember that very thing being the primary reason that Obama got his first bump in the primaries… that Hillary hate would bury her in the general election.
Whether anyone likes it or not.. the ability of the democratic candidate to stand up to the heat this fall should be of primary importance to ALL democrats.. regardless of the “side” they are on.
I think too many people are losing sight of the real end goal here.. a democrat in the white house…
if everyone fell out of the race and the democrats put up the town drunk in November.. that drunk would still get my vote….
Yes, it’s that vitally important to our nation.
Which democrat.. that one isn’t so vitally important.. and the battle for the primary certainly isn’t worth taking so personally that we end up alienating half of the party because of it.
That’s just a great way to win the battle and lose the war… and any democrat who thinks we aren’t engaged in a true political war right now has lost sight of their own priorities.
I still think Hillary is the better candidate to lead our nation… i still think she would actually be an agent of real change.. not just the appearance of change…
But i am weary of fighting for no more than her right to represent the nearly half of the party who still backs her.
This isn’t George Bush land. A simple majority is not a mandate.. and our party is set up to require a mandate for candidacy…
Shouting WE WON… WE DO”T CARE WHAT YOU THINK isn’t likely to create any converts in our camp…
You haven’t won yet..
and right now.. if you do.. all you will have won is grudging support.
The anybody but Hillary campaign will become the anybody but McCain campaign.
Now that will inspire republicans and independents to join us won’t it….
it’s been time to focus on the issues and get personalities out of this for some time….
it’s past time here.