Re: Gay Marriage, the Community, Social Justice…



Very interesting conversation. Wake I want to quote you:

Quote #1: “That didn’t happen in a vacuum but it DID happen and FAST”

Quote #2: “How did that happen and why can’t we replicate it?”

Regarding quote #1, I agree with you 1,000 percent. I am shocked at how quickly this turn came about. I don’t have as many years on this earth as others but I cannot remember a single issue with anywhere near such an *incredibly* rapid change in public opinion.

Regarding quote #2: Here’s my thought. We can’t replicate it. The reason why we can’t replicate it is we don’t know what caused it in the first place. Why did so many Americans change their opinion so quickly? I only know one person who publicly stated he was against gay marriage and then later publicly stated he was in favor of gay marriage and then explained why. That one person is President Obama. (I’m sure there are others – I just don’t know their stories.) And even the one story I have is not useful to me because I don’t believe him. I think Obama was always in favor of gay marriage but he just wasn’t allowed to say so back in 2008 to get elected.

I’d love to hear from people who changed their opinion on gay marriage and why. Only then could I venture a guess on how we could replicate such a change.