Franci, I also had a strange situation a little over 20 years ago – I was out looking for my first apartment and the potential landlord was telling me how I had to make sure that I had “nice” furniture because it was a “nice” place. (What “nice” was supposed to be, I have no idea.) And I had to make sure that it was always clean, because he was going to come in and make sure it was. And I could never have any guests come over of the opposite sex, and no guests at all after 8pm at night. And no parties. The list went on and on, and it was absolutely unreasonable. At the time I was looking to share with my stepsister, who was ready to sign on the dotted line and I told her that there was no way in hell I’d take an apartment with all those provisions (and then some).
Then there was the guy I reported because while we were looking he was saying how he loved that we were interested in it because he wanted to keep his building “just like this wall, if you know what I mean” (meaning white).
Come to think of it, I could probably write a book about the creepy places I’ve potentially rented, as well as insane places I *did* live in. Add in all the bad dates I’ve had, and you’ve got yourself a good sitcom. :)