Re: Admiral Theater Looking for Acts



Dinah –

This is what West Seattle needs!!!!!! I’m so glad some one is going to try to fill this culture gap in a non-alcoholic environment. Fantastic.

Besides the Skylark, it seems there have been just a few coffee shops and a tavern or two who set up for music, now and again, but it is always very small – lovely – but small.

How might a Writers Series go over? Published West Seattle novelists, poets, journalists reading & discussing their own works …too bone dry?

Here’s another possibly too dry idea. How about a “Town Hall” type series of discussions/panels with local West Seattle luminaries, artists, or business folk with a moderator/interviewer. Maybe even record it, and then put the show on youtube, or wherever videos go.

Hey. Did not Dinah say to think big? Yes. She did.

This is really a great idea!

I’m looking forward to reading the ideas other’s come up with. Yippee!!!!