Re: abortions



Too bad people can’t get so passionate about stopping the deaths of 17, 18 19 (and more) year-old boys and some girls. These are young kids, just out of high school, flush with life and vitality, innocent, precious children, really. They are sent to hell on earth, witness to maiming, rape, sodomy and torture. More than 4000 of these children have been killed. Do they feel pain? Is there any question? Many more of other nationalities have been killed. Many thousands more are injured, and the pain they suffer and will suffer puts your conceptual fetus pain to shame. This is happening today, as we argue theoretical are-they-viable-or-not woowoo about embryos.

Almost every woman I know has had an abortion, including me. There’s no reason to feel bad about yourself, and you certainly don’t have to justify it! You don’t have to explain. (although I empathize with your heartfelt and moving stories) I don’t like to see women taking a defensive posture for doing something women have done for hundreds of years, and for doing something that, oh, yea, is legal! It’s painful to see women buy in to the antichoice tactics.

and ps, if it ever becomes illegal, we can go to any other civilized country in the world to get one. (The penalty for abortion in the 3rd Reich was death.)