WS Rotary fundraising breakfast with guest speaker Cliff Mass

May 24, 2016 @ 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Salty's on Alki
1936 Harbor Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98126

Join us for a fundraiser breakfast and help support the Rotary Club of West Seattle on May 24th, 2016, 7–9 am at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor). Celebrating 68 years of service and community building, the Rotary Club of West Seattle needs your help in order to continue to provide school supplies, winter clothing and college scholarships to local students. The club also supports international projects for clean water, schools, safe roads, maternal health and sanitation in countries such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Colombia, Thailand and Guatemala.

Join friends, family and civic leaders as we work together to strengthen our community and continue to create a positive lasting change, locally, nationally and world-wide. We will also hear from guest speaker, Cliff Mass, local meteorologist and professor at the University of Washington and KPLU weather guy.

Cliff Mass has been explaining our crazy Pacific Northwest weather with an entertaining twist for decades. Join the University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and renowned Seattle weather prognosticator/personality on May 24th and support the Rotary Club of West Seattle. Cliff will be discussing the Northwest Impacts and Regional Implications of Global Warming at the upcoming fundraiser breakfast (located at Salty’s) and tickets are only $47. Your donations at this fundraiser breakfast will be used to support the Rotary Club of West Seattle who has no paid staff; and is involved with several projects to help local children, seniors and others in need.

To learn more about the Rotary Club of West Seattle and to sign up for this event, please visit

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