Join us for a spring information session!
Stop by our tent across from the project site on Tuesday, April 26 to get answers to your questions about the Murray Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Project.
Learn more about what to expect between now and project completion at the end of the year.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
5:00 to 7:00 pm
7000 block of Beach Drive S.W.Not able to make the meeting? Get your questions answered by:
· Calling the 24-hour project information hotline: 206-205-9186,
· Emailing or
· Visiting the Murray CSO Control Project
King County is building the Murray facility to keep polluted water out of the Puget Sound. During big storms, King County’s sewer pipes can fill up. When this happens, sewage and stormwater must be released directly into the Puget Sound. The Murray tank will store the sewage and water until it can be cleaned at the treatment plant in Magnolia.Crews are now conducting mechanical and electrical work inside the facility and have started to backfill soil behind the building.
West Seattle, Washington
23 Thursday