Move With Spirit: A Contemporary Indigenous Dance Experience

June 28, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
The Duwamish Longhouse
4705 W Marginal Way SW
WA 98106

You’re lovingly invited to join us at the Duwamish Longhouse for a day of building community and being in relationship to ancestry, land, water, spirit and story. Together we will activate relationships to Indigenous Worlds through a practice of protocol that reflects teachings from Coast Salish Life Ways followed by sharing of contemporary Indigenous dance knowings, led by practitioners Shana Therese O’Brien (Darkingjung – Australia) and Dakota Camacho (Matao – Lågua yan Gåni). We will then move to ceremonial activation at the Duwamish River for the healing of our relations with the elements.

This event is made possible by an Indigenous worldview centering collective generosity and reciprocity. We are asking everyone that is able to please bring an offering (spiritual or monetary – there is no separation) for the Duwamish who generously sponsored us with the space. You can also consider making a regular donation to the Duwamish at

Please also consider bringing offerings for the facilitators and support team as well.

If you have questions or need anything, please contact Dakota Camacho at:


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