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Mobile Chowdown in West Seattle: Setup under way

October 2, 2011 9:47 am
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Setup is under way as 26 food trucks continue arriving for Mobile Chowdown, the food-truck extravaganza that’s happening in The Junction for the first time ever (organizers staged several in 2009 and 2010 elsewhere in the city). As the sign says, SW Alaska is open, as are SW Edmunds and SW Oregon, all west-east streets, but both blocks of California are closed in the heart of the bizdistrict. The trucks are staging single file down the middle of the street:

As for locations, if you’re looking for a favorite, since most hadn’t arrived yet, we couldn’t rough out a map, but we can tell you that Veraci Pizza and its portable wood-fired oven are at the north end, with Andrae’s Kitchen from Walla Walla right behind; in the middle (photo above) you’ll find weekly West Seattle visitor Marination Mobile by Easy Street Records and Street Donuts by Bin 41; at the south end, West Seattle fixture Beloved Mexico. The beer garden, raising money for the West Seattle Food Bank, is being set up outside Petco. The trucks are scheduled to be here 11 am-5 pm; full details at the official Mobile Chowdown site.

Fauntleroy notes: Art Show deadline; festival-fundraiser thanks

September 24, 2011 12:03 pm
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Two notes today from Fauntleroy, related to big events ahead:

FINE ART AND HOLIDAY GIFT FAIR DEADLINE THIS THURSDAY: That’s West Seattle batik artist Ruth Leonard at left in the photo, and she’s been a crowd-pleaser at the fair since its beginnings in 2008. Want to show/sell your stuff this year? The fair isn’t till November 18-20 but volunteer organizers need time to review applications and put together a great event – so they’re asking you to please send yours by the deadline this Thursday (September 30th). You’ll find more details, and the application, at fauntleroyucc.org.

FALL FESTIVAL – THANKS AND REMINDER: One week ago, fundraising flapjack-flipping was under way at The Hall at Fauntleroy, and there was plenty of it, according to this acknowledgment out of the WSB inbox: “A big THANK YOU to everyone who turned out last Saturday (Sept. 17) to enjoy a pancake breakfast in support of the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. The event netted nearly $525, putting the festival on solid financial ground to start planning for the 10th anniversary celebration in 2012!” But first, this year’s edition is only weeks away – 2-5:30 pm on October 16th.

Delridge Day postscript: ‘Already looking forward to next year’

September 24, 2011 3:14 am
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(Photo by Holli Margell)
At this past week’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting, there were rave reviews for, and a glowing recap of, last Saturday’s biggest event – the concurrent Delridge Day festival and Delridge Skatepark grand opening. While Seattle Parks oversaw skatepark specifics, Delridge Day was organized for the first time by the North Delridge Neighborhood Council. And they have some acknowledgments to share this morning too:

The Delridge Day Committee is grateful to share the success of last Saturday.

Despite the weather and a few guests not able to show up (fire truck, Mounted Police), an estimated 1500 – 2000 people attended the event (double previous years). The day would not have been possible without our team of over 25 volunteers! THANK YOU!

(Photo by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
We also wish to thank to Seattle Parks for working together with us for a seamless event.

(Amanda Leonard and Nancy Folsom; this photo & next photo by Patrick Sand for WSB)
The total funds raised for the community: We were able to raise enough from vendors and sponsorships to donate $410 to the DNDA, $600 to ARC for program Scholarships at the Delridge Community Center.

(Francesca Annis)
The Bake sale raised an additional $449.66 for ARC, providing a total of $1,049.66 toward scholarships! Thanks to all who donated sweets and those who bought them.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s Delridge Day. Our ideas include: skateboard competition, more games, more food, better weather! Want to get involved? We’re looking for 2 folks to join the planning committee, and others interested in leading additional ideas like music and a skate competition. The timeline is for early September 2012. If you’d like to put your name down this far in advance, please email Amanda Leonard, this year’s Delridge Day Lead Coordinator, amanda.leonard.wa@gmail.com.

Video: West Seattle Junction Car Show 2011 – the winners!

(Updated 9:27 pm with video of the awards ceremony)

3:07 PM: Haven’t been to the West Seattle Junction Car Show yet? Still time – if you hurry! Here are a few more examples of the lovingly preserved/restored automotive history on display – that’s a 1921 Buick above, and a 1954 MG below:

From the muscle-car ’60s, a 1967 Barracuda:

The wrap-up, and yet more photos, later! (And if you’re just looking for an update on when the streets will reopen – since the displays here are on wheels, breakdown takes less time than, oh, say Summer Fest, so it doesn’t usually take long after the official 4 pm end time.)

ADDED 9:27 PM: Video of the entire awards ceremony:

Best in show: Harold and his Buick, originally shown above – the car’s 90 years old, and so is he!

Happening now: West Seattle Junction Car Show 2011, 1st report

It’s on! The fourth annual West Seattle Junction Car Show (with co-sponsors including WSB) is under way till 4 this afternoon:

California SW is lined with classics:

And look closely to see added touches:

No admission charge for the car show – but you can stop by the booths in the California/Alaska vicinity to buy a T-shirt or raffle tickets (benefiting charity). This is a judged car show, and toward day’s end, we’ll find out who gets the trophies!

ADDED 11:52 AM: Drier weather!

More to come.

West Seattle Junction Car Show update: Celebrities cancel

September 16, 2011 8:50 pm
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From Liberty Bell Print and Design‘s Michael Hoffman, organizer of the West Seattle Junction Car Show, which is coming up this Sunday, a change in plan:

Hi there, We will NOT be having cast members from the Deadliest Catch present at the show. We had members from the Time Bandit scheduled. However, they had to replace both engines on the boat and are having complications. They need to have the boat up and running to go out crabbing on the 26th. Therefore, they are unable to make it.

The cars will be there, though – along California SW, which will be closed from Oregon to Edmunds for the occasion, 8 am-4 pm Sunday (and note the parking restrictions – for which signs are up – kick in sooner).

Delridge Day tomorrow: Bring money for the BIG bake sale!

Tomorrow’s Delridge Day and Delridge Skatepark Grand Opening festivities are free – but if you can, be ready to spend some $ on what promises to be one heck of a pro/am bake sale as part of the festival. Among the rookie bakers – the children of Great Start Preschool, whom we photographed this morning as they helped make cookies to contribute to the sale. (Above, that’s Spencer watching Matthew as they do prep work; below, parent volunteer Susan supervises.)

Organizer Francesca Ennis says they’ll take cash, checks made out to the City of Seattle, and credit cards. Here’s a partial list of the specific treats they expect to have available:

• Bakery Nouveau: classic chocolate cake
• Sugar Rush Baking Co: cupcakes
• Eats Market Cafe: cornbread
• Zatz a Better Bagel: assorted bagels
• C&P Coffee Co: coffee

The youth programs:

• Great Start Preschool: snickerdoodles
• School Age Care Program: Rice Krispie Treats (includes Froot Loops & Cocoa Krispies)
• Teen Program: Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies

Other donors include The Original Bakery, Great Harvest, Manderin Cookie Company, Starbucks, Safeway, Metropolitan Market, QFC and PCC. Francesca adds, “If someone is interested in a specific item (such as the chocolate cake) they can contact me to make arrangements ahead of the bake sale.” She can be reached at at keekai@comcast.net. Proceeds of the bake sale are going to youth-scholarship funds.

Again, Delridge Day – organized by the North Delridge Neighborhood Council this year! – is 11 am-3 pm, at and around Delridge Community Center (on Delridge Way SW just south of SW Genesee), and there’s entertainment, vendors, games, all sorts of fun on tap.

Pet, youth-talent contests set for Holy Rosary’s WestFest

Holy Rosary School‘s annual WestFest this Friday and Saturday will be the kickoff to a huge West Seattle weekend. This afternoon, we have the final entertainment lineup from WestFest organizers – featuring a pet contest and youth-talent contest, plus local acts including the West Seattle Big Band. Here’s the overall list of festival activities; the entertainment details are after the jump:Read More

Mobile Chowdown in West Seattle: Full food-truck list out

We’ve been telling you since July about the Mobile Chowdown food-truck festival in The Junction on Sunday, October 2nd – less than 3 weeks away. Today, organizers have gone public with the full truck lineup (about half were listed in this earlier report), plus word that the hours will be 11 am-5 pm. Read on!Read More

Countdown to Delridge Day: Cleanup crew, & bake-sale request

September 10, 2011 4:17 pm
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One week till the Delridge Day festival and skatepark opening (11 am-3 pm Sept. 17th) – two notes today:

ADOPT-A-STREET CLEANUP: We caught up with the North Delridge Neighborhood Council Adopt-A-Street volunteers as they were getting ready for one last pre-Delridge Day cleanup this morning; if you noticed any yellow bags in the area, that’ s their handiwork!

BAKE SALE NEEDS GOODIES: Delridge Community Center Advisory Board member Francesca Annis sends word that the community bake sale that’ll be part of next Saturday’s festival needs community donations! Can you donate something – homemade or store-bought? It’ll help raise money for a youth-scholarship fund. Francesca says that whatever you can donate, you’ll be in good company:

Great Start Preschool, School Age Care and the Teen Program housed within the center are all making items to contribute. NDNC, Bakery Nouveau, Zatz a Better Bagel, C&P Coffee Co., The Original Bakery, Great Harvest Baking Co., Sugar Rush Baking Co./Coffee to a Tea, Manderin Cookie Co., Starbucks, Safeway, Metropolitan Market, QFC and PCC have also committed to our efforts and we hope to receive word from other West Seattle bakeries and grocery stores.

Please join us by donating your favorite home-made or store-bought goods. We will also accept non traditional bake sale items such as individual size fruit snacks, chips/crackers or candy. If possible, please wrap your home-made items individually. You may drop off your contribution at Delridge Community Center, located at 4501 Delridge Way SW. We will also accept monetary donations in lieu of baked items. For more information please contact Francesca Annis via e-mail at keekai@comcast.net. You may also call the center at 206-684-7423 and ask for Ryan Spencer or Alice Greer.

Happening now: Holy Family Community Street Fair

A bouncy house, pony rides, and other activities for kids – as well as food, entertainment, and vendors, for all ages – are part of what you’ll find at the Holy Family Community Street Fair, outside the church/school at 20th/Roxbury till 6 tonight and 9 am-4 pm tomorrow. (Sunday activities include a salsa cookoff – more info on the official flyer.)

Countdown to Delridge Day: Vendor deadline today; cleanup tomorrow; skatepark schedule

(Photo from Delridge Day 2010, courtesy North Delridge Neighborhood Council)
One week from tomorrow, the biggest party on the peninsula will be at Delridge Day, 11 am-3 pm on Saturday, September 17th – not just the North Delridge Neighborhood Council-presented festival, but also the grand opening of Delridge Skatepark. Several updates:

FESTIVAL VENDOR DEADLINE TODAY: There’s still room for vendors at Delridge Day, but the sign-up deadline is TODAY. Please e-mail NDNC’s Amanda Leonard at amanda.leonard.wa@gmail.com so they can save a spot, and turn in paperwork with payment when you arrive for Delridge Day (or mail it sooner). To get the form, scroll down the Delridge Day page at the NDNC website till you see “Would You Like To Join Us?” on the lower right.

HELP CLEAN UP DELRIDGE TOMORROW: Saturday’s Adopt-A-Street cleanup is the last major spruce-up opportunity before the festival a week later. NDNC would love to have your help, according to NDNC outreach chair Holli Margell, who says, “This is the fall Adopt-a-Street and final push to pretty things up for Delridge Day the following weekend. Come on out for a couple hours of picking up trash along Delridge Way, the Park, and Playfields. We will provide bags, pickers and gloves. Meet up at the Delridge Community Center parking lot, 10 am, plan on working as long as you like (or about 2 hours).”

UPDATE AT NDNC MONDAY MEETING: A final pre-festival update is part of the agenda just announced for Monday night’s NDNC meeting, 6:30 pm, Dragonfly Pavilion at 28th/Dakota (if the weather somehow turns bad, Delridge Library at Delridge/Brandon instead).

SKATEPARK CELEBRATION SCHEDULE: The Parks Department is out with more details about that part of the party. The ribboncutting is at 1 pm, but the festivities start with the Skate Like A Girl YES Program offering skateboarding lessons at 11 am. Professional skaters will be there with demos, and live music’s on the schedule too. Here’s the official flyer; here’s the official news release.

MORE DELRIDGE DAY DETAILS: NDNC sends “a huge Thank You to Nucor, All Star Fitness, Highline Urgent Care, and Alki Bike and Board for being event sponsors. Thanks to Legacy Partners, BE&T and Grindline, the event will have games with prizes starting at 1 2pm. Alki Bike and Board will be providing awesome giveaways too! All vendors who participate are also supporting the event and a portion of all fees are going to a scholarship fund for classes at the Delridge Community Center (look for more ways to give back at a Bake Sale booth with your sweet tooth).”

To get first word on the last-minute details, “like” the Delridge Day Facebook page.

Countdown to West Seattle Junction Car Show: The T-shirt!

Got a classic car to show off during the 4th annual West Seattle Junction Car Show, coming up one week from Sunday? Still time to sign up – find the application here. Meantime, check out this year’s T-shirt art, just made public:

Coyote? Wolf? Fox? We forgot to ask, so you decide. (Update: 1st commenter calls our attention to the license plate, which we NOW notice says, COYOTE. At least it’s not a crab, considering “Deadliest Catch” cast members are scheduled to appear.) The car show (with sponsors including WSB) happens in the heart of The Junction, on closed-for-the-occasion California SW between Edmunds and Oregon, 8 am-4 pm on September 18th.

Followup: Who’s dishing up at West Seattle Mobile Chowdown

Now that Mobile Chowdown is confirmed for The Junction on October 2nd – two dozen food trucks in the street on California SW between Oregon and Edmunds – one of the organizers, Michi Suzuki, has shared a partial list of who’s participating: Marination Mobile (which of course is a West Seattle fave each Saturday at 35th/Graham), Where Ya at Matt, Skillet, Maximus Minimus, Veraci Pizza, Parfait Ice Cream, Lumpia World (a West Seattle regular for a while), Andrae’s Kitchen (Walla Walla), Raney Brothers BBQ, Street Donuts, Big Food Mobile, Pretzelwagen, Snout & Co., A Lunch in Hand. Unlike some past “gated” Mobile Chowdowns, organizers say this one will be open to all ages, no admission fee. More details are promised as it gets closer; you can also watch the official website.

Now official: ‘Mobile Chowdown’ will be in West Seattle next

Food-truck fans, mark your calendars: Exactly one month after we first reported that the next “Mobile Chowdown” food-truck roundup was likely to be in West Seattle, organizers say they’ve finally finalized the plan, and the trucks are on the way. October 2nd is the date, The Junction is the place – open to all ages, unlike some past Chowdowns. We’ll be checking today for any additional details; organizer Michi Suzuki told us last month that they hoped for more than 20 trucks. California will close for the occasion, Edmunds to Oregon.

Video: Fiery sound and more at Arts in Nature Festival 2011

(Photos/video by Patrick Sand for WSB unless otherwise credited)
If you didn’t experience it in person today at the Nature Consortium‘s Arts In Nature Festival – which continues tomorrow at Camp Long – you can watch our clip to see and hear the “fire organ” by kinetic sculptor/sound artist Trimpin, one of an almost-endless array of amazing sights and sounds at the festival. At midday today, a festival tradition – the Species Parade (which happens again Sunday at 1:45 pm):

(Photo courtesy Trileigh Tucker)
Puppets by Sarah Lovett were part of the parade, glimpsed by some while wandering between performance zones. Here’s an owl puppet we spotted before the parade:

Even setup can be interesting – this was part of the preparations being made for The Cabiri (who perform again Sunday at noon):

Throughout the park, you’ll find music. On Saturday, the Park West Chamber Players performed:

(Photo courtesy Trileigh Tucker)
Local writer/photographer/musician Trileigh Tucker says that from left to right, the players are Kate Vincent, Jane Johnson, Karen Larsen, Robert Baker, Saralee Stata, and Ann Kendall. She adds, “Most of these wonderful musicians are affiliated with the West Seattle Community Orchestras.” Then there’s music in the dome:

Rose Laughlin was there at midday today:

Right about the same time, West Seattle-based Caspar Babypants entertained families in the Camp Long Lodge:

Throughout the park, festival venues are both indoors and outdoors, many interactive/participatory. The festival schedule for tomorrow is here; Camp Long is at 5200 35th SW.

West Seattle Junction Car Show: Early-signup deadline nears

That’s the just-released updated poster design for this year’s West Seattle Junction Car Show, shared by show organizer Michael Hoffman of Liberty Bell Print and Design (new name!). The car show (with co-sponsors including WSB, and a special appearance by members of the “Deadliest Catch” cast) is coming up 8 am-4 pm Sunday, September 18th, just one month from tomorrow, but if you want to enter a car and get the early-registration deal – $15 instead of $25 – September 1st is the signup deadline. You’ll find the form on the left side of this page.

Delridge Day next month! Here’s your chance to be part of it

August 6, 2011 9:51 am
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(Photo courtesy Holli Margell)
You’re invited to be part of a big community celebration coming up next month – Delridge Day! The North Delridge Neighborhood Council is working to make it happen, and putting out a call for vendors:

Would you like to sell some artwork or a craft? Are you a Massage Therapist looking to get your hands on new clients? You’re in luck! This year Delridge Day will be hosted and organized by The North Delridge Neighborhood Council. We need you to help make it a successful celebration.

You can purchase a vendor booth for $75. The cost directly supports the event, and as an added Karma bonus, 15% of the fee goes directly to ARC providing scholarships for Community Center programs. We’re operating on a tight budget with everything being volunteer-based. Any proceeds will benefit the North Delridge Neighborhood Council.

Delridge Day
When: Saturday, Sept. 17th from 11 am-3 pm
Where: Delridge Park 4501 Delridge Way SW

Okay, so you want a booth? Here are the forms, and don’t fret about the deadline of August 1st. That was for the sponsors who wanted to be included on our marketing materials. You have until September 9th to claim your booth. We’re operating on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If you have any further questions, please contact Amanda Leonard,Amanda.leonard.wa@gmail.com or by phone (509) 528-2635.

Hope to see you on Sept. 17th to celebrate Delridge!


Holli Margell
NDNC Outreach Chair

Speaking of food: Morgan Community Association ‘Bite’ thanks

July 31, 2011 2:00 pm
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(Top, WSB photo; below right, MoCA photo; both from 6/25/11 festival day)
Morgan Community Association leaders and volunteers are finally recovering from their big Morgan Junction Community Festival a month ago (WSB coverage here) – and Kate Gill de la Garza wanted to share a public thanks to the food-and-beverage purveyors who participated by providing the festival’s “Bite of Morgan” freebies. Note she suggests a way YOU can say thanks too!

MoCA would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the nine businesses that
participated in this year’s “Bite of Morgan” – Caffe Ladro, Domino’s Pizza, Pet Elements, Windermere Real Estate, Abbondanza Pizzeria, Zeeks Pizza [photo right], Feedback Lounge, Kokoras Greek Grill and Meander’s Kitchen. This was our largest “Bite” ever, and we could not have done it without the generous donations made by each business owner.

If you came to the Festival this year and enjoyed the “Bite,” please stop in to one of these establishments and return the favor by buying dinner or a coffee [etc.]. Please help us demonstrate that community partnership matters by saying thanks to all these great businesses!

In case you don’t know where to find them all, we’ve matched each with an infolink above (in all but one case, their own website or Facebook page).

Next ‘Mobile Chowdown’ may be in the West Seattle Junction

11:25 AM: It’s not a done deal yet, but the periodic multiple-food-truck extravaganza Mobile Chowdown is looking to come to the West Seattle Junction this fall. First word came from Lumpia World, which mentioned this on its Facebook page last night; then we found a listing on the city’s Special Events Calendar for “Mobile Chowdown” October 2nd – a Sunday – saying that from 11 am to 6 pm, “California Ave SW will be closed to vehicle traffic between SW Alaska St and SW Edmunds St for a mobile food truck event. Event includes a beer garden and amplified music.” And finally, we’ve just talked with Susan Melrose at the West Seattle Junction Association, who says they’re excited about the possibility and have had meetings with organizers, but haven’t received final word yet. The official Mobile Chowdown site says only that the next one is coming in October. We have a request out for comment from the PR agency that co-sponsors the Mobile Chowdowns, Suzuki + Chou Communimedia, and we’ll let you know when we hear back from them. Past sites have included Safeco Field and Seattle Center.

12:27 PM UPDATE: Michi Suzuki from Suzuki + Chou says the plan for the next Chowdown won’t be final till mid-August but, “We always look for new and cool venues and because it’s MOBILE Chowdown, we can take it anywhere. We really liked the “neighborhood” feel of doing it along the main corridor of the Junction. We’re looking at 22-25 trucks.” She also says they’re proposing it for two blocks of California, Oregon to Edmunds.

Countdown to the Alki Art Fair: Winning T-shirt design

July 19, 2011 9:14 am
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When it’s a celebration of artists – and there’s a competition to design the official T-shirt – you know the result will be memorable. This Saturday and Sunday, the beach will be alive with art for the annual Alki Art Fair (co-sponsored by WSB), and though it’s free, you can help support it by buying a shirt. The winning design is above; the winning artist is Susan Basher, who organizers tell us is new to the fair, and will have a booth there. (You’ve probably seen the poster all around town too – it was created by Alaina Gridley, who has participated in the fair for several years.) In addition to the art you can admire and buy during the fair (10 am-6 pm both days this weekend), make plans to check out at least a few of the 29 acts slated for live musical performances – here’s our previous report with the full schedule, and help pay tribute to the Alki Bathhouse’s centennial (did you catch the Then And Now Seattle Times feature on Sunday?). More previews ahead; check out the official Alki Art Fair website here. And the forecast still tantalizes us with a suggestion of some weekend sunshine…

West Seattle Summer Fest 2011, day 3: Sunday afternoon updates

High-thin clouds, not too hot, not cold, it’s the “just right” final afternoon of West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction. Belly dancing’s on the “informal stage” here at California/Alaska (by our HQ in the Information Booth) right now; it was TILA Real Estate’s “Minute to Win It” a bit earlier:

(No, that’s NOT Guy from the Food Network. Excellent lookalike, appearing here for his second consecutive year.) And we just heard from Stu Hennessey of Alki Bike and Board with a reminder that his electric-bike/conversion demo is coming up in the GreenLife area at 2 pm (west side of California, just north of Edmunds). Police tell us it’s been a trouble-free Summer Fest from their standpoint. Whether you’ve already been or not, c’mon down for the final hours – booths till 5, music till 5:45. P.S. Shoutout to the North Andover, Massachusetts, family and friends of Alex Young, who is enjoying Summer Fest with West Seattle relatives and dropped by to say hi. Farmers’ Market is on till 2.

2:17 PM UPDATE: That’s Evergreen Tang Soo Do Academy, putting on a martial-arts demonstration a few minutes ago. The sun’s back out, and the blue sky is winning the battle over the clouds. We’ve seen some other sights – they went by too fast even for us to photograph, but we saw someone pushing a dog in a stroller.

3:34 PM UPDATE: The photo’s from WSB contributor Stephanie Chacharon, who explains, “Visit Team Red Footed Boobies outside the post office! Passing out bottled water and boobie cookies in return for a donation to the Susan G Komen Foundation. (And keep an eye out for them at Alki on a sunny day soon!)” Meantime, before the festival ends, we had to go get a photo of this year’s single most-talked-about food item:

That’s the deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It had the buzz all weekend long. Its creators are online, here. (And of course, they’re on Facebook.)

4;24 PM UPDATE: There is a medical emergency right here at California and Alaska – a man collapsed and medics have been giving him CPR ever since they rushed over moments later (we’re told a citizen had started CPR before their arrival). Tables were quickly cleared on the east side of SW Alaska to clear a patch for three fire units that are here. They are about to take the man to the hospital; we will write more about this separately.

4:39 PM UPDATE: Medic 32 has left with the patient, with three other fire units following. Efforts to save him were continuing.

4:53 PM UPDATE: The festival’s wrapping up for vendors; even the info booth will be broken down close to 5, so we’ll have to move on. The last music act starts at 5 – The Fuzz.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2011: Your guide to Day 3

Third and final day of West Seattle Summer Fest is about to begin. Vendors are scheduled to be open 11 am-5 pm; music goes till 5:45 pm. Below the map, some highlights:

MUSIC – ALL ON THE CALIFORNIA-NORTH-OF-OREGON STAGE: Here’s the lineup. The live music starts at noon with the 85th Street Big Band, and runs through The Fuzz at 5. The official Summer Fest beer garden is up near the stage, too, by the West Seattle Eagles‘ aerie.

LIVE PERFORMANCES AT CALIFORNIA/ALASKA: Not in the festival guide, but you’ll find a list at the Information Booth. We’ll update this when we’re back on site in a bit, but we know it starts with TILA’s “Minute to Win It” at noon, and later, there’s another Sugar Rush cake-eating contest (above, our photo from Saturday’s edition).

SUMMER FEST KIDS’ AREA: Open 10 am-5 pm today. The rides are at SW Alaska and 44th SW, mostly in the Wells Fargo parking lot but a few actually on Alaska, next to the Farmers’ Market. Here’s our earlier report listing the rides and the pricing. Free activities too – like art!

SIGN UP FOR WEST SEATTLE IN MOTION: WSB is media sponsor for West Seattle In Motion, as noted earlier this week. The “drive a bit less and get fun incentives for keeping track” program, running through fall, officially launched with Summer Fest, and if you sign up at the In Motion booth, we understand you’ll get your free bus tickets and access to other deals on the spot. In Motion is in booths 26-28, on the east side of California, midblock between Alaska and Edmunds

HACK-CYCLE: Last chance to check this out in the corral by Junction Plaza Park (Alaska between 42nd and California). And bring your neglected/no-longer-needed bike, to get a crash course in tool-wielding while transforming it into something new … or show up and help human-power the project. It’s explained here.

GREENLIFE: The sustainability zone is in a parking lot on the south end, just past Bikram Yoga, and east of the 44th/Edmunds Chase drive-thru. Today’s demonstrations start at 11 am with “Green Cleaning Materials,” and continue till “Making Beer at Home” at 5 pm. Full schedule here.

INFORMATION BOOTH:More reps from neighborhood groups will be there today, along with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and WSB (hi!) – we have festival guides and other info about not just Summer Fest but also other big events in the weeks ahead as well as West Seattle in general, come say hi – can’t miss it in the heart of the festival zone, California/Alaska (right under the traffic signals).