Countdown to Delridge Day: Vendor deadline today; cleanup tomorrow; skatepark schedule

(Photo from Delridge Day 2010, courtesy North Delridge Neighborhood Council)
One week from tomorrow, the biggest party on the peninsula will be at Delridge Day, 11 am-3 pm on Saturday, September 17th – not just the North Delridge Neighborhood Council-presented festival, but also the grand opening of Delridge Skatepark. Several updates:

FESTIVAL VENDOR DEADLINE TODAY: There’s still room for vendors at Delridge Day, but the sign-up deadline is TODAY. Please e-mail NDNC’s Amanda Leonard at so they can save a spot, and turn in paperwork with payment when you arrive for Delridge Day (or mail it sooner). To get the form, scroll down the Delridge Day page at the NDNC website till you see “Would You Like To Join Us?” on the lower right.

HELP CLEAN UP DELRIDGE TOMORROW: Saturday’s Adopt-A-Street cleanup is the last major spruce-up opportunity before the festival a week later. NDNC would love to have your help, according to NDNC outreach chair Holli Margell, who says, “This is the fall Adopt-a-Street and final push to pretty things up for Delridge Day the following weekend. Come on out for a couple hours of picking up trash along Delridge Way, the Park, and Playfields. We will provide bags, pickers and gloves. Meet up at the Delridge Community Center parking lot, 10 am, plan on working as long as you like (or about 2 hours).”

UPDATE AT NDNC MONDAY MEETING: A final pre-festival update is part of the agenda just announced for Monday night’s NDNC meeting, 6:30 pm, Dragonfly Pavilion at 28th/Dakota (if the weather somehow turns bad, Delridge Library at Delridge/Brandon instead).

SKATEPARK CELEBRATION SCHEDULE: The Parks Department is out with more details about that part of the party. The ribboncutting is at 1 pm, but the festivities start with the Skate Like A Girl YES Program offering skateboarding lessons at 11 am. Professional skaters will be there with demos, and live music’s on the schedule too. Here’s the official flyer; here’s the official news release.

MORE DELRIDGE DAY DETAILS: NDNC sends “a huge Thank You to Nucor, All Star Fitness, Highline Urgent Care, and Alki Bike and Board for being event sponsors. Thanks to Legacy Partners, BE&T and Grindline, the event will have games with prizes starting at 1 2pm. Alki Bike and Board will be providing awesome giveaways too! All vendors who participate are also supporting the event and a portion of all fees are going to a scholarship fund for classes at the Delridge Community Center (look for more ways to give back at a Bake Sale booth with your sweet tooth).”

To get first word on the last-minute details, “like” the Delridge Day Facebook page.

6 Replies to "Countdown to Delridge Day: Vendor deadline today; cleanup tomorrow; skatepark schedule"

  • sam-c September 9, 2011 (12:55 pm)

    does the Parks dept. or contractor care that people use the skate park before it’s finished/ construction equipment is moved/ fence is taken down? every evening, we see a bunch of kids already skateboarding and we’re surprised…

    maybe it’s the contractor testing it out ?

  • Karen O'Connor September 9, 2011 (3:13 pm)

    Please do not trespass at the Delridge Skatepark. The park is NOT open. It opens next Sat. 9.17.11.
    Grindline is working hard to finish landscaping and complete the construction punch list. Please be respectful and support Grindline by not trespassing during this construction critical last week. Seattle Police are patrolling the area.
    Thank you
    Karen O’Connor
    Seattle Parks and Recreation

  • Alvis September 9, 2011 (4:22 pm)

    A public celebration of Hiawatha Park’s 100th anniversary will also be held in West Seattle on September 17th.

    • WSB September 9, 2011 (8:28 pm)

      Alvis: September 17th is another nexus of events (Holy Rosary’s WestFest, too, among other things). We have them all on the calendar. Wish they weren’t overlapping!

  • sam-c September 9, 2011 (4:55 pm)

    I wasn’t suggesting that I was going to- I don’t even know how !!!
    I was just really surprised to see it happening day after day. Considering how often I see it, I was wondering if someone knew, and didn’t care or what, especially since the site is so visible and on busy streets. it’s been going on for a couple weeks now. saw people walk in while we were at the wading pool a couple weeks ago..

    …..thought maybe those skaters all worked for Grindline and were testing it…

  • Carl September 10, 2011 (4:58 pm)

    30 kids cursing, hollerin’ and selling pot in our neighborhood 24 hours a day? Who wouldn’t be excited!!

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