West Seattle businesses 3275 results

Seen around West Seattle, Thursday midday edition


That’s an SDOT crew giving a facelift to the California SW crosswalk at SW Findlay.


Not sure if it was SDOT or someone else, but there’s also been a “facelift” on that bridge column on the west side of the low bridge — and that covered the wolf art that’s been there at least since we posted about it almost a year ago. (Thanks to Patricia for the tip.)


When we did a West Seattle-wide gas-price survey last weekend, we mentioned we couldn’t include biodiesel prices because they’re not posted for drive-by viewing. The new Propel station at 35th/Barton has just changed that.


In The Junction, the Morton’s-to-Pharmaca pharmacy transition is almost complete. It’s scheduled to become official at the end of this week; as we reported two weeks ago, they’re offering freebies during the “grand opening.”

Free workshops just announced for Saturday’s Biz Expo

May 28, 2008 3:24 pm
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 |   Delridge | Fun stuff to do | West Seattle businesses

Two really big FREE events happen this Saturday in West Seattle – we’ve told you about Delridge Day at Youngstown Arts Center (11 am-4 pm) and now we have many more details about the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Biz Expo @ South Seattle Community College, 11 am-3 pm, including free workshops with experts on everything from gardening to food to fitness – read on!Read More

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Dream Dinners

lesliethomson.jpgEvery time a new sponsor comes on board, we take a moment to welcome them and let you know what their business is about. The latest is Dream Dinners, operated by Leslie Thomson (left) in Jefferson Square. It’s a solution to being repeatedly plagued by the dread question of “what’s for dinner?” when you don’t really have the inclination to make something from scratch, but a restaurant or takeout isn’t feasible either. This page on the Dream Dinners website explains “how it works” — they have the recipes and ingredients, you arrange for a session, you go home with meals to freeze till you’re ready to cook ’em. In this short clip, you’ll hear Leslie describe a few of the dishes on the DD menu (which rotates every several weeks, to offer plenty of choices):

This month’s menu continues through the end of the week; next month’s menu is previewable online too. Since Dream Dinners’ hours vary, the best way to contact Leslie to find out more is to e-mail her here: Leslie.Thomson@dreamdinners.com. Thanks to Dream Dinners for sponsoring WSB — and thanks to our other sponsors, all of whom you will find on this page, which also has info for anybody interested in joining them to grow their business and reach more customers while helping WSB be a sustainable source of 24/7 community news, information, and discussion for West Seattle.

Two changes for Capers

Just realized we never wrote about Capers‘ announcement earlier this week that it’s closed its Fremont store and consolidated operations in West Seattle. In the announcement, Capers owner Lisa Myers said, “We want to refocus on one location and go back to our roots,” and added that her store’s about to celebrate its 23rd anniversary with a sale starting June 6th. Since we got that news release, multiple tips (thank you!) have noted a sign is up in Capers in The Junction saying food service is ending in the store as of next Saturday, but coffee/beverage availability will continue.

Reopening update from arson-victim Morgan Junction locksmith

May 23, 2008 10:12 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle fires


Quick update from Puget Sound Lock and Key co-owner Michael Dein, writing to the WSB Forum Community mailing list that was set up during the planning of last month’s WSBFC fundraiser for his business, closed since a still-unsolved arson attack two months ago:

I talked with the contractor who is handling fire restoration, and he estimates that we will be re-opened in 1 1/2 – 2 months. Thank you all once again for your support, I don’t think that I would have even tried to rebuild if not for the
outpouring of support and love from the community.

Crash-damaged salon already open again, with driver’s help

May 21, 2008 5:48 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

So says this post on the blog kept by neighboring Chill, which also mentions the pickup driver helped with the cleanup.

Attention, small businesses: BizJam returning to West Seattle

If you hadn’t already heard: Registration is open for the second annual BizJam Seattle conference for “indie” businesses, presented by Biznik (motto: “business networking that doesn’t suck”) – and again this year, it’s happening in West Seattle, at Youngstown Arts Center. This time around, it’ll span two days – Day 1, July 9, will focus on what small businesses need to know about “social media.” Read more about BizJam here (disclosure, we’re speaking at BizJam; in the year since the last BizJam, we’ve become an “indie” business ourselves). Speaking of social media, you can find us on Twitter as westseattleblog and on Facebook as WS Blog — we also just set up a West Seattle Blog group there.

Looking for work? Six new West Seattle jobs posted

May 20, 2008 3:54 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

If you missed the recent announcement of our West Seattle Jobs Offered section – in the past 24 hours alone, six new jobs have been posted. Posting is free for employers, so long as the job is physically in West Seattle and the post is clear about which business (with contact info) is hiring. (Please let us know when a job is filled, so we can mark the post CLOSED.)

Salon crash update: Saved by a quirk of fate


Followup on this morning’s crash at Jan’s Salon south of Morgan Junction (earlier WSB coverage here): We dropped by to talk with Jan earlier this afternoon; she is still trying to sort things out and expects to be closed at least a few days (photo above shows some of the damage, through the shop window). She was not insured – she said she was “between insurers.” She also said it was a quirk of fate that she wasn’t in the salon when this happened – she originally had a 9 am appointment scheduled today, but the client canceled, otherwise she would have been in the salon at the time of the crash. (The truck, shown in the photos from our earlier coverage, was towed after a couple hours; we wound up two cars behind the tow truck as it rattled past our corner, heading southeast.) Jan says she’s been in business at this location (California & Frontenac) for 14 years.

An ear to the grill: Tony’s Produce now roasting corn


So we were at Tony’s Produce (35th/Barton) this morning to get some, well, produce, and we noticed something new – that big blue corn-roasting machine, and big signs touting ROASTED CORN. This all started just a few days ago:


That’s Joey, son of the stand’s namesake proprietor Tony, seasoning the corn with a special mix including Parmesan cheese. $2.50/ear, available noon-8 pm, and Tony (below right, with Joey) proclaims, a la the onetime TV chef Mr. Food, “It’s so GOOD!”


Grocery-shopper traffic alert: Thriftway parking-lot work

May 16, 2008 12:09 pm
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Spotted this unusual sight while driving through Morgan Junction — the West Seattle Thriftway parking lot partly empty in the middle of the day! Called the store to get the scoop; managers tell WSB that it’s just restriping/sealing/blacktop work to freshen up the parking lot – no changes in the number or size of spaces – they’re taking advantage of the great weather to get this done, since it’ll dry faster; the Fauntleroy/Morgan entrance is closed at the moment (so you’ll need to enter off California). The work will continue through the weekend but they say today’s the “biggest chunk.”

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Dightman Capital Group

As is our tradition when a new sponsor joins WSB, we offer them a chance here on the home page to tell you something about themselves and their business. This morning, we’re welcoming Dightman Capital Group, an independent Registered Investment Advisor; here’s what they want you to know: “Dightman Capital was founded in 2007 by West Seattle resident Brian Dightman after nearly 6 years at RBC Dain Rauscher. Brian and his wife Michelle settled in West Seattle 8 years ago and shortly thereafter welcomed their two sons, Maxwell and Owen. Brian summarizes his feelings for West Seattle this way: ‘We love this community, its people, and look forward to continuing to build a rich history here for our family.’ Brian is a 3rd-generation West Seattleite; Grandma Ann and Mom Mitzie have many stories about their time at the Luna Park amusement center and saltwater pool on the pier back in the early 1900’s! Brian founded Dightman Capital when he realized that the best form of investment management and planning was going to come from an independent, fee-only source. The goal at Dightman Capital is to deliver a unique and focused portfolio-management approach to individual and institutional investors within a comprehensive planning environment. The firm emphasizes services in money management, financial planning, wealth management, generating retirement income, college cost evaluations and concentrated stock strategies.” You can reach Dightman Capital Group through its website at www.dightmancapital.com. Thanks to Dightman Capital Group for sponsoring WSB — and thanks to our other sponsors, all of whom you will find on this page, which also has info for anybody interested in joining them to grow their business and reach more customers while helping WSB be a sustainable source of 24/7 community news, information, and discussion for West Seattle.

Health notes: Free fair; fundraiser acupuncture; store freebies

Three notes to share, loosely related in that they have something to do with health care. First, student nurses from the Seattle University College of Nursing are inviting you to a health fair this Saturday – 10 am-4 pm @ High Point Community Center. They’re organizing it as a school-related project and they are really excited about the chance to come help people be healthier; they’re offering blood-sugar testing and blood-pressure checks for adults, mouth-care demos and face painting for kids, as well as information on a variety of health challenges and conditions. Here’s the flyer. Second – On Saturday afternoon 5/31, West Seattle acupuncture practitioner and community activist Miranda Taylor will be offering “community-style acupuncture” at the CommuniChi clinic on Beacon Hill; fees are sliding scale and proceeds on this particular day are going toward West Seattle community activist Maria Ramirez‘s School Board campaign from last fall. Appointments can be made online at the CommuniChi website. Last but not least, the date is now set for a Junction drugstore transition — new information (including plans for grand-opening freebies such as massages!) and a video interview, ahead:Read More

Need to network? Meet this local group

In addition to big groups such as the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and the West Seattle Junction Association, WS is laden with many smaller networking groups – and one of them is reaching out to prospective new members: The Westside Professionals’ first new-member outreach begins tomorrow morning; they’ll be meeting at Pegasus on Alki starting at 7:45, and welcome anyone interested in finding out more. Here chapter president Don Linley (who works with Crown Mortgage) talks a little about the group:

The Westside Professionals are affiliated with BNI, which bills itself as “the largest business-networking organization in the world.”

Got some business sense to share with young entrepreneurs?

Received this from Alki-area businessperson Tom Lin:

A group of local high-school students asked me to help them develop a viable summer business project. They have come up with a few propositions so far. Among them:

1. Shaved Ice (snowcone) at Alki.
2. Paid Parking at Alki during busy sunny days.
3. Alki Dog Walking Service
4. Car Washing

They are looking for help with all aspects of business development. If you have any suggestions or experience in the above fields,
please call Lucas at 206-226-9964 or send me an e=mail, Thomas Lin, at alkihomestead@yahoo.com.

There will be a meeting for all interested parties at Alki Homestead Restaurant 11:30AM Sunday May 18. If you are over age 16 and are interested in starting your own business, you are welcome to join the group.

This is a project for the youth to start a business venture that is profit driven. If you have a creative mind, please come and join
us. However, all the advisors are volunteers.

Please RSVP if you are interested in this project: alkihomestead@yahoo.com

Sign sightings: 1 closure, 1 future opening


Thanks to Shell Marr for that photo and word that The Wash House laundromat on 35th (between Morgan and Graham) has abruptly closed. Shell adds, “It’s really too bad they did not make it, Vicki & Jim were just the nicest people and really made doing laundry somewhat enjoyable if that is possible. Thank you, Vicki & Jim …” Meantime, another sign just sighted, this one on Delridge:


We first told you two months ago that Olympia Pizza and Pasta was taking over the short-lived Pacino’s Coffee spot; it’s had a temporary banner up for a while, but the official sign just appeared this week. We don’t have any info yet on a targeted opening date.

West Seattle business updates: 1 remodel, 1 move, 1 opening


First, the remodeling — WSB’er The House sent that photo of a sign spotted at Westwood Village QFC. Now, the move: Marilyn at Murphy’s Furniture has confirmed her new location in Pioneer Square (as first reported in January, she’s leaving Avalon; as first reported last weekend, Cafe Revo‘s taking the space): 314 1st Ave. S., next to Elliott Bay Books, hoping for an early-June opening. This is her last weekend on Avalon and she’s having a sale. Next, the opening — Last night’s West Seattle Art Walk participants included a new business on the north edge of The Junction, The Body Bar, and we stopped in to find out more – even came away with another prize for the Garage Sale Day contests – read on:Read More

Zippy’s Giant Burgers, by the numbers

Rahel Cook, co-owner of the wildly popular new Zippy’s Giant Burgers with Blaine “Zippy” Cook, just posted this update in comments under our last post – since most people won’t go back to see comments on a two-day old post, we’re highlighting it here:

Thanks all for the raves! We certainly were blown away, to say the least about the turnout!

Here are the stats:
Thursday = 55 lbs of beef, gone by 6 pm!
Friday = 66 lbs of beef, gone by 7 pm!
Saturday = 88 lbs of beef, gone by 8:30 pm!

We finally ran out of buns on Sunday and that’s what kept us from opening. We got a
big delivery of buns on Monday, but yet again, we sold out by 8 pm! …

Thank you all for showing up and supporting your local Burger business. Keep on
coming and don’t be afraid to tell us what you like or don’t like!

Here comes day 5!

ps. We’ll be closed on Mother’s Day as we all have mothers and I’m one, too. We’d
like to celebrate all moms! :)

By the way, in a separate comment in the same spot, Rahel also is asking if anyone’s interested in their compostable food waste.

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Clutter Caddy

May 6, 2008 10:08 am
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Spring, and a person’s thoughts turn to … getting organized! (Certainly the participants in Saturday’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day can identify.) cluttercaddyfoto.jpgGetting organized is what our newest sponsor, Clutter Caddy, is all about. Here’s what Pamela Street (photo left) wants you to know about her business: “Expand your time and ease the stress in your life by letting ‘someone else’ tame your pesky projects, enabling you time to enjoy life! Clutter Caddy, your professional organizer, wants to do just that for you!!! Pamela Street, longtime West Seattle resident, has been rolling up her sleeves for over five years to make environments more stress free. However, if her Mom is to be believed, she started organizing in her crib. Her pragmatic approach to organizing allows clients to embrace life-changing habits that bring functional order to their surroundings. Through many years supporting large groups of individuals in a work environment, she has acquired a depth of experience that brings practicality to both large and small projects. With a sense of humor, her professional non-judgmental style will provide the insight to jumpstart your most challenging projects. Clutter Caddy offers a wide range of services to help you:

* Organize your home, office or auto to help you be more productive, finding items you want when you want them.

* Assist in small and large moves, specializing in downsizing for the empty nesters and getting the most out of small spaces for new condo owners.

* Plan and execute celebrations from cozy dinner parties to gala events.

Book your services now with Clutter Caddy, or purchase a Gift Certificate for someone that could use a helpful hand organizing their home or doing spring cleaning. Mention this posting when booking two hours or more before May 30th, 2008 and receive 10% off the hourly rate. Visit the evolving web site at www.cluttercaddy.biz, e-mail at cluttercaddy@yahoo.com or call 206-851-3848 for an appointment. Weekend and evening appointments are available.” Thanks to Clutter Caddy and our other advertisers for supporting WSB; if you’re interested in joining them, here’s where to start.

Skylark gets spicier (and we don’t mean the cuisine)

Just got the latest e-mail newsletter from Skylark. (More and more West Seattle businesses have newsletters available, often with tasty infobits and sometimes with special offers; worth checking your favorite businesses’ websites next time you’re idly wandering the interwebs.) Later this month, Skylark is launching what we suspect is a West Seattle first — a monthly open burlesque competition, pros and amateurs welcome, starting May 20 and on the third Tuesday of each month thereafter. Read more about it here. (Skylark also is one of the businesses who are among the 148 participants in West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 10!)

Wednesday night West Seattle biznotes

BURGERS: Looks like Zippy’s Giant Burgers (16th and Holden; first reported here two weeks ago) is on track for the expected opening tomorrow. For one, it says so on their MySpace! For two, we went by earlier this evening and saw not only activity inside, but also a sign on the door, “Cash Only.” We’ll of course go by to check at lunchtime tomorrow if we can’t reach them by phone sooner.

FURNITURE: Driving through the Burien business district a few days ago, we noticed a big storefront with papered windows and the website address for Village Woodworks, the furniture store on California north of Alaska in The Junction. Checked to see whether that meant they are moving or expanding; Junction store management tells WSB it’s the latter — adding a second store, in Burien.

TERVO’S UPDATE: One week after we reported the sighting of a “New Ownership” sign and its temporary closure, the Fauntleroy Triangle convenience store has received a new paint job in the past several days:


You’ll notice the sign is painted out as well; new name to come, perhaps? Not according to the liquor-license application; click the button on this page and scroll down the results lists a ways — you’ll see the new owners’ names but not a store-name change. (As mentioned in that same update a week ago, there’s now a mixed-use development proposal in the works for this site too.)

Alki Homestead antique sale under way


17 years in West Seattle and we’ll confess we have never been inside the Alki Homestead (on 61st SW, just south of the Alki Bakery building). Curiosity about what came down out of storage for the forum-announced antique sale (continuing through 7 pm tonight) finally changed that, less than an hour ago — we dropped in right as the doors opened at 3 pm. Resisted the impulse to scoop up this entire table of $1-each servingware:


There’s furniture, paintings, silverware, crystal. And a bake sale with elegant offerings. We asked Homestead management if they might do this again if everything doesn’t sell; they said probably not in this format — whatever’s left over when this sale ends at 7 pm today will likely go back upst

Another new business coming to West Seattle

April 27, 2008 9:28 pm
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Found out about this one because they’ve just posted job listings in our West Seattle Jobs Offered section in the WSB Forums: Snap Fitness, on its way to Jefferson Square. Looks like a US/Canada chain – corporate website here.