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West Seattle Tuesday: Veterans Day; Senior Center ‘should we stay or should we go?’ town halls; WS Transportation Coalition; Admiral, Fauntleroy councils…

November 11, 2014 10:19 am
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Thanks to Mark Wangerin for sharing that photo in honor of Veterans Day, and all those who have served and are serving. He took it yesterday from West Seattle. We believe it’s a U.S. Navy vessel that itself is about to become a “veteran” – the USS Ingraham, which will be decommissioned tomorrow.

Meantime, looking ahead to today in West Seattle – we’ve included holiday notes in our daily traffic watch; no specific Veterans Day commemorations that we have word of, but here are major events that ARE happening:

SENIOR CENTER ‘SHOULD WE STAY OR SHOULD WE GO’ TOWN HALL MEETINGS: In two sessions (attend either one or both) at 3 and 5:30 pm today, the Senior Center of West Seattle‘s board is looking for community guidance on its future – become a “program” of the nonprofit Senior Services, or go independent. Backstory here if you haven’t been following developments as reported here on WSB in the past few months. (California/Oregon)

MARATHON INFO NIGHT, WITH DISCOUNTS: Interested in the Seattle Marathon/Half Marathon coming up November 30th? 6:30-8:30 pm, drop by West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) for a special Information Night, including discounted registration, and in-store merchandise discounts for attendees. (California/Charlestown)

WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House‘s High Point Center, join the WSTC for a wide-ranging meeting including what’s next now that transit-funding Prop 1 has passed. Full agenda details on the WSTC website. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

WEST SEATTLE SEE DOGS: Find out what it’s like to train a guide puppy, and consider volunteering to do it! First step, check out the next WSSD meeting tonight, 6:30 pm, The Kenney (WSB sponsor) – more in our calendar listing. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 7 pm at The Sanctuary, featuring an update from the Seattle Green Spaces Coalition and election of 2015 leadership. (42nd/Lander)

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm board meeting, at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse. Topics are likely to include the traffic/transportation forum (WSB coverage here) held last Thursday. (9131 California SW)

ORCAS’ FUTURE: 7 pm tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), The Whale Trail‘s next Orca Talk features Dawn Noren on the Southern Resident Killer Whales’ status, as previewed in our report on TWT’s previous event. Tickets = $5 suggested donation – at door if there’s room, or online. (5612 California SW)

AQUARIUM-PLANT, FISH, ANIMAL AUCTION: Members of the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society will be auctioning plants, fish, and aquarium animals starting at 7 tonight (doors open at 6) in the West Seattle Christian Church Activity Center. Details on the GSAS website. (4400 42nd SW)

SEE WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING … blues, bingo, storytelling, meditation … by browsing our calendar!


(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
As we start the morning, here’s what might affect how you get around on this Veterans Day:

*Metro is on a reduced-weekday/no-UW schedule
*No Water Taxi service on either route
*Sound Transit: Regular schedule
*Washington State Ferries: Regular schedule
*Schools are closed today (as are other government-run facilities including libraries)
*In Seattle neighborhoods with street parking, it’s free today

WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION TONIGHT: The holiday is NOT pre-empting a full slate of community meetings, including the WSTC, 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW) – see the agenda here.

7:25 AM: As noted in comments, some Battery St. Tunnel trouble, but no official word on its current status….

West Seattle Halloween postscript: A Kids Place Too candy buyback nets letters along with treats

Dr. Keith McDonald and staff at A Kids Place Too! Dentistry for Children (WSB sponsor) are all smiles over the results of their first-ever “candy buyback” – 400 pounds of candy plus 200 letters of appreciation, all to be given to troops.

The candy and letters are going out via Operation Gratitude.

Affordable, livable housing: What do you want the city to do to ensure/enhance it?

Affordable, livable housing. Everybody needs it. Not everybody can find it. So the city’s trying to figure out what it can/should do, to fix that. To help shape its Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, it’s working with an advisory committee. Among its members, West Seattle community advocate Cindi Barker, who says the committee met for the first time last week and is now looking ahead to three community meetings at which you can be heard.

Above is the slide deck with issues and data put before the committee, but you might already know in your heart and gut what it would take to deal with this issue. The key “starting points” for discussion are growth, affordability, recent development, and race/social justice. Back to the upcoming meetings: They’re all outside West Seattle, but the first two are not far:

South Seattle: Ethiopian Community Center (Map)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Central District: Garfield Community Center (Map)
Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Northgate: Northgate Community Center (Map)
Thursday, December 04, 2014, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Meeting format:

6:00 pm, doors open

6:30 – 6:45, introductions and remarks

6:45 – 7:30, Survey of meeting attendees (hand held survey devices so people can respond to presentation material and provide direct input)

7:30 – 8:00, display stations of information and interaction with staff and committee members present

The full committee roster, by the way, is listed on the right side of this city webpage. They are expected to get recommendations to the mayor and council by the end of May.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thief caught on camera; car prowl; phone scam; SPD’s new way to write tickets

Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight, starting with a thief caught on video:

That video shows a theft in the Me-Kwa-Mooks Park area last week, according to Heather, who shared the video. (The thief gets out of the car at :46 in.) In case you can’t quite tell, she says, “He was driving a Nissan Murano with tinted windows and a sunroof. He took a pressure washer.” Call police if you know who that is.

#2 – CAR PROWL: Quick heads-up from Blair – “Car break-in on 32nd and Barton Saturday night by the Barton Pea Patch.”

#3 – PHONE SCAM: In case you get this call, here’s a warning from Melissa:

A man (“David Johnson”) with an accent (India, it sounded like) claiming to be from the “US Treasury Inspector” wanted my lawyer’s contact info regarding a legal action involving me, claiming I was notified months ago and that someone would be arriving tomorrow to arrest me. He was very good, even providing names and contact info when I pressed him, but nothing was adding up. I demanded a number to call him back (after a couple prompts, after he oh so helpfully offered to simply transfer me), then I hung up and immediately called the Seattle Police non-emergency line. They knew what this was instantly and did confirm that it was a scam, and if they call back, tell them you’ve already spoken to the police and hang up.

While every fiber of my being was telling me this was a scam, I did have a few bad moments since I still in bed and not totally awake yet. (It was before 7:30 am, so I guess they weren’t super sharp about the time zone thing…)

#4 – NO MORE HANDWRITTEN TICKETS: In case you missed the SPD announcement of a new electronic system, read about it here.

Followup: Emily’s misdelivered wedding ring has been found!

On Saturday morning, we published Emily’s plea, trying to find out who might have the package containing her wedding ring, remade for her upcoming 10th anniversary, after its delivery … to the wrong address. No one knew WHICH wrong address. But Emily just sent this happy news:

MY RING HAS BEEN FOUND! The delivery driver went to every house on his route…at this house in particular, they saw the news story and didn’t even realize it was in their screen door. My faith in humanity has been restored :)

Thanks go out to everyone who helped look!

West Seattle traffic alert: Low bridge reopens after closure

3:48 PM: SDOT says the low bridge is closed right now because of “police activity.”

3:52 PM: And it’s now open again.

4:04 PM: According to Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske, the incident involved someone threatening suicide. He says, “The officers successfully talked him down.” (Every time we mention suicide, we also want to be sure you know about the 24/7 resource in our area, the Crisis Clinic hotline – 206-461-3222.)

WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide launching soon – share your event(s)/info with everyone!

November 10, 2014 3:33 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

We’re working on the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide right now – our traditional one-stop page for EVERYTHING holiday-ish that’s happening in this area between mid-November and early January – and want to nudge you to send info about anything that might fit! Including but not limited to:

*Restaurant/bar hours (or closure plans) for Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s
*Holiday open houses at local businesses
*Holiday-season donation drives
*Tree lightings
*Tree lots/wreath sales
*Theater performances
*Holiday church/synagogue services
*Holiday light/decorations displays
*Bazaars/art sales/trunk shows
*Other holiday celebrations to which the community’s invited

As with other event announcements, we request that you send the info:

*Via e-mail – editor@westseattleblog.com
*At least a week in advance (but the sooner, the better, even weeks/months ahead)
*Text only, PLEASE – we cannot easily pull details off a flyer/poster. You can attach those *too* if desired, but please put the info in the body of your e-mail.
*Weblinks are very much welcome. Facebook links are OK but a link to your website, which means the widest possible accessibility/readership, is better.

Thank you! (We do update the guide daily throughout the season, but the more info we have even BEFORE we launch version 1.0, the better.)

Noticing more big ships at anchor instead of docked? Here’s why

While sizable ships anchor off Don Armeni from time to time, seldom have we seen a loaded-with-containers cargo ship there, appearing almost close enough to touch, as did the OOCL London this morning. Over the weekend, Beach Drive Blog pointed out the two cargo ships visible at anchor across the Sound, off Manchester; from West Seattle, you can see two more ships anchored off Magnolia.

It’s a visible effect of an alleged “slowdown” that comes six months into West Coast contract talks between the ILWU, which says it’s “congestion,” and the terminal operators of the Pacific Maritime Association, which accuses the ILWU of “orchestrated job actions.” According to this online schedule, OOCL London was to dock at Terminal 18 yesterday; one of the ships waiting off Manchester, the Hyundai Force, was to dock at T-18 Saturday.

The pace of work is reported to have picked up at both ports today – at the Port of Seattle per its seaport division managing director Linda Stryk in a phone conversation with WSB, and Tacoma per this an updated “operation status” online. Styrk calls the increase in ships at anchor a “snowballing effect” of last week’s “very low productivity,” while adding, “productivity improved over the weekend” but warning “it will take some time to catch up with the snowball effect.” Since the Port’s only role in this is as a “landlord,” as Styrk put it, the best they can do is engage in “advocacy and raising concerns up the flagpole, encouraging both parties to come to terms.” That advocacy, she added, includes making note of the effects the slowdown is having on exports. “People recognize that low productivity is not good for jobs; hopefully the advocacy of impacts will help them keep moving in a more-positive direction.”

TUESDAY AFTERNOON NOTE: The Hyundai Force left Manchester today for Tacoma.

4 for today/tonight as your West Seattle Monday continues

(Dawn redwood grove at Lincoln Park, by Mark Ahlness, shared via WSB Flickr group)

Before we get too much further into today – four highlights (and there’s even more on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar):

REGISTRATION AT SOUTH: First day for new students to register for winter quarter 2015 at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) – details online. (6000 16th SW)

HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY PTA MEETING: Starts with dinner at 5:30, then the meeting 6-7:30 pm, in the cafeteria at HPES – child care available, all welcome. (1012 SW Trenton)

ROXHILL ELEMENTARY PTSA MEETING: 6 pm at Roxhill ES. (30th/Roxbury)

PRECINCT COMMANDER @ NORTH DELRIDGE MEETING: 6:30 pm, it’s the November meeting of the North Delridge Neighborhood Council. Preview, via Nancy Folsom:

*Captain Steve Wilske talking about the North Delridge Policing Plan and other crime/public safety issues. You might note that he was scheduled for last month on the same topic but was unable to come due to illness.

*Approval of the 2015 executive committee

*Follow up on DESC issues if needed

*Any open issues

NDNC meets at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

Congrats and good luck! WSHS swimmers headed for state

Thanks to Danette Carufel for sharing the photo and report:

Two West Seattle High School swimmers will be going to the State Swimming Championships next Friday/Saturday at King County Aquatic Center. Gabby Carufel, junior (left), had a state qualifying time in the 100-yard backstroke of 1:01.77. Anne Williamson, senior (right), is competing in the 100-yard breaststroke with a time of 1:12.62. Go, Wildcats!!!

Next step toward Watton family’s pocket-park gift: Teardown

This isn’t the only house being demolished in West Seattle today, but we’re pretty sure it’s the only one with a backstory like this: It’s the house at 3823 SW Willow in Gatewood that was mentioned here three months ago, as Seattle Parks notified neighbors about the plans to turn it into a pocket park, thanks to a “reserved life estate donation” from George Watton, who lived there with wife DeLayne Watton for more than half a century. He built the house after returning home from World War II and had arranged the donation of the site, plus money to cover demolition, long before his death last year at age 95 (his wife died in 2007). Parks has said that after the site is cleared – today’s teardown follows a long period of more-gentle “deconstruction” – they will embark on site restoration and turf establishment, to be complete by next spring.

P.S. Thanks to Joseph for sharing the photo!

ADDED: And thanks to Ron for this view hours later, as the final wall of the house was brought down:

Reader report: Words of gratitude for a West Seattle neighbor

A message like this might usually end up in the WSB Forums‘ Rant/Rave section, but it arrived in our inbox, and a Monday morning seemed like the time for some good news. From Kelly:

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the woman who is currently raking leaves off the sidewalk (which is also the primary bike route in/out of our neighborhood) and the Delridge onramp to the bridge. That street flooded horribly earlier this week because of leaves in the storm grate and was dangerous. The water was almost over the sidewalk. My husband and I were driving by so I couldn’t thank her myself but I hope you’ll share my deep appreciation!



November 10, 2014 7:06 am
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(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
So far, a relatively average commute here and regionally, according to all the sources we’ve checked. (Two of the cameras we regularly show are down, by the way.)

VETERANS DAY TOMORROW: Tuesday’s holiday means, among other things, no school and some transit changes, including “reduced weekday” service for Metro and no Water Taxi service.

SPEAKING OF THE WATER TAXI … its first-ever “strategic plan” is out. Eastside service? New West Seattle terminal? Tax increase? See what it says.

SOUNDERS TONIGHT: We should mention that Sounders FC plays Dallas at C Link, 7:30 tonight,

First-ever ‘strategic plan’ in place, to steer King County Water Taxi service’s future

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

While Metro bus funding and Sound Transit light rail have held the spotlight here lately, plans are being shaped for another transportation service’s future: The King County Water Taxis.

They’re in the just-approved, first-ever “strategic plan” for the King County Ferry District, which operates Water Taxi service on the downtown/Vashon and downtown/West Seattle runs – read the final version here or below:

One of the first steps to be taken is to end the Ferry District’s existence as a separate entity. The County Council is scheduled to vote on “assuming governance” of the district during its 11 am meeting tomorrow, one week after, sitting as the Ferry District Board chaired by West Seattle’s Councilmember Joe McDermott, it approved the strategic plan.

Another big decision ahead: Funding, with the plan describing the service as “”currently financially unsustainable given annual revenue, service costs, and current and near-term capital improvement needs.”

Consolidating the district into county government will help, according to the plan, because it “will eliminate redundant functions of the District and County. Separate District contracts for Legal and Accounting services can be terminated and Ferry District staff will not be needed. The annual savings from consolidation can go directly to providing services.”

But that won’t cover the gap, the report suggests. From the plan, here’s a chart showing what’s happened:

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West Seattle weekend scene: American Legion Post 160’s Veterans Day ‘thank you’ dinner

The doors at American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle were open for three hours tonight for those who have served or are serving to come enjoy a free “thank you” dinner, as Veterans Day approaches. In our photo above are Post 160 Commander Keith Hughes and Linda Cox. Dinner was an Italian menu again this year:

Post 160 has one more invitation: Everyone who has served in the U.S. armed forces, or is serving now, is welcome to be a member. The post (3618 SW Alaska) has a general meeting every second Wednesday, 6 pm, which means the next one is coming up in just three days, on November 12th. Questions? E-mail wslegion160@gmail.com or call 206-932-9696.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Help look for this stolen truck

Stolen vehicles found recently in West Seattle tended to turn up in alleys, so look there, too. From Rick and Marty:

Please help- our truck was stolen from in front of the house – stolen Saturday night from Westwood Village/Shorewood area : White 2006 Ford F-250 standard cab – has 5th wheel hitch and black 5th wheel (cut out) tailgate – Lic # B866595- any information, either contact 911 or call us at 206-931-2027.

Update: Police investigating pencil-stabbing attack reported by Roxhill Elementary student

(SCROLL DOWN – or jump, if viewing from WSB home page – for Monday update)

5:53 PM SUNDAY: Police are investigating a report of bullying turned violent at a local school. The victim’s mother told them it happened at Roxhill Elementary on October 30th; it was not reported to police until she went to the Southwest Precinct desk on November 5th, according to the detailed report that was added to SPD’s publicly viewable online files this weekend. Here’s what the report says:

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West Seattle scene: This weekend’s most honest yard-sale sign

November 9, 2014 5:42 pm
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Seen at 35th/Holden in Gatewood (by us on Saturday, though we couldn’t stop for a photo, and then today by our Arbor Heights-based anonymous correspondent, who DID stop to snap it and shared the photo). Hope the sale went well.

Meantime, this gives us a chance to point out that today happens to be the exact midpoint between last West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day and the next one! Six months from today, on May 9, 2015, shoppers and sellers will swarm the peninsula for the 11th annual WSCGSD, organized and presented by WSB. (New to West Seattle? Here’s our coverage from last year.) As usual, we’ll open registration in early April.

You can help! Brunette Mix benefit to help leukemia patient ‘concentrate on treatment and healing’

Sarah at Brunette Mix (longtime WSB sponsor) in The Junction e-mailed to let us, and you, know about two ways you can help them help a West Seattle native who is now fighting for her life:

We are currently trying to raise money for a friend of ours, Jasmin Egan. She is a former West Seattleite that now resides in Kent. She grew up here and went to Chief Sealth High School. Her maiden name is Jasmin Glover. She has just been diagnosed with ALL – Acute Lympholastic Leukemia. She will not not be able to work for a long time, and her husband can’t either right now, as she needs around-the-clock care. She has three beautiful children, and we just want to take the stress of money and bills away, so she can concentrate on treatment and healing. So Brunette Mix is offering deep conditioning treatments with any service for free with any donation. The conditioner is a $20 value.

Also, we are organizing a silent auction for her at the Feedback Lounge on Thursday, December 4th, from 6:30- 9:30 and are still looking for donations.

If you can offer a donation for the silent auction, e-mail Sarah at swillanger@hotmail.com. To make an appointment at Brunette Mix (4306 SW Oregon), so you can donate there and get the special reward, you can book online, or by e-mail, or by phone – 206-932-2401.

VIDEO: Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s rock ‘n’ roll & ‘rebirth’ Champagne Gala Brunch scores sizable support

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

West Seattle rocks.

You already knew that.

The hundreds who gathered at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor) Saturday for the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s annual Champagne Gala Brunch were served many reminders of why it’s true, and gave big in response.

For the gala’s centerpiece, they were the live audience for an on-location half-hour-long Marty Riemer podcast, co-hosted by his once-and-future radio partner Jodi Brothers, about West Seattle’s role in Seattle’s rock scene, with guests including a rock star, a record-label exec, and the owner of the city’s most-famous record store. Here’s the video (toplines later in this story, if you don’t have time to watch/listen):

The Marty Reimer Show at Salty’s on Alki from Avenue Collection on Vimeo.

Wait – you might think – didn’t you say “Historical Society”? Doesn’t that conjure an image of great-grandmas, tea, cookies, and lectures about the distant, misty past, more than rock ‘n’ roll?

Certainly, a few great-grandmas and great-grandpas were in the audience somewhere. And the family in the spotlight brought a multi-generational group – all 27 of whom gathered in front of the trademark Salty’s view windows; that would be the Schmitz Family, right after three members spoke movingly about the living legacy that traces back to one Schmitz’s emigration from Germany and eventual arrival in Seattle.

(WSB photos by Torin Record-Sand unless otherwise credited)
But when SWSHS executive director Clay Eals (above right, with Vicki Schmitz-Block and Dietrich Schmitz) spoke of “rebirth,” he made it clear the organization is looking ahead even as it celebrates the past. Especially what he said about this year’s biggest SWSHS event, the unveiling of the restored Admiral Way Viewpoint totem pole on June 6th, at its new home on the east side of SWSHS’s Log House Museum. He showed this five-minute video capturing the essence of the unveiling ceremony:

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West Seattle Sunday: Today’s word is free! Including Veterans Day dinner for those who have served and are serving…

(Lincoln Park photo by Jeremiah Holt)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Year-round, rain or shine. 10 am-2 pm. (44th/Alaska)

OPEN HOUSE: Five holistic-health practitioners are having an open house in their newly open clinic, 10 am-2 pm, details here. (5400 California SW)

OPEN EARLY FOR GAME DAY: 11:30 am, Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) opens early with a Game Day menu for the Seahawks-Giants game, which will be on the big screen at 1:25 pm. (6451 California SW)

FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS: Not in WS but – two teams from the West Seattle-based SWAC Cougars are playing regional championship games – Pee Wees at 1 pm, 89ers at 3 pm, both vs. teams from the CD Panthers, both at French Field in Kent. Good luck! (10200 SE 256th, Kent)

FREE ORGAN CONCERT … also featuring flute, oboe, trumpet, piano and choir. 2 pm at Hope Lutheran Church. (42nd/Oregon)

‘SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS’: Lost a loved one this year and dreading the approaching holidays? This GriefShare seminar at Grace Church might be able to help. Details in our calendar listing. 2 pm.

FREE CLASSICAL CONCERT: 3 pm, Ladies’ Musical Club at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library, featuring music of Mozart and Donizetti for soprano and piano, and music of Faure for violin and piano.” (2306 42nd SW)

SUNDAY AFTERNOON THEATER: See a matinee performance of “Dogfight at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), 3 pm. Tickets available online. (4711 California SW)

‘THANK YOU’ DINNER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED/ARE SERVING: 5-8 pm, American Legion Post 160 and Auxiliary Unit 160 invite veterans, active duty, reservists, and their families to a FREE Italian dinner. No RSVP needed – just show up. Here’s our preview. (3618 SW Alaska)

SUNDAY NIGHTLIFE: Seven nights a week, something fun’s happening somewhere. Tonight – trivia and karaoke! See the listings here.

Update: Fire callout on Beach Drive = ‘small kitchen fire’

2:53 AM: A big callout for a potential house fire in the 4800 block of Beach Drive. First crew on scene sees “light smoke.” More to come.

2:56 AM: Most of the units are being canceled – this turned out to be, according to communications between fire crews and dispatch, “small kitchen fire, (extinguished) by occupant.”