West Seattle news 62521 results

West Seattle restaurants: Quick updates on 2 opening soon

From the “in case you were wondering” file … two more quick followups on what will likely be the next two West Seattle restaurants to open:

COASTLINE: As first reported here last summer, this is the burger joint that is going into the former Shoofly Pie Company spot at 4444 California SW. We checked in with proprietor Aaron Shepherd, who also owns Copper Coin in Admiral; he says they’re hoping to be open before year’s end. In the meantime, Coastline is listed on posters as the starting point for the West Seattle Santa Pub Crawl on Saturday night, and Shepherd says they will be keeping that commitment by pouring beers – just no burgers yet!

BLUE MOON BURGERS: As first reported here last spring, this Seattle mini-chain is converting the former Alki Auto Repair (which moved to Luna Park) location at 2504 Alki Ave. SW. A spokesperson tells us that Blue Moon is now hoping to be open by mid-January.

Light rail for West Seattle someday? First step just taken: WS added to Sound Transit’s map as potential light-rail corridor

3:48 PM: It’s by no means a guarantee that light rail is headed this way – but it’s a necessary first step: The Sound Transit board has just approved ST’s Long-Range Plan Update, and part of it included an amendment to the ST map so that it will now show Downtown Seattle to West Seattle to Burien as a (potential) light-rail corridor.

4:41 PM: Some background – the talk about this possibility really started to intensify a year ago, when ST offered an online survey about its Long-Range Plan Update. In May, we reported on a presentation to the ST Executive Committee about the study of potential south-end corridors, including routes featuring West Seattle. Then in June, another survey was taken in connection with the draft environmental-impact statement for the Long-Range Plan Update. In July, ST reps spoke to the West Seattle Transportation Coalition and to the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce; and in October, the two West Seattleites on the Sound Transit board, County Executive Dow Constantine and County Councilmember Joe McDermott, announced they would work to get WS into the Long-Range Plan Update.

So what happens now? ST has to figure out what it wants to propose for its next ballot measure, dubbed ST3, which might not go to voters until November 2016. Today’s vote is no guarantee that the newly added West Seattle light-rail corridor will be included, but if the board hadn’t voted to add WS to the map today, there would have been zero chance of it making the next ballot measure.

Off West Seattle shores: USS Stennis back from flight testing

December 18, 2014 1:51 pm
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(Photo by Gary Jones)
Yes, that was the USS John C. Stennis again, visible from West Seattle on its way back to Bremerton, two weeks after it left for flight-operations testing following its quarter-billion-dollar overhaul. The Kitsap Sun reported on Monday that the Stennis got its flight-operations certification during the testing off California, following 160 launches and recoveries. Other training’s been under way on board, too, as shown on the Stennis’s Facebook page.

West Seattle schools: Fairmount Park students celebrate heritage

When we toured Fairmount Park Elementary School just before its reopening, we heard a lot about the spaces on its walls where students’ work could be displayed. Thanks to a parent’s tip, we found out about one big example that’s up today for one final day before the work will be shown off at a schoolwide celebration tomorrow – corn-husk dolls celebrating students’ family heritage(s). It’s something that first-grade teacher Kevin Peterson did with his students elsewhere before he joined Fairmount Park – and now, at this school, his new class was joined in the project by another first-grade class and two 1st/2nd classrooms:

Here’s how he explains it:

This project is based around a book called Molly’s Pilgrim, written by Barbara Cohen. … The first and second grade students crafted the corn husk dolls here at school several weeks ago (with the help of parent volunteers from all four classrooms. Once the wet corn husks dried, the kids delivered the doll forms home and exploring a part of our heritage and dressing the doll became a part of a family project over Thanksgiving.

Here at school, first grade writers (did) a folio featuring a labeled drawing of their doll with descriptive words, a observational writing piece, and a map of which continent/culture their doll is representing. Second graders are doing some beginning research on the countries that their dolls represent.

We will have a heritage festival on Friday 12/19. Each classroom will sample foods from around the world and then will travel to the lunchroom to see the writing folio projects and dolls of more than 100 of their school mates. They will record three dolls from each continent (excepting Antarctica) and celebrate their hard work together.

We asked if we could stop by for photos, and he arranged for us to visit toward the end of the school day on Wednesday and talk to some of his students about their work – keep in mind, these eight are just a sampling of those who created dolls:

From left, the students who spoke with us are Georgia, Sophie, Delilah, Torin, Bear, Lilly, Chloe, and Magdalena. They all spoke enthusiastically about their creations, the country or tradition represented. This is the one Torin made:

He explained that it shows Ethiopian traditions in honor of his brother and sister, who are from Ethiopia. Chloe told us hers represents Colombia – “in South America!” she added. Magdalena mentioned her continent first – “Europe!” and then the specific nation, “Holland.” Take a closer look at a few more:

Toward the right, the doll with red hair and green satin was made by Georgia, who explained that Ireland is the country that inspired her. Other nations celebrated by the creations of the students we met included Japan, Iran, and Sweden. The parent who first wrote us about the project declared it “fantastic,” and we’d have to agree – what we’ve shown you here barely scratches the surface!

Sports note: Big win for West Seattle HS girls’ basketball

Congratulations to the West Seattle High School girls-varsity basketball team – head coach Sonya Elliott shares news of a big win last night, over Lakeside – ranked 9th in the state and playing on their home court! – 59-43. Next up for the Wildcats, a home game against Ingraham tomorrow night (Friday, December 19th), 6:30 pm.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Toy-theft suspects sought; stolen car to watch for

Two items in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:

POLICE SEEK TOY-THEFT SUSPECTS: Just published on SPD Blotter – a theft case police hope you can help them solve:

Police are looking for two men and a woman who stole toys from a Delridge drug store and attacked an employee when he tried to stop them Monday night.

The suspects walked into the store, in the 9400 block of 16th Avenue Southwest, around 7 PM. One man filled a shopping basket with toys and left out without paying. When a store employee confronted him outside and tried to photograph his license plate with a cell phone, a woman grabbed the phone away.

She couldn’t unlock the phone to delete the photograph, so the man who stole the toys warned the employee to delete the image or he’d return for him. The third suspect started up a car and all three fled, throwing the employees cell phone into the street as they left.

If you know where police can find these three suspects, please contact robbery detectives at (206) 684-5535.

The SPD Blotter post has the suspects’ names and photos, which we’ll add here as soon as we can.

(added) Suspects as identified/shown by SPD – in order as shown below, Raul Hernandez, Sandra Garcia, Omar Cruz-Resendiz:

(back to original report) STOLEN CAR: Eric‘s red 1997 Honda Accord was stolen sometime Monday near California/Holly in south Morgan Junction. Inside were two booster seats for his kids. Washington plates AQJ7944 – call 911 if you see it.

FRIDAY NIGHT 8 PM UPDATE: In the robbery story – one suspect is on the King County Jail Register now, Omar Cruz-Resendiz, booked at 2 pm today.

West Seattle Thursday: What’s up today and tonight

(Barrow’s Goldeneye, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Happy Thursday! From the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and ongoing calendar:

HANUKKAH: This is Night 3 of the Festival of Lights.

COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE BENEFIT: 3-7 pm today at Community Acupuncture Project of West Seattle, all proceeds from services will be donated to the cause of Healing Justice for Black Lives Matter and the Legal Support Fund for Justice for Mike Brown. More details in our calendar listing. (4545 44th SW)

SHOP LATE THURSDAY: Still shopping? Tonight’s the final Shop Late Thursday of the season in The Junction, with many stores open until 9 pm. Participants (listed here) include WSB sponsors Click! Design That Fits, Emerald Water Anglers, and VAIN.

HABERDASHERY FOR THE HOLIDAYS, 6-9 pm pop-up jewelry/accessories sale, Twilight Gallery and Boutique. (4306 SW Alaska)

MIX, MINGLE, AND JINGLE … with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, 5:30-8 pm party at the Duwamish Longhouse. Register online. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

WSHS CONCERT: West Seattle High School musicians in concert, directed by Ethan Thomas, 7 pm in the West Seattle HS Theater: “The Band, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble will be performing the music of Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Holst, Basie, Ellington and more. The concert is free and open to the public.” (3000 California SW)

LOTS MORE … on our calendar and in the Holiday Guide!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday on the move

December 18, 2014 7:09 am
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(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! Heading for the heart of the commute, nothing unusual in this area so far.

8:41 AM: Just off the bridge – downtown assignment this morning. Smooth and relatively swift; 10 minutes from south of Morgan Junction all the way to the 4th Ave. offramp. Motorcycle officer standing guard at the gore point by the offramp to 99.

West Seattle holidays: Youth group goes caroling in Westwood

With a week to go until Christmas Eve, a little extra holiday cheer emerges almost everywhere you look – and listen. Tonight, Shorewood Foursquare Church‘s Ignition Youth Group kept its promise to head out on a caroling journey, walking to Westwood Village, where we caught up with them:

Along with giving the gift of song, they handed out candy canes with an invitation to their church’s Christmas Eve service (one of a dozen churches listed in the “services” section of the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide – if yours isn’t, please get us the info ASAP!).

Admiral Church’s new pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom to be ordained just after New Year’s

Admiral Congregational Church is formally introducing its new pastor, who is already leading worship services there, though his ordination is set for just after New Year’s and his formal installation in the spring. Here’s the announcement the church is sharing with the community:

The oldest church in West Seattle has recently called Andrew Conley-Holcom as its new pastor. Admiral Congregational United Church of Christ, located in North Admiral, was founded in 1899 as the West Seattle Congregational Church. Pastor Andrew, in his early thirties and a recent graduate of Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA, is the youngest pastor that Admiral has ever called.

The congregation voted to accept its Search Committee’s unanimous recommendation to call Andrew in mid-October, and he has been leading worship services since October 19th. He will be ordained on January 3, 2015 at his home church, First Congregational Church of Bellingham, and will be formally installed as Admiral’s pastor in the spring.

Andrew and his wife, Leann (church-provided photo, above right), are originally from the Tacoma area and currently reside in the Ravenna neighborhood. Leann is active as a professional singer, directs the Concert Choir of the Tacoma Youth Chorus, and is a doctoral candidate in choral conducting at the University of Washington.

Read More

Today’s Viaduct/Tunnel update: Long FAQ including declaration of disappointment, threshold for ‘mitigation,’ more

Today’s WSDOT update on the Viaduct/Tunnel project, posted late today, is a new, long FAQ attempting to answer some of the questions that have come up since the December 5th disclosure of “settling.” Read it in its entirety here. Some of what caught our eye on first look include:

Our contract with STP allows up to two inches of viaduct settlement before mitigation is required. Should it be necessary, a number of techniques could be used to strengthen the viaduct and keep it open to traffic until the new SR 99 corridor is completed. These techniques could include strengthening columns or other areas of the structure to provide additional support. We could also reinforce the viaduct’s foundation as we did in 2008.

Regarding the plan to reach, lift, and repair the tunnel machine’s cutter head, WSDOT writes, “We’re disappointed with STP’s progress to date …” while noting the pit is now three-fourths of the way to the expected 120-foot depth, and expressing optimism that even if the current rescue plan has to be abandoned: “At its core, this is an engineering problem, one that can no doubt be solved.” The FAQ reiterates, “No significant settlement has been observed in the area since Dec. 5.” And as for the biggest concern of all:

Our bridge experts have confirmed that the viaduct remains safe for day-to-day use. If we had any reason to believe it wasn’t, we wouldn’t hesitate to close it. It’s important to remember, however, that the day-to-day safety of the structure does not change the fact that the viaduct remains vulnerable to earthquakes. That’s why it’s being replaced.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Newest ‘SeaStat’ crime-trend info

SPD is just out with its newest SeaStat slide deck – an every-two-week briefing given to department leadership, highlighting crime trends and hotspots. Above is the precinct-by-precinct breakdown of car prowls over the four-week period from November 16th to December 13th (last Saturday). The car prowl total for the Southwest Precinct – West Seattle and South Park – number fewer than half the next-lowest precinct. See the full deck here. It also includes a look at SW Precinct numbers for all major-crime categories in the past month; the most-common type is “larceny/theft,” totaling 136 of the total 249 “major crimes” in West Seattle/South Park over the four-week period examined.

ADDED 11:30 PM: Eric asked in comments about a map for comparison. The SPD “police reports” map, when sorted for car prowls and for the same four-week period shown above, doesn’t seem to show quite as many incidents, but you can get an idea of the hot spots – Lincoln Park, for example, where the circled “11” indicates 11 car prowls during those four weeks:

(While the screengrab does not show the entirety of the SW Precinct, it did not show any car prowls north or south of the area shown; there were a few to the east, in South Park.)

West Seattle development followup: CVS drugstore project still in progress, but ‘not currently scheduled for 2015’

It’s going on a year and a half since our first report that the CVS drugstore chain‘s first push into this state included a proposed West Seattle store at 4722 Fauntleroy Way SW (map) – a site zoned for up to four stories, though the drugstore is proposed for one. So much time has gone by that CVS’s other projects in the area are far down the line, including two stores that recently opened – one in Renton, and this one in the Five Corners area of Burien:

There are new signs the West Seattle project is moving ahead. First, we made contact with CVS spokesperson Mike DeAngelis, who told us, “We are still in the very early planning stages for a new store on Fauntleroy and it is very premature to announce any timetables. I can tell you that this project is not currently scheduled for 2015.”

Since our exchange with him a few days ago, new documents have shown up in the project’s online files, for the first time since the ones that tipped us to the proposal in July 2013. The documents show a few more details about the “early planning stages.” The site plan that’s now in the files shows its parking lot (with 76 spaces) on the north side of the lot, abutting the Les Schwab Tires parking lot and building, with the store itself on the southwest side of the lot. A drive-through window is still planned. The project will go through Design Review, but there are no renderings yet, nor a meeting date. The newest documents list the architect as Schemata Workshop, whose website shows renderings for the Wallingford CVS, one of at least two other stores the company plans to open in Seattle, along with lower Queen Anne. Schemata and CVS’s development firm have met privately with members of the Junction Neighborhood Organization, according to its director René Commons, who told the group’s mailing list that “they are having dialogue around ways to make the project something more creative than an ordinary box pharmacy with a drive through for our neighborhood. We have asked for space for food trucks and a community center meeting room on their development site.” You can watch the city’s status page for the project here.

West Seattle schools: ‘Live’ camera view of Genesee Hill project

(View from the new camera as of a few minutes before we published this)
If you want to check in on the progress of the new elementary school on Genesee Hill, you don’t have to walk/bike/run/drive/send your drone over … a live webcam is now up and running on the site. See it here. The school’s now projected to open in fall of 2016 as the new home of the current Schmitz Park Elementary program (what then happens to THAT campus is apparently back to being “undecided”); construction has been under way for more than three months now – demolition of the old GH Elementary started in early September.

West Seattle Wednesday: The Whale Trail’s winter gathering; holiday music; Christmas comedy; Santa at the beach; more…

December 17, 2014 9:04 am
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(Photo by Mark Wangerinthe brant have returned to Alki, to feed on eelgrass & sea lettuce)

Second night of Hanukkah, four days until the winter solstice, one week until Christmas Eve. And of course we have highlights for today/tonight, from the just-updated WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and our ongoing calendar:

ALKI COMMUNITY CENTER HOLIDAY POTLUCK: 11 am – details in our calendar listing. (5817 SW Stevens)

THE WHALE TRAIL’S WINTER GATHERING: 6:30 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) – it’s been a tough fall for the Southern Resident Killer Whales and those who love them, with the population shrinking instead of growing as it should be doing. Come hear from researchers/advocates. More on The Whale Trail‘s website, including ticket info. (5612 California SW)

CAROLING: Ignition Youth Group will be caroling from 6:30-8:30 pm, leaving Shorewood Foursquare Church (10300 28th SW) at 6:30, arriving at Westwood Village around 7:30 to carol in front of Target, 24 Hour Fitness, and Starbucks before heading back.

‘SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS’: 7 pm, “original Christmas show” at West Seattle branch of Eastridge Church . Admission free; child care through age 5. (4500 39th SW)

SANTA CLAUS AT PEGASUS: 7-9:30 pm, Santa Claus will be at Pegasus Pizza on Alki – photos free with any purchase; for each photo taken, a donation will be made to WestSide Baby. (2770 Alki SW)

CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT HOPE LUTHERAN: 7 pm. “Sounds of Christmas,” featuring middle school musical groups and Seattle Lutheran High School band. (42nd/Oregon)

CHRISTMAS COMEDY SHOW: 7:30 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), an all-star lineup, hosted by West Seattle’s own Mona Concepcion, featuring special musical guest Champagne Honeybee. (6451 California SW)

‘JUDY’S SCARY LITTLE CHRISTMAS’: Tonight’s curtain time 7:30 pm for the ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) holiday musical in The Junction. Buy tickets online here. (4711 California SW)

MORE NIGHTLIFE: Karaoke, open microphone … see the listings on the calendar!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday updates

(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! No major commute problems on the routes through/from West Seattle so far.

7:11 AM: From the 911 log/scanner, a crash at West Marginal Way S./Holden, blocking northbound lanes by the interchange onto 99 as it heads for the 1st Ave. S. Bridge.

7:27 AM: Update, blocking one lane. Meantime, scanner mentions a crash at 11th/Spokane, which would be by the low bridge, but the traffic camera there isn’t working (one of the bridge cameras also is out of service, as you might have noticed above); no SFD dispatch.

7:40 AM: From scanner, Delridge/Juneau traffic signal is “stuck in yellow”; police tried to fix but are going to have to call out SDOT, and traffic is backing up as a result.

9:45 AM: Just back from checking Delridge/Juneau – signal is working now, SDOT was still there, as we tweeted:

We also noted via Twitter that just south of the STEM/Arbor Heights school zone, one of SPD’s Aggressive Driving Response Team vehicles had pulled someone over.

West Seattle holidays: Door-to-door caroling tonight

If you are in the vicinity of 45th/Andover/Dakota, you might have seen/heard carolers tonight. No, you weren’t hearing things, and here’s the proof! We got advance word from Anna (thank you!) of the plan, and caught up with them as they started their journey. She counted about 40 RSVPs, including “lots of kids,” even these two “elves”:

First caroling event we’ve heard about this year. Another one is coming up tomorrow night – a youth group from Shorewood Foursquare Church plans to head north to carol at Westwood Village around 7:30 pm.

Seattle Housing Authority not going ahead with ‘Stepping Forward’

(WSB photo from High Point hearing on ‘Stepping Forward,” 9/29/2014)
Two and a half months after a High Point hearing dominated by vigorously protesting opponents, the Seattle Housing Authority is reported to have set aside its proposed “Stepping Forward” rent-increase plan. The Seattle Times (WSB partner) cites a letter from SHA director Andrew Lofton to Mayor Ed Murray (linked here), acknowledging “many questions and concerns about the availability of living-wage jobs for low-income people.” Lofton’s letter says SHA will work on a new rent-policy proposal that will “take at least a year” and likely won’t be ready before 2016.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car; Wyatt’s followup; package theft

Three notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:


I’d appreciate folks keeping an eye out for my dark blue 2007 Saturn Vue SUV that was stolen last night. The license plate is ARD2720. There are Obama and Gonzaga stickers on the back window. It was stolen from my home near 38th Ave SW & SW Henderson between 7:45 pm (12/15) and 4:00 am this morning (12/16). A report was filed with Seattle Police.

WYATT’S BREAK-IN FOLLOWUP: As promised, we checked back with Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) in Westwood Village, after a second break-in in nine days. Sacha sent a photo showing what they had to clean up:

No new info about the case yet – co-proprietor Kirk Keppler talked with a detective extensively this morning. And he talked with Channel 7 TV, who stopped by for an interview this afternoon.

PACKAGE THEFT: Bonnie believes a thief hit her house on Monday morning:

Possible package theft at North Admiral. As I drove away from my home to take my child to school, I noticed a UPS truck in front of my house. I was anticipating a package, so I thought it was for me. When I returned (maybe 7 minutes later) nothing was on my porch. Checked online to see if anything had been delivered, and sure enough at 9:15 my package was left. I’ve reported to SPD.

P.S. The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council is taking December off – tonight would have been the monthly meeting, as the third Tuesday – but expecting to be back next month, on January 20th.

Happening now: Craft sale, basket raffle, dining benefit at Angelina’s for young local athletes

December 16, 2014 5:23 pm
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Haven’t decided what to do for dinner yet? Kathleen sends word of an option with a side benefit – literally:

Fundraiser happening tonight at Angelina’s Restaurant to benefit Washington State’s ONLY Sport Acrobatic Team! Proceeds will help our athletes represent Seattle and WA in competitions. Basket raffle and craft sale happening now!

Raffle basket items include Microsoft Office for Home & Business, a Kindle Paperwhite, wine, gourmet food, baking supplies and much, much more. Crafts, handmade by the athletes are also for sale. Angelina’s is donating 10% of tonight’s receipts. Come in for some great food and to help some great young female athletes! The Acro teams are part of West Seattle’s own West Side Gymnastics Academy. Open until 2 am!

You can even stop by to check out the raffle and craft sale without dining/drinking, if need be. Angelina’s is at 2311 California SW.

What do you think about growth? How can Seattle encourage affordable housing? These and other questions …

The city’s been running online surveys in abundance lately. This one, though, speaks to topics that we cover often here on WSB, and after going through its questions and open-comment spaces, we thought you might be interested, given its questions about everything from housing costs to your opinions of growth. It’s being presented as part of the mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda. It’s not the usual basic online-survey format; be forewarned, you’ll find some spots requiring scrolling, and some questions where you can check as many circles as you want, others where you have to settle on one. Start the survey here (and note the open-comment thread at the bottom of the start page, if you just want to say something without taking the survey at all).

Today’s Highway 99 tunnel-project update: Pit-digging to resume

(WSDOT photo from last week – assembly of what’s meant to lift tunnel-machine head from pit)
After Monday’s City Council session looking at the latest tunnel-related troubles (WSB coverage here), council president Tim Burgess declared it’s too late to turn back now. So, with no new settlement reported, onward it will go. WSDOT‘s tunnel update for today, just published here, says their contractor Seattle Tunnel Partners has the go-ahead to continue digging the pit from which they hope to pull up the tunnel machine’s damaged cutter head:

Excavation was stopped at WSDOT’s direction on Dec. 12. While no significant ground settlement had been observed since Dec. 5, we suspended excavation to give our team time to gather more survey data and review STP’s contingency plan for turning off the dewatering wells, should that become necessary. We have now reviewed STP’s plan and gathered additional data from the weekend that shows the recently measured settlement has stabilized.

The digging stopped about three-quarters of the way down to where they hope to reach the machine. The red lifting device is under construction (photo above) feet from the Viaduct, roughly parallel with King Street.

Election 2015: Now 4 in the running for West Seattle/South Park’s City Council District 1; announcing our February forum

2015 will make history in West Seattle for at least one reason: Our area’s first-ever District 1 City Councilmember will be elected. Today, there’s a change in the list of who’s in the running: According to the city’s election-information website, one of the five declared candidates, David Ishii, has moved his candidacy to one of the city’s two at-large seats, so that leaves four District 1 candidates so far (with other changes likely of course since the deadline for declaring is months away) – in alphabetical order:

*George Capestany
*Amanda Kay Helmick
*Tom Rasmussen
*Chas Redmond

checkbox.jpgAnd this gives us the chance to mention that all four candidates are confirmed for an early City Council District 1 Candidates’ Forum that we at WSB are presenting on February 5th – get it on your calendar now! It will start with mingling and refreshments at 6:30 pm, forum 7-8:30 pm, at Highland Park Improvement Club – we thank HPIC, one of West Seattle’s great historic community venues, for agreeing to provide the space for the forum!

Though West Seattleites will vote on three City Council seats in August and September 2015 – District 1 plus two at-large – we are focusing this forum ONLY on D-1, the one seat that will be accountable directly to this area. Stay tuned to WSB for more details as it gets closer. (P.S. If anyone else files to run in District 1 before then, s/he will of course be invited to participate too – contact us at editor@westseattleblog.com if we don’t contact you first!)