Crime 6737 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bike-theft alert from police

With reader reports about bikes found as well as bikes taken, West Seattle Crime Watch has featured more bicycle-theft reports than usual lately (with one even caught on camera). And Southwest Precinct‘s Sgt. Joe Bauer confirms to WSB that it’s a heightened concern. How to thwart these thieves? For one, he warns that bicycle owners need “to secure their bicycles in the underground parking garages. We are getting a lot of stolen bike reports that seem to be mainly on Avalon and in the North Admiral and Alki areas. We have had some on Fauntleroy too. I’d like to remind folks that the bikes are not secure just because they are in the garage. Lock them up or, better yet, keep them in another location in the building if possible. If the bike won’t fit in the condo or apartment, folks can always take the seat and front wheel off to make the bike a little less appealing to the thief.”

Checking overnight reports, we see another report from overnight – 1700 block of Alki SW. But not everyone files police reports (checking the report map, we see fewer bike-theft icons than we’d expect, given what we hear about); Sgt. Bauer reiterates the importance of filing a report, and has one more reminder: “Please put identifying information on the bike that can make it easier for us to return it and make it harder for the bad guys to sell the bike.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 bikes found; hit-run; park prowl

First of 2 West Seattle Crime Watch notes: If you’ve had a bicycle stolen lately, in addition to checking with police, keep checking our WSCW reports, because more keep coming in. We mentioned a few in this WSCW report over the weekend; then this morning, Anne e-mailed to say that TWO mountain bikes have turned up on her out-of-the-way street (steep slope of SW Lander), likely left by thieves. She says both are “men’s mountain bikes. One is a medium blue and one is red.” She has reported them to police but would like to get them back to their owners.

(added) If you’re missing a bike that might be one of those two – e-mail Anne at

Second, Chris says a hit-run crash on Saturday left these marks on his car:

My car was backed into (Saturday) morning in the West Seattle Trader Joe’s parking lot. I was parked next to the spot that’s not a spy on the north side of the parking lot. An older model navy blue SUV was parked in that spot and I believe it was this car that backed into me. I am looking for whoever did this or anyone who might have seen something. A photo of my back quarter panel with the offending back bumper mark across it is attached.

Third, just received as we were about to publish this, Annlee reports a car prowl at Lincoln Park:

I was enjoying a beautiful sunny day at Lincoln Park (Sunday) with my sister and kids. We got back to my car and noticed the doors were unlocked. I had only left my window opened a crack but it was enough for the thief to use someone’s broken-off antenna to hook and unlock my doors. My purse and my sister’s purse were stolen out of the trunk with everything inside them. Even my daughter’s sleeping bag was stolen and she was absolutely devastated. Please keep an eye out while visiting Lincoln Park. If you happen to see any gray purses or black wallets with IDs in them, please turn them in. If you happen to see anyone suspicious wandering around the parking lot with a pink princess sleeping bag, please call the police!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Slashed; stolen; found

This West Seattle Crime Watch roundup begins with a vandalism spree in Gatewood – two people have contacted us to report more than half a dozen cars’ tires were slashed sometime overnight near the California/Webster intersection.

In North Delridge, Angela found what seemed to be dumped loot:

She says it wasn’t even all from West Seattle (she’s already spoken with one victim who says her car was broken into yesterday at the Arboretum!):

This morning I found a pile of stuff on the side of the road that appeared to be dumped after a theft. Possibly multiple thefts, as my very minimal poking around turned up at least four different possible owners based on business cards (multiple of the same card), insurance card, registration, and other papers. I didn’t dig very deep; only looked at what was visible & on top when I found it.

About an hour after she reported it to police, who she says “indicated that they’d pick it up and place it into evidence,” it was gone.

Also found: this bicycle. Scott from Seattle Parks sent the photo:

He says, “This bike was found hidden in the shrubs at Hiawatha Playfield. We have it stored at SW Parks District Shop at Lincoln Park; hopefully the owner can get this expensive bike back. Our office phone is 684-7457.”

In case you are missing a bike and haven’t seen two notices posted within the past few days in the WSB Forums – here’s one for a yellow 10-speed, and another one for a blue girls’ bike.

Last but not least, James reports a double theft of 2-wheelers: his “2007 CRF450 motorcycle and Specialized Allez bicycle. These were stolen from my garage on (56th & Dakota) earlier this week.” His report came in via the WSB Facebook page – check out the “posts by others” section there for his photos.

West Seattle Crime Watch: More sports-field wire theft; stolen car found; keepsakes taken

Topping this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup: We’ve just confirmed another case of athletic-field wire theft. A tipster just e-mailed to say that a wiring theft took out the outfield lights at the Southwest Athletic Complex baseball field, which affected the start of last night’s Seattle Lutheran High School game. SWAC is owned by Seattle Public Schools; spokesperson Teresa Wippel confirms the theft, telling WSB, “we did receive a report of additional wire theft from 10 light poles … (4 softball infield and 6 baseball outfield poles). I’m told ‘a come-along’ was used to extract the wires from the poles and some of the wiring was also pulled out of the ground.” No arrests yet in last month’s Delridge Playfield case, by the way.

Also in Crime Watch: A stolen car was found relatively quickly this morning – just after 6 am, Ridge sent a note that his green Honda Civic had been stolen near 35th and 100th in Arbor Heights. Before we even got a chance to publish an alert, a note came in from a resident near 32nd and 108th reporting that someone abandoned a car in her neighborhood – a green Honda Civic. Car and owner have since been reunited.

And a reunion of sorts is what Julie is hoping for, regarding keepsakes stolen in a Puget Ridge burglary on Wednesday:

The only things stolen were a blue cardboard box of irreplaceable old pictures and a decorative tin box full of a lifetime of memorabilia, like concert ticket stubs, postcards and political buttons, etc. I’m hoping they’ll dump it somewhere and maybe it will be found. I live in the 65XX block of 18th Ave SW. They smashed my sliding glass door in the back to gain entry.

Notify police if you find any of those items – or anything else that might have been stolen from someone (the non-emergency number is 206-625-5011).

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 bike found; another stolen where a purse was found

We start tonight’s West Seattle Crime Watch with a found bicycle that seems to have been abandoned in much the way previously stolen bicycles have been:

Tim says the red Schwinn BMX bike turned up in their West Seattle yard last Sunday (April 21), adding, “These are some things (markings, etc.) on the bike that we can ask any respondents to help make sure it really is theirs.” Call 206-218-7886.

Meantime, another bike has just been stolen – from an Arbor Heights resident who doesn’t want to be identified, but found a purse, possibly left by the thief/thieves:

Arbor Heights, 10600 block of 32nd Ave SW: Sad to say, after a neighbor’s car was stolen from their driveway Thursday night, yesterday/night our bicycle was stolen from our (fenced/gated) carport. The bike couldn’t be seen from the yard or the street, and the person(s) would have had to walk up the driveway to the chest-high chain-link fence gate (complete with privacy slats) and open the gate to find the bike, so clearly someone had been scoping out the area. Icky. They even closed the gate upon leaving, likely so as not to be looked for right away. Yes, the police were notified. The officer even took the little purse that appeared when the bike was stolen. Possibly a coincidence, but since nobody here has a purse, nor do the neighbors (it was left between our two houses), one would think that it was perhaps left behind when the bike was leaving.

The bike is a 2013 black (“black/white” according to the manufacturer) Specialized RockHopper Comp, with 29″ wheels and a 19″ frame. Yeah, for a long-legged person! I’m hoping that, since this is not an average size, someone will spot it on craigslist or such, and it can come home. There is a lock on its crossbar.

Did they take the bike with a flat tire or the rickety lawnmower? Nooooo, they took the nifty, new, specialty bike. Turkeys, go save up for years and get your own bike like we did!

Here is a pic of the purse; officer looked in it, but it was empty:

If you’re missing one like this, please contact the Southwest Precinct– the officer has put the purse into evidence. Sigh, it seems like the turkeys are starting to win.

P.S.: Next crime-prevention meeting in our area is in White Center, but city residents might find the information helpful too – guests include King County Sheriff John Urquhart. The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council is presenting it as one in a series of public-safety forums – 7 pm Thursday, May 2nd, at North Highline Fire District HQ, 1243 SW 112th (flyer here).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arbor Heights updates; another car prowl

Two major updates and a new case have come in since our earlier West Seattle Crime Watch roundup, so we’re starting a new one.

First, Lonjina‘s stolen truck is back, and might offer clues for other crime victims:

Was found by a friend of ours at 122nd and Ambaum in the Forest View Apt Complex parking lot. Full of possibly stolen gardening tools. We believe they were not done with the truck! Let readers know if they had their garage or gardening tools missing last night to contact the Burien Police Dept.

Updating the other incident in our earlier roundup – from Al’s wife Christine:

On Friday 4/26 at approximately 4:30 PM a suspicious vehicle was witnessed stopped in front of a home at 10XXX 37th Avenue in Arbor Heights. He was witnessed taking photos of the same car burglarized at the same location on Wednesday 4/24 between 11 PM and 6:45 AM. He sped off toward 102nd when confronted by a neighbor. The prowler’s vehicle was later spotted in the Arbor Heights area.

Vehicle Description: Mid 90s, Dark Green, Chevy S-10 pickup truck

As of Friday this vehicle was making a very loud rumbling engine sound as though it was out of oil.

Suspect Description: White man with an odd long face. Between the ages of 20 and 30. He is believed to be tall due to how he sat in the cab of the truck.

We have overwhelming evidence leading us to believe that this man is prowling the neighborhood with a radio frequency scanning device that allows him to “hack” into smart cars.

Be vigilant and watch out for this truck or suspects pointing tech devices (phones, laptops, etc.) toward cars and houses. Call the Seattle Police Department if you see the truck.

And Carolyn in Fauntleroy reports car vandalism, possibly a prowling attempt:

Just wanted to let you know that the passenger door window in my car was bashed overnight. The person didn’t hit the driver’s side, which was closest to the alley, but had to walked around my car and stand between the fence and my car to take out the window. My car was loaded for a community event but nothing was taken. In the past, someone has rifled through my car but not taken anything on the few occasions that I’ve forgotten to lock it. I’m in 8600 block of Fauntleroy Way SW.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Truck, toolbox taken; car break-in

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes, both from Arbor Heights. First, from Lonjina:

Our silver 2007 Dodge Dakota was stolen from in front of our house between 1 am and 7 am this morning. We live in the Arbor Heights neighborhood on 105th St. behind AH Elementary. It is a 4-door with a rack and a large toolbox. Unfortunately it was stuffed with tools and fishing gear in preparation for a family outing today. License plate B18349G. Please keep an eye out for it!

And Al reports this incident from Wednesday night:

A UPS package was ripped open — the contents stolen — and the box was thrown on the front lawn of our home on the 10000th block of 37th Ave SW in Arbor Heights. In addition, the criminal burglarized our car and stole a jacket, a case of non-persishable food to be donated to a local school, personal items, and keys.

Delridge Playfield lights back on, after quicker fix for stolen wiring

After Seattle Parks announced last week that thieves had stolen almost a quarter-mile of copper wiring from the Delridge Playfield lighting system, they thought it might take two weeks to repair. Instead, the lights are already back on, after a fix that took just days. After a couple reader tips, we followed up with Parks, and spokesperson Joelle Hammerstad told WSB today that “After discovering an electrical contractor could not do the work (there), our Electric Shop team put together a plan and worked straight through the weekend to restore lights by Monday night, just one week after the problem was reported. On Tuesday night, normal activities resumed.” No arrests reported yet.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 stolen bikes returned, 1 with an arrest

We start with a followup: Last night’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup included a reader report from Ignacio, whose bicycle had been stolen from his Admiral District apartment building’s garage. Shortly after we published the report, he obtained the surveillance video, published it to YouTube, and we added it to the story. Today, we got a message from a Seattle Parks staffer that Ignacio’s bike had turned up at Lincoln Park and was awaiting him in a safe storage place there, and he’s making plans to get it back.

Second, an arrest: Our first word of this bike-theft story came in a tweet from Cheryl, who rides the West Seattle Water Taxi, asking about a big police presence near Seacrest yesterday. Nothing hit our radar at the time; when the call turned up on the police map later, it was labeled as “bicycle theft.” Wondering how that turned into a big response, we sought out the full report today, and here’s what we found out:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Mail theft; bike theft; car prowl

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight – first, from Beth, who wanted her neighbors to know about mail thieves at work:

This morning while I was out for a run, I noticed a bunch of mail in some bushes. It turns out it belonged to two of my neighbors. Most of it was fliers but there was one envelope that had been opened and discarded. We live on 37th between Andover and Dakota.

In the Admiral area, someone stole Ignacio‘s bike early Tuesday morning:

Element 42’s lower gated parking garage was cut open, thief pressed the interior button to open the garage door. He cut the bike lock cable with bolt cutters and stole my bike. It looks very similar to this bike. My apartment complex has the video. … It’s not the most expensive bike but it was a lot of money to me. (Police) reviewed the video and got a good look at the guy so I’m hopeful they’ll find a serial bike thief.

We told Ignacio we could add the video if it clearly shows the crime being committed – waiting to hear back.

Added 10:49 pm – here’s the video:

(The thief enters toward the start, then leaves at about 3:25.)

(Back to original report) And in Fauntleroy, Todd reports a car prowl in the 4500 block of SW Hemlock Way:

Sometime early Sunday 4/21 morning, someone went through my car, which I had stupidly left unlocked. They took a gym bag with a pair of shorts and gym shoes. They also took a black “laptop” style bag that is embroidered with “Kinect For Windows” in purple thread. I point this out because I work at Microsoft with the Kinect Team, so I would personally know anyone that had that particular bag. And my bowling shoes were in it, and I really liked them. The crook was apparently not the brightest, as he/she/it didn’t take the CD Box set of Frank Sinatra, which would have been easy cash, and way easier to pawn than size 11 Asic running shoes and bowling shoes. The other two cars in my driveway were locked, and untouched. So, make sure to lock up.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arson at Longfellow Creek P-Patch

(WSB photos added 11:16 am: Sign posted on P-Patch shed)
Seattle Police are investigating a shed fire at Longfellow Creek P-Patch in Westwood this morning after it was determined to be arson. From Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Kyle Moore:

Fire Investigators have determined a shed fire located at a West Seattle P-Patch is an incendiary fire.

At 6:50 a.m., a delivery driver called 911 to report a shed fire located in the park in the 2400 block of SW Thistle Street. Engine 11 arrived to find a smoldering pile of combustibles in a wheelbarrow bucket.

The fire was quickly extinguished. There was also minor scorching to the shed.

The damage estimate is $500. The Seattle Police Department’s Arson Bomb Squad was notified of the fire and will investigate.

Anyone with information that can help solve this case is asked to call the Arson Hotline at 800-55-ARSON.

The garden area where this fire happened is alongside Longfellow Creek, just east of Chief Sealth International High School. According to the P-Patch’s city website, it has more than two dozen garden plots.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen ‘dog’; found stroller; more

Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes this time around. First up, a “dog” stolen from a porch along 59th SW across from Alki Playfield:

That’s local guitar teacher Richie Jenkin and “Fire,” the big stuffed dog who has long been a fixture on his porch – till now:

I was out of town and upon my return I saw that my “dog” Fire, who sits on my porch 24/7 bringing moments of amusement and pleasure to many folks as they walk to and from the beach, had disappeared. I hope whoever took Fire is enjoying, yet I would somehow love to have Fire back if they care to return, no questions asked.

On the flip side, a suspected stolen item that’s been found – by Ted:

Folks should contact me – – for a Baby Trends stroller that appears was dumped in front of my house after a potential garage break in or something? Seems like whomever left it was using it to carry stuff they may had taken and decided to dump it. Any break-ins in Arbor heights or Shorewood – would probably have been where it came from.

Ted’s note came in earlier this weekend – so it wouldn’t be related to this, but we did want to note that police responded to at least one Arbor Heights burglary today: 3200 block of SW 100th, reported around 1 pm. No other details.

And from a WSB reader who didn’t want to be identified, a car-prowl report:

Just wanted to alert readers of West Seattle Blog that my car was broken into last night, near the corner of Murray Ave SW and Lincoln Park Way SW, just north of Lincoln Park. They pried my window open, rummaged through the glove-box and the other compartments of my car. Fortunately, I had nothing of value inside and so nothing was taken. I was half-expecting them to leave me $5 out of pity.

Another reminder that the next crime-prevention meeting is Tuesday night, all welcome at the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting, 6:30 pm, Southwest Precinct – details on the WSBWCN website.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 reader reports & a reunion

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share this morning, plus a followup with some good news, and a chance to get educated about crime prevention. First, a burglary reported by Sharon:

There was a break-in on the 6300 block of 50th Av SW (Thursday). A dark green or dark blue car that looks like a older-model Toyota Camry was seen canvassing the neighborhood earlier in the week and (Thursday) morning. The same description of a vehicle was seen in Arbor Heights the day a recent (burglary) took place. Please ask neighbors to make sure to lock their doors, windows, & remove belongings from their cars. And, importantly, to note the license plate number of any suspicious vehicles hanging around their street.

Next, a car prowl reported by Michael:

Just want to give my neighbors a heads-up: I’m in the 50xx block of Waite Street and sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, my Honda Odyssey minivan was broken into. The car was parked directly in front of my house and there were no signs of forced entry. My fear is that I left the doors unlocked. Not sure what they were looking for, but they made off with a few music cd’s, video dvd’s, a set of Rosetta Stone Italian Language disks, and the car’s owners manual folder. This last item is the most concerning as I had my car insurance and registration forms inside that folder too. They were discerning thieves though. I found a few of the dvd’s they didn’t want to keep thrown in my bushes a few yards away. I assume they don’t have children, because they didn’t keep the Magic School Bus or Saigwa dvd’s.

And we have some good news – Miranda and her husband have their moped back, and want to say a big public THANK YOU to the person who found it in the Alki area, not far from where it was stolen (as reported here Tuesday); after the finder matched it to the photo published here, a moped reunion ensued.

P.S. Want to find out simple ways to prevent/reduce crime around your home/apartment? Come to the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting next Tuesday (April 23rd), 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct meeting room (off Webster just west of Delridge) to see Officer Jon Kiehn‘s renowned presentation on CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). Here’s more info on the WSBWCN website.

Charlestown/Avalon shooting: Victim leaves hospital; suspect’s plea

(April 1 photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
Two and a half weeks after two people shot each other during what police described as a robbery attempt, we’ve learned that the victim is out of the hospital. 27-year-old Rick Powell is the town-car driver found on Charlestown just off Avalon with life-threatening gunshot wounds late the night of April 1st; the man police say shot him during a robbery attempt, 19-year-old Juan Garcia-Mendez, was found with less-serious wounds about a mile away. In King County Superior Court today, Garcia-Mendez pleaded not guilty to first-degree assault; he remains jailed in lieu of $1 million bail, with another hearing set for early June. Meantime, this online update says Powell was released from the hospital last Friday; as you can see on the right side of that page, friends are still raising money to help with his medical expenses. They also have set up a web page at – after his stage name as a musician – as a reference page for benefits, both one-time and ongoing.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Skateboard assault; door kick-ins; stolen moped

We start this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup with an incident that brought several texts/calls tonight because of a big response:

Police responded to an assault call in the West Seattle Stadium area. According to Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis, a woman under the influence of the drug known as “ecstasy” attacked someone by hitting them with a skateboard. Lt. Davis says she’s in custody. The victim was taken to a hospital to be evaluated.

Also tonight, two reader reports. First one is about attempted burglaries (these came up at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, too, and we’re working on the full report on everything discussed there). John in the 5000 block of 40th SW reports:

My back door was kicked in yesterday morning at 7 am, as was my next-door neighbor’s door. Nothing was stolen out of either house. My neighbor was home at the time, I was not. I understand a house two blocks from me had the same thing happen around 3 pm yesterday.

From Miranda, word of a stolen moped – the one in this montage:

She says it was stolen Sunday night or Monday near 59th/Alki: “The moped is a Motobecane; it has pedals but is missing it’s motor as we were working on updating it. The front wheel is bright turquoise and the back on is a maroon-ish color. It’s very unique so it’s hard to miss.” If you’ve seen it, call police.

Delridge Playfield wire-theft followup: Repairs to cost up to $20,000

(Photos courtesy Seattle Parks and Recreation)
Followup today on the huge copper-wire theft that has put Delridge Playfield out of commission for many events until further notice, as reported here last night. Today, Parks says its electricians estimate the repairs will cost up to $20,000 and take up to two weeks. They were at the parks today, as were police, trying to find out more about the theft of 1,200 feet of wire. An update from Parks today explains how it happened:

The copper wiring was accessed from the junction boxes under light poles around the perimeter of the field. After cutting the wires between each junction box, thieves brought in a vehicle (likely a truck), hooked up the wire to the vehicle and pulled out the wiring. Parks staff believe the theft was conceived and executed over several nights, as it appears other junction boxes with wire still inside were prepared for theft.

Parks’ update quotes acting superintendent Christopher Williams as saying, “This is a significant theft … and we want to catch the person or people who did it because this creates a needless expense for taxpayers and an unnecessary loss of playing time for park users. … We are asking anyone who is a neighbor to a Seattle Parks and Recreation ballfield to help us keep eyes on our parks. We need neighbors’ help to deter criminal activity.” Call Seattle Police if you have any information about the theft – or any time you spot suspicious activity. Parks also says you can report suspicious behavior to the Park Rangers’ office at 206-255-8325.

(One more reminder about crime concerns/trends in general – the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets at 7 tonight, Southwest Precinct meeting room, SW Webster just west of Delridge Way SW.)

Update: Woman stabbed at Delridge/Thistle, suspect arrested

(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
9:07 PM: For the second time today, police are investigating a stabbing – this time, near Delridge/Thistle, with a female victim who is reported to have multiple stab wounds. Police are looking for a suspect who is reported to be someone she knows. They will be searching with a K-9. More to come.

9:15 PM: Radio exchanges indicate the victim was stabbed at least twice. Medics are taking care of her and will take her to Harborview Medical Center.

9:50 PM: No word of an arrest so far.

1:06 AM UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams now confirms a man has been arrested and booked into the King County Jail; no word on the victim’s condition.

9:59 AM UPDATE: SPD Blotter reports on the incident this morning, with some additional information: The suspect is described as the woman’s ex-boyfriend; two children were in the apartment where it happened but were not injured.

Update: Man stabbed at 17th/Barton, suspect in custody

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
11:14 AM: A man has been stabbed six times in the 1700 block of SW Barton. More to come.

11:19 AM: Per SFD radio with medics, the victim is male and despite the half-dozen stab wounds, is conscious and alert. They’re taking him to Harborview Medical Center.

11:30 AM: The wounds are considered to be life-threatening, responders are saying.

11:53 PM: From WSB’s Christopher Boffoli at the scene: The victim is a 61-year-old man and a suspect is in custody, according to police, who describe the circumstances as an argument between friends.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Watch for a gold Lincoln Town Car

April 10, 2013 3:43 pm
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Another car to be on the lookout for, reported by Katy:

I just wanted to warn others/inform loyal blog readers that my car was stolen from SW Lander St & 42 Ave SW by the Admiral Safeway, near the tennis courts, between 10:30 pm (4/9) and 8 am (4/10). The car stolen was a gold ’91 Lincoln Town Car with gold seats. The license plate is 879-WJD. There is also a USC sticker on the back windshield along with a few bumper stickers and a QA magnet on the back trunk. The car may also have a disabled placard up (it was in the car at the time of the theft) as the vehicle had belonged to my mother, a longterm Alki resident.

Home-invasion robbers in Highland Park awaken woman, steal car

Police are looking for three men who they say kicked in the door of a Highland Park residence this morning, overpowered the woman who was asleep inside, and robbed her of items including her car. They say it happened around 7 am in the 7900 block of 9th SW (map). The robbers are described only as “three young black males, light-skinned”; they demanded the woman’s car keys and made off with her purse and some cash as well as her 2006 white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu, which has a magnetic cat’s-paw print on the passenger-side door. The robbers did not show a weapon, police say, and the victim was not seriously hurt, but did suffer a bloody nose because one of them put his hand over her face to keep her from screaming. She ran out of the house right after they left and saw them driving away in her car; police were nearby and say they arrived quickly but were not able to find it. If you see the car, call 911.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arson suspect jailed; car theft try…

In this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup: First, we’ve already reported this on partner site White Center Now but wanted to make sure you knew too – Hung Pham is in jail; he’s the man charged with domestic-violence arson in the February house fire at 25th/Roxbury and with assault for attacking his girlfriend and another woman in South Delridge last month.

Next, reader reports. On Saturday afternoon, we tweeted a scanner call about an attempted auto theft. The next day, we heard from the car’s owner, Al:

Just wanted to let readers know that (Saturday) at 1430 hrs. in the 5900 block of Admiral Way, my car was broken into and they attempted to steal it. The 2 male suspects fled in a black 4-door car or crossover type vehicle with a bumper sticker northbound in the alley between 59th and 60th Ave SW (it was too far away to get a really good description as I ran into the alley). My car’s door was busted and the ignition/steering column lock was trashed. All of this, with a car alarm going off (ignition disabled). This was broad daylight on a Sat. The only thing they got away with was my radio faceplate, but damage is estimated at $800-1000. It has been reported to police, but in the meantime keep a lookout for suspicious activity. Summer’s coming, and with it is the increased activity of scum.

Be aware of your surroundings. Report suspicious activity. And, above all, make sure you and your family are safe.

And a holdover from Friday – a package-theft report from Kay:

I live on 29th Ave SW between Kenyon and Elmgrove and a package was delivered to my front porch at 4:15 (per tracking info); shortly thereafter my next-door neighbor emailed me saying she found packaging in her yard and saw “an empty box on my porch.” So someone must have spotted the UPS truck and tore through the package after he left (I checked mail at 3:45 then ran errands and was home by 6:30.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen Subaru; 4 other reader reports

Five reader reports to share today in West Seattle Crime Watch: First, Stephanie‘s car was stolen overnight and she hopes you will watch for it:

I’d like to report a stolen Subaru Outback from Beach Drive SW near Me-Kwa-Mooks Park. The theft happened between 9 pm last night and 8 am this morning. It’s a dark red car, license AJT2684.

(SUNDAY UPDATE: Stephanie reports her car’s been found – in Everett.)

(back to original Saturday report) Next – two reader-report links from the WSB Forums, in case you can help but haven’t seen them yet – the search for a hit-run driver, and the search for whomever owns a most-likely-stolen bike dumped in a local yard.

Finally, two car-prowl reports from earlier this week, which got lost in our queue while Crime Watch was overtaken for several days with high-profile incidents – read on:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: About the Admiral arrest…

For the past few hours, we’ve been working to get details about an Admiral-area arrest that several people tipped us to/asked about, and finally have just spoken with police. They arrested a man who allegedly was working a residential neighborhood, going door to door claiming to be selling magazines, possibly as a sports-team fundraiser. Finally, at one house, police say, a woman was asleep on the couch when repeated doorbell-ringing woke her up. She answered the door, and the man tried to claim he was a neighbor, started talking about baseball, and as she tried to close the door, he put his foot in the door to try to stop her. She pushed back and he left; police found him at 45th and Admiral. Since he didn’t actually break into the house, they ultimately could only book him into jail for investigation of criminal trespassing, but the sergeant with whom we spoke says the suspect did not have anything in his possession indicating he was a legitimate door-to-door solicitor.