Update: 2 men shot – 1 found on Avalon Way, 1 on Delridge Way

(Avalon Way photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
11:33 PM: Police and fire are at the scene of a shooting reported in the Charlestown/Avalon area of the Luna Park business district. We heard the first police call on the scanner – someone reporting possible gunshots or fireworks – then came the word someone had been shot, and after that, there was word of a silver car possibly speeding away from the scene. Initial description of the shooting victim sounded like multiple, potentially life-threatening gunshot wounds, with CPR being done. The victim is being taken to Harborview Medical Center. More to come.

11:43 PM: Police are searching the area.

Still no word of any suspect(s) in custody.

11:49 PM: From the scanner, more information on the possible car involved – gray or silver, windows with heavy tint, possibly a late 90s four door sedan.

11:51 PM: Now there is a second scene – police and fire responding to a report there might be another shooting victim in a car in the 5600 block of Delridge (map). We’re sending one crew that way. There is word the car at this scene might be the one that reportedly left the Avalon Way scene.

(Delridge Way photo by Patrick Sand)
MIDNIGHT: We have one crew at each scene. At Delridge (above), our crew says traffic is blocked at Findlay, on the south edge of the small business district there. The victim at this scene is being attended to in the middle of the street.

12:08 AM: Because this is suspected to have been an “exchange” of gunfire, police have been checking with area hospitals for any other possible victims, per scanner traffic. Meantime, the victim found on Delridge also is described as having multiple gunshot wounds, but has been stabilized.

Crime tape is now up across Delridge in the 5600 block.

12:42 AM: We still have crews at both scenes (Christopher Boffoli on Avalon, Patrick Sand on Delridge) but no new information – police are carefully searching both scenes.

SPD Blotter, meantime, has put up something, but it only mentions the first victim – with a bit of new information, describing him as 27 years old, with life-threatening injuries.

12:55 AM: A second SPD Blotter item is now up, saying that the two incidents have not definitively been linked (though what we’ve heard/seen at scenes and via radio suggested there wasn’t much doubt), and saying the Delridge victim is a 19-year-old man, with non-life-threatening injuries.

1:20 AM: CSI team members are at both scenes gathering evidence, our crews say.

3:09 AM: Adding more photos to the story from both scenes, including the one above, of a gun lying at the Avalon scene. No new information yet from police. We have a note from one person who was in the area where the first victim was found, and says, “I heard approximately 5 to 6 gunshots … I didn’t hear any voices prior to the gunshots, but heard a man yell ‘let’s go’ about ten seconds after the shots.” (That corroborates what we heard in early scanner traffic.)

TUESDAY MORNING UPDATE: No arrests reported so far.

62 Replies to "Update: 2 men shot - 1 found on Avalon Way, 1 on Delridge Way"

  • HP gal April 2, 2013 (12:26 am)

    Thank you for your reporting. And Godspeed to the medics and all emergency workers responding to these tragic incidents tonight.

  • westseattledood April 2, 2013 (12:38 am)


  • islewrite April 2, 2013 (12:40 am)

    Right on the scene as usual. Bravo, WSB!

  • Noelle April 2, 2013 (1:39 am)

    Thank you WSB! Always on the story!

  • Noelle April 2, 2013 (2:05 am)

    Is the Luna Park Cafe in the Luna Park business district by the same name?

    • WSB April 2, 2013 (2:18 am)

      Yes. Luna Park as a district because of the big signs, etc. – that’s just how that whole area from the bridge up Avalon to the vet clinic (and a bit beyond) is known now. I don’t know if any of the businesses there were still open at 11:30 pm when this happened…

  • WTF April 2, 2013 (2:24 am)

    It’s going to be a looooooooong summer.

  • Noelle April 2, 2013 (2:26 am)

    Oh wow. Thank you for the info and for keeping an eye on the shooting scenes.

  • witness April 2, 2013 (2:42 am)

    Duos, ola salon, and British auto parts were all closed. The Luna park cafe is down about a block…the shooting happened right around 11pm, I think Luna park closes before that on mondays.

  • kayo April 2, 2013 (6:14 am)

    Good grief.

  • justme April 2, 2013 (6:58 am)

    Seems like West Seattle is going down the tubes.

  • GW April 2, 2013 (7:19 am)

    Wow… seems like shootings are coming further north and happening more often. So sad to hear of these things, and it makes me stop and wonder if WS is where I want to keep my family. All the best to the victims.

  • JimmyG April 2, 2013 (7:26 am)

    There has been a gang war spooling up in West Seattle over the last two months. Two gangs (one based in the Delridge area) are involved.
    SPD is well aware of it and based on this double shooting, I’m guessing it’s related.

  • DBP April 2, 2013 (7:48 am)

    As always, I have to ask: Where did they get the gun?
    From a friend?
    From a gun show?
    If we had a national gun registry and a reasonable national gun policy, chances are this crime would not have happened.

  • schwaggy April 2, 2013 (8:10 am)

    Do we have an active SPD Gang division investigating these scum in West Seattle? I know they have a large presence in other neighborhoods but not sure about here… It’s probably time.

  • bj April 2, 2013 (8:12 am)

    So sad. What will it take to end this senseless violence? That was a rhetorical question unless anyone has some POSITIVE ideas for solutions.

  • EP April 2, 2013 (8:19 am)

    At least in this case, they only took each other out… It’s a matter of time before the violence touches an innocent victim. I live up the hill from Delridge and cars drive around all night with the bass turned up and at high speeds… I’d like to see some speed traps in the neighborhood. It would help keep tabs on the folks who are eventually going to start trouble.
    I’m honestly amazed by people who don’t want cameras on public streets… I have no assumption of privacy on a public street and the only people who have reason to worry are those who are trying to get away with something. How often do we ask/or wish someone had a photo of cars in the area at certain times?

  • Rick April 2, 2013 (8:20 am)

    Just make it illegal to kill people with guns. Or ban guns, and people. Problem solved. Right? Also rhetorical. People ARE the problem.

  • golden April 2, 2013 (8:21 am)

    Well GW, how much further “north ” do you want to go? I am 4 doors “north” of where Delridge victim was found and he was ” north” when he was shot.

  • Joel April 2, 2013 (9:09 am)

    the public and law abiding citizens can’t fix parents that don’t care about their kids. it starts at home.

    gun laws will only be followed by the good people. these and other gang members don’t care about laws

    if they are shooting up the place on a Monday night then what will the weekend bring?

    this time it appears no innocent people were hit but next time?

    what’s the tax bill at Harboview for these shootings?

    it’s funny how we have endless money to treat these people in the ER and to investigate the case and give them public defenders etc but there is no money to put them away for 5-10 years like they belong…or longer

  • Silly Goose April 2, 2013 (9:42 am)

    @Schwaggy yes there is an awesome gang unit in the Southwest Division, and one tough female gang detective they intentionally hired out of LA! You should attend the Crime Council meetings,if my memory serves me right the last count of identifiable gangs in White Center and surrounding areas is “56”. Lots of loosers kids running around.

  • KD April 2, 2013 (9:50 am)

    Joel; So True! All you say. I always figured that’s why we all pay 1000% more than what health items and care REALLY costs, because all of us regular hardworking, law abiders have to make up to the insurance companies covering the every day expense of all the irresponsible gun/car/fights/overdose/knife-(yesterday)etc.etc.etc!!! They do it.. We get the bills! AAAGGHHHHHH!!!

  • westseattledood April 2, 2013 (9:51 am)

    Seems as though all these drive-bys and now this “exchange” happen at 11:30 pm? Kind of curious.

    JimmyG, you are the only other person to speak the truth on this blog that SW in fact has an escalating gang war. it was simply a matter of time before this happenned. Thank you for having the integrity to actually ask questions and find out what is happenning and speak the truth so your neighbors know what is going on. But I believe this started months ago.

    I have been following the escalation of the gang graffiti tags since last September. And have been obsessively calling property owners and the Graffiti line knowing that it probably was not going to stop this inevitability, but I do not sit at a computer terminal and fret for the public safety of my
    community either.

    It is my hope both District Councils address this soon to discuss it.

  • Sad affair April 2, 2013 (9:54 am)

    Yes, their is an active and very competent SPD Gang Detectives from the Gang Unit. They rush to all these shootings and are a part of the investigations. Their work is difficult as not many people on the street ‘rat’ on each other.

    Re: gun registry stopping this – maybe but remember prohibition? Makes guns more valuable and the criminals will still have guns.

    What’s going on is police are not allowed to be proactive in this current climate – just reactive. Cant stop people and proactively get guns off the street because Seattle can’t handle that type of policing.

    The WA State Supreme court ruled police can’t take guns out of cars and off the street without a warrant. So in the middle of the night they have to wake up a judge and wait to have a signed warrant to take a gun out of a car even if it’s sitting on the seat. They used to be able to just get it off the street. Now its impound the car, wait etc. There is no time for that with police shortages. Face it we live in a city that is coddling criminals and blocking police in a climate where adept. Of Justice is monitoring their every move and a City Attorney wants a ‘win’ in the prosecution of an officer – its not worth it to be proactive. Time to raise hell with the city and demand support for Spd. They do a great job.

  • jeff April 2, 2013 (9:58 am)

    DPD… we don’t have a national database for pot and up until this year it was illegal yet there seems to be no shortage of it here in America.

    Your point isn’t lost on me, but lawbreakers will find ways around the laws.

    In Virginia, they passed a law that said if you used a gun while committing ANY crime, it was an automatic 5 year sentence tacked on to the punishment for the crime. There were “citizens” who didn’t go to jail for the actual crime but because they used a gun, they got 5 years. Gun crimes went down 55% in the first year.

  • Moose April 2, 2013 (10:12 am)

    WSB you are great! Heard all the sirens and pulled up your blog – you’re on it! Having you in our community sets us apart (in a good way) from other Seattle neighborhoods. We care. And because of your great reporting and added links we can participate in voicing our concerns to the right people instead of being armchair quarterbacks. Thank you!

  • Alex April 2, 2013 (10:32 am)

    I wish that Avalon was a nice enough area to support the fancy restaurants which keep popping up there. I wish that, I really do.

  • Realist April 2, 2013 (10:38 am)

    DBP …. You’re dreaming of the way you’d like it to be. These people don’t follow laws and would not use registered guns. They steal them. Your “solution” doesn’t stop this type of crime.

  • dee kalani April 2, 2013 (11:00 am)

    We need more police presence in the Delridge area, so that property owners can reclaim this area, and so police can actually respond to 911 calls in a timely manner. we reported several suspicious persons, suspicious activity, suspects all long gone before police come around. Seems like this area gets swept under the rug. SPD needs to clean up this area, we pay the same taxes !

  • Seattlite April 2, 2013 (11:14 am)

    DBP — Illegal guns are just that illegal — no records because they obtained illegally to use for crime.

    Sad Affair — You are totally correct.

  • Guy April 2, 2013 (11:23 am)

    “Gang War”!! Ha!!!! It’s a bunch of wannabe gangsters! I’m sure the police know who they all are, unfortunately stopping them would decrease the budget.

  • Silly Goose April 2, 2013 (11:27 am)

    @ dee kalani the police can only assist you and your neighbors with the evidence you supply them.
    First has your block/neighborhood organized a block watch? Are you taking photo’s and documentiing liscense plates, times etc.? The wheels turn slow but eventually with strong persistance the problem individuals will leave the area. You must be proactive and keep communication amongnst all of you open this is the best weapon.

  • Girl April 2, 2013 (12:33 pm)

    The person that exchanged gunfire was being robbed at gunpoint while he was doing his job. He defended himself. He’s not a gangster.

    • WSB April 2, 2013 (1:14 pm)

      To the comment by “Girl” – I have now heard two rumors along those lines and checked with police but they are releasing no new information. If anyone with more information wants to contact me without doing it here in the comment thread – 206-293-6302 or editor@westseattleblog.com – otherwise we have no information beyond what we have published so far – TR

  • bsmomma April 2, 2013 (1:05 pm)

    I like what they do in Virginia! I’m sure for some reason, our jails wouldn’t be able to accommodate that. sad. 19 and involved in a gun fight. That is just not right. I have never understood the need for violence. What did either of these people do to each other (or someone they knew) that was worthy of there life? Or was it a color thing? Not skin but as in a Crayon Box. Respect for a “gang”? I just don’t get it. Foolish and senseless. Maybe one day they’ll get there life together, look back and realize how stupid that non sense was. And hopefully no ones life will have been taken by there hands. I could go on and on but I won’t. Peace. Love. That’s how it should be.

  • Lib April 2, 2013 (1:08 pm)

    I agree with Kalani. Getting an officer response in our neighborhood is a joke. Even if you ask for officer contact, most time it doesn’t happen. As far as license plates, documentation etc. Been there and was still told there was nothing SPD could do. North Delridge needs help and the residents need to be listened to. We live here and most of us have lived here for a LONG time! When we call for help we KNOW we need help – quit treating us like idiots and respond.

  • me April 2, 2013 (1:26 pm)

    I noticed some new tagging yesterday morning at delridge & avalon. Tagging seems to have been on the uptick in that area lately. Probably the same group of people that are causing all the problems…

  • smokeycretin9 April 2, 2013 (1:44 pm)

    meanwhile..Mayor McSchwinn is in New York giving H**d jobs to the NBA to get a basketball team in Seattle.

    Basketball and bicycles will solve everything.

  • dee kalani April 2, 2013 (1:56 pm)

    silly goose; we are very pro active with providing police with descriptions ,locations license plates, taking photos of live activity is too risky for me. We have a active block watch, and are aware of city codes for public disturbance,public nuisance , nuisance property etc. etc. etc. We are told time after time by our public servants that their hands are tied , SPD needs to stop making excuses and find loop holes to rattle these idiots cages, let them know that SPD will no longer be intimidated by these out of control people!!!!

  • kalilahshmeow April 2, 2013 (2:02 pm)

    I work at Luna. We were closed at ten and had all just left shortly before. Because of this kind of thing we always try to give each other tides and keep each other safe.

    Please note this victim on Avalon is a great person and not involved in crime.

  • Jonsie April 2, 2013 (2:52 pm)

    I can’t find ANYTHING in the blog that states both or either were gang members. You all need to not jump to conclusions. An exchange of gun fire doesn’t instantly equal a gang war.

  • Jonsie April 2, 2013 (2:56 pm)

    EP and Joel need to re-read the blog. No innocents? Took themselves out? Quick to judge with no credible evidence. Nice.

    • WSB April 2, 2013 (3:05 pm)

      We’re working on the new information, even though police aren’t saying anything. Will have an update later this afternoon.

  • Nony April 2, 2013 (3:13 pm)

    There are a lot of judgmental bigots around here, it would seem. Leaping to conclusions about drive-bys and gang activity without anything to support that shows an unfounded calloused hatred towards this neighborhood.

    A really awesome and talented guy narrowly avoided death and will have a long recovery ahead of him because someone motivated by greed tried to rob him, and people here want to say it was just gang bangers “[taking] each other out”. Disgusting.

  • CR April 2, 2013 (4:41 pm)

    To Kalani, Lib and everyone else complaining about SPD response. When SPD is too busy with DOJ breathing down their necks, and spending precious resources constantly defending themselves by all the bleeding hearts out there, this is what you get. A lack of funding and resources. You want police response, support your police.

  • Seattlite April 2, 2013 (6:45 pm)

    smokeycretin9 — You’re funny and I agree w/your post.

    Whether this shooting was gang-related or individual thugs, it’s still a crime that needs to be taken seriously. WS doesn’t need anymore crime. SPD does a great job in WS. I am grateful for their presence in WS. I believe in defending one’s self w/legal gun if needed. Again, thugs/gangs and illegal guns are so dangerous to our WS community.

  • Silly Goose April 2, 2013 (8:20 pm)

    @ Dee Kalani I am really sorry to hear that, that is not this neighborhoods experience with the CPT officers for our area. They helped us eliminate a prostitution ring, a theft ring, etc etc. It did take a couple years but they are gone!

    Good Luck

  • Cheetah fast dad April 2, 2013 (8:38 pm)

    WSB — is there any relationship between these shooting and the homicide reported on the SPD feed about 4 hours ago? HOMICIDE at 35 AV SW / SW CHARLESTOWN ST reported on 4/2/2013 2:52 PM, Call# 13000110411

    • WSB April 2, 2013 (10:00 pm)

      Cheetah – As we caution on our Crime Watch page, dispatches on Tweets by Beat are only dispatches – they might not necessarily be followed by a report correlating what they were called out for. In this case, since there have been no new incidents of that magnitude to our knowledge and since 35th/Charlestown is close to the primary investigation scene from last night, I went back through a couple hours of tweets and noted that there is also a dispatch labeled FOLLOWUP, with the same incident number. That’s all the info I can get at this hour – our usual nighttime contact isn’t on duty tonight – but I will take the case number to media relations in the morning and ask them. – TR

    • WSB April 3, 2013 (9:05 am)

      For those asking about the 35th/Charlestown “homicide” tweet/map icon: I have just spoken to SPD and they verify my suspicion – they don’t have a distinct way to code a followup, so this was a followup to the Monday night shootings. (As shown in our photo on the followup story, investigators were back there Tuesday afternoon, along Charlestown just west of Avalon.) Neither victim has died to our knowledge – the most seriously injured one is going into surgery this afternoon – but homicide detectives investigate major non-fatal shooting (etc.) cases like this, so the report indicates their involvement. – TR

  • wow April 2, 2013 (8:56 pm)

    EP…”At least in this case, they only took each other out… It’s a matter of time before the violence touches an innocent victim” Wow…really??? ?????? Before casting judgement you should know that the first victim was a cab driver on a break during late night shift. A person doing his job and trying to make a living. A person not affiliated with “gang violence.” A person with a lot of friends and a lot of family. A person. A person that is clinging to life, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m not sure what your definition of an “innocent victim” is, but that scenario sure fits mine.

  • helridge April 2, 2013 (10:31 pm)

    Sorry “wow”, we are just suffering from a thug infestation that’s only getting worse so we are apt to jump to conclusions. Very sorry to offend the victim, family and friends. I wish him well and hope he recovers fast. I also hope he remembers the face of the punk who shot him!

  • westseattledood April 3, 2013 (12:21 am)

    My sincerest apologies too. Godspeed to the

  • themightyrabbit April 3, 2013 (12:36 am)

    I spoke to the non emergency number and the 35th / Charlestown tweets appear to be wrong address as they didn’t share any further information. Neighborhood was a little shook up that this looked like a separate incident this afternoon. WSB/TR please let us know what you uncover. Thx.

    • WSB April 3, 2013 (1:51 am)

      PLEASE don’t take the tweets as gospel in ANY event, ever – they are automatically generated and also subject to error. Someone in another neighborhood was mildly freaked out some months back by another “homicide” one that was a mystery to us; it turned out the dispatcher or officer had hit ONE digit incorrectly while coding the call, and therefore brought up homicide when it was nothing of the sort. And also believe me, between our team members and the community eyes/ears, we don’t miss anything major. I’ll be checking with SPD media relations at the earliest time I can reach somebody by phone, which should be around 8 am.

  • x April 3, 2013 (1:57 am)

    The victim who was robbed and shot while doing his JOB, is a very great kid who is loved by many. The only reason he is even ALIVE, is because he had a gun to protect himself. The crap that people are saying about him here is disgusting. He is the kind of guy who would protect YOU if YOU were robbed and shot 3 times…watch what you say people. Send good thoughts for his recovery.please and thank you.

  • witness April 4, 2013 (6:14 am)

    Isn’t anyone else wondering where the other assailant is? There were two men who fled the first crime scene but I haven’t heard anything about the second man. Why has there been so little information made available by police?

  • DB April 4, 2013 (2:24 pm)

    I understand why the police would not release information about the on going investigation when there is still suspect(s) at large, but they are doing themselves and the community a disservice by not releasing information that one of the victims is an innocent man carrying a firearm. What motivation could they have for that? To make themselves look better when they catch the bad guys? To encourage gun-control legislation?

    • WSB April 4, 2013 (2:25 pm)

      We’ve finally made some headway this afternoon and I’m writing the followup story right now. – TR

  • EP April 5, 2013 (7:51 am)

    Well, I’m sorry to be wrong in the first part of my post, and my apologies and best wishes to the victim and his family. As for the rest of you… honestly? Who among us doesn’t assume scenario #1 each time you hear gun fire now? Sadly, I’ve heard gun shots outside my house twice this week… and all are on edge. So take it easy. My bad for assuming and I”m sorry I was wrong and that an innocent victim was involved.
    However, I’d like to point out that the second part of my post turned out more accurate as surveillance video in the alleyway did in fact help the detectives find the recently released convict responsible. So again, why are we opposed to cameras on public streets?

Sorry, comment time is over.