West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
9:59 PM: Call it “moving day.” Or – night. At Burien’s Seahurst Park, the partial fin-whale carcass that washed up on Saturday is to be moved tonight.
WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams was there throughout the day as it was prepared for the move.
We’ll add more of Nick’s photos later tonight, as well as an update on tonight’s planned move.
11:23 PM UPDATE: Robin Lindsey from West Seattle-based Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network tells WSB, “I just heard from NOAA and the whale is officially off the beach and the tow is underway…
“A good day today with a lot of education on the beach in a team effort. … The whale is being taken to a remote location for natural decomposition and collection of the skull at a later date for educational and research purposes.” Watch for a post on the SS site tomorrow.
10:21 AM WEDNESDAY: The city of Burien, whose park system includes Seahurst, says the removal operation cost it $3,100. Meantime, the aforementioned post by Robin is up; she writes that the whale’s remains are now at the location where they’ll decompose naturally.
We start this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup with an incident that brought several texts/calls tonight because of a big response:
Police responded to an assault call in the West Seattle Stadium area. According to Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis, a woman under the influence of the drug known as “ecstasy” attacked someone by hitting them with a skateboard. Lt. Davis says she’s in custody. The victim was taken to a hospital to be evaluated.
Also tonight, two reader reports. First one is about attempted burglaries (these came up at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, too, and we’re working on the full report on everything discussed there). John in the 5000 block of 40th SW reports:
My back door was kicked in yesterday morning at 7 am, as was my next-door neighbor’s door. Nothing was stolen out of either house. My neighbor was home at the time, I was not. I understand a house two blocks from me had the same thing happen around 3 pm yesterday.
From Miranda, word of a stolen moped – the one in this montage:
She says it was stolen Sunday night or Monday near 59th/Alki: “The moped is a Motobecane; it has pedals but is missing it’s motor as we were working on updating it. The front wheel is bright turquoise and the back on is a maroon-ish color. It’s very unique so it’s hard to miss.” If you’ve seen it, call police.
Asked if tonight was a “soft open,” Pizzeria Credo proprietor Jacques Nawar said yes, but then “not too soft” – they are open to the public tonight until approximately 10 pm. Below, Nawar (center) with chefs Franco and Matt beside the wood-fired pizza oven at the front of the space; you’ll be able to see the fresh pizzas being created through the front window:
As noted in an interview with WSB last month, the space has been remodeled in a big way, including warmer colors “to brighten up the place” and lighting fixtures:
Nawar has planned a “smart” and “eclectic” menu, offering far more than the wood-fired pizza. Pizzeria Credo will also serve appetizers, salads, other entrees such as duck – a specialty, he says – and chicken. And yes there will be gluten-free pizza. Ingredients will be “as organic and local as possible”; Nawar says they are working with West Seattle Produce and looking for other local growers/providers with whom to partner.
Pizzeria Credo is located at 4520 California SW.
Though the official grand-opening celebration isn’t until this Saturday (newest details here), it’s “soft open” time for the community-built Roxhill Castle playground renovations! Val shares the photographic proof.
(Photos courtesy Seattle Parks and Recreation)
Followup today on the huge copper-wire theft that has put Delridge Playfield out of commission for many events until further notice, as reported here last night. Today, Parks says its electricians estimate the repairs will cost up to $20,000 and take up to two weeks. They were at the parks today, as were police, trying to find out more about the theft of 1,200 feet of wire. An update from Parks today explains how it happened:
The copper wiring was accessed from the junction boxes under light poles around the perimeter of the field. After cutting the wires between each junction box, thieves brought in a vehicle (likely a truck), hooked up the wire to the vehicle and pulled out the wiring. Parks staff believe the theft was conceived and executed over several nights, as it appears other junction boxes with wire still inside were prepared for theft.
Parks’ update quotes acting superintendent Christopher Williams as saying, “This is a significant theft … and we want to catch the person or people who did it because this creates a needless expense for taxpayers and an unnecessary loss of playing time for park users. … We are asking anyone who is a neighbor to a Seattle Parks and Recreation ballfield to help us keep eyes on our parks. We need neighbors’ help to deter criminal activity.” Call Seattle Police if you have any information about the theft – or any time you spot suspicious activity. Parks also says you can report suspicious behavior to the Park Rangers’ office at 206-255-8325.
(One more reminder about crime concerns/trends in general – the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets at 7 tonight, Southwest Precinct meeting room, SW Webster just west of Delridge Way SW.)
Just out of the WSB inbox – big “Youth Appreciation Day” event Saturday at Southwest Teen Life Center:
Target, Seattle Police, and Southwest Teen Life Center are hosting a celebration for youth this Saturday, April 20th from noon – 4p at Southwest Teen Life Center – 2801 SW Thistle. Activities (appropriate for ages 11 and up) include;
· Outdoor Games – (Potato Sack Race, Three-legged Race, Relay Races, Water Balloon Toss, etc.)
· Karaoke
· Austin Foundation Fitness Obstacle Course
· Interactive Video Game Experience (Xbox Kinect)
· Food and Refreshments
Photo by Nick Adams
By Katie Meyer
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
Artistic Director Christopher Zinovitch (above) introduced ArtsWest‘s Splash of Color season to a rapt audience last night – a suspenseful unveiling of each production’s poster followed by live songs and scenes by cast members.
The season lineup includes the rolling world premiere of Lauren Gunderson’s The Taming, a new comedy based on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew; Little Women the Musical, a poignant and timeless classic perfect for the holiday season; Douglas Carter Beane’s scathingly hilarious look at celebrity, The Little Dog Laughed; Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein’s final play, Third; and the legendary story about the search for truth, peace and love in Vietnam War-era America, HAIR.
Story and photos by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
Sustainable West Seattle continued its “Successful Gardening with Nature” series Monday night with the second of three installments: “Designing the Perfect Garden.”
A walk-through of the Community Orchard of West Seattle included adding topsoil around existing fruit trees and planting seedlings that have been grown in South Seattle Community College’s greenhouse.
To demonstrate “companion planting” (placing plants that provide beneficial qualities within close proximity of each other) Stu Hennessey and Narcissa Nelson led forum attendees in a planting exercise.
11:52 AM: Just received from Eric Renn at West Seattle CrossFit:
Today, we are organizing a Team Red White and Blue “Response Run”. The run will be from the Statue of Liberty to Anchor Park and back, the typical 5k run on Alki … we will begin at 2 p.m. today and carry an American flag with us the entire way.
(Statue of Liberty Plaza is at 61st and Alki.)
3:57 PM: Scenes of the Response Run in the sunshine along Alki Beach:
(Photos by WSB’s Katie Meyer)
Preparing to hand off the flag, at Anchor Park:
Fixed flags around the state are all at half-staff today by decree of Governor Inslee.
If you have unused and unneeded – or expired – prescription medication(s), another Drug Take-Back Day is coming up on April 27th. Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis says the precinct (on Webster just west of Delridge) will be the local drop-off site again this time, 10 am-2 pm. He also notes that they cannot accept syringes/needles – just medications; more info here. Last year, participants dropped off 238 pounds of unwanted medications at the SW Precinct – more than anywhere else in the city.
(Bald eagle, by Trileigh Tucker, who writes about nature @ naturalpresence.wordpress.com)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you will always find even more of what’s going on), four more highlights for tonight:
REAL ESTATE CAREER NIGHT: With the housing market on the rebound, real-estate careers are drawing renewed interest. Prudential Northwest Realty (WSB sponsor) is hosting a real-estate Career Night at 6 pm, 4700 42nd SW, Suite 600 – details here.
WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Concerns/questions about crime/safety issues in your neighborhood? This is your chance to bring them up directly to Southwest Precinct leadership and to the Community Police Team officers. 7 pm at the precinct’s meeting room (Delridge/Webster), with a guest speaker from the SPD Gang Unit.
BELLY DANCING: The monthly Alauda freeform-belly-dancing showcase at Skylark Café and Club is tonight, 7:30 pm – details here.
STARLIGHT SINGER/SONGWRITER SHOWCASE: 9 pm tonight at Shadowland (California/Oregon), come listen to local musicians perform their work.
Yet another win for the division-leading West Seattle High School Wildcats – now 9-1 in Metro League play – and tonight, you can help supporters raise money for the team. First, the summary from Greg Slader, who also shared the photos:
Sunshine and freshly cut grass welcomed the Varsity Baseball team to Bainbridge island. Sam Hellinger (top photo) enjoyed a nice day, hitting 2 for 4 with 3 RBIs while pitching a complete game (7 innings) and racking up 11 strikeouts. The team was hot from the beginning, scoring three runs in the first inning as Morgan and Spencer were all over the base paths scoring two runs each.
(Jimmy Mai goes for the tag at the plate)
Next game is Wednesday @ Hiawatha, 3:30 pm, vs. Franklin.
Now, the benefit: From 3 pm until close, today/tonight, part of the proceeds from food and beverage purchases at Christo’s on Alki will benefit the team through the WSHS Booster Club. Christo’s is at the beach, 2508 Alki SW.
(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
Time to get on the move for Tuesday. Traffic updates to come as we get them.