UPDATE: Two teenagers stabbed west of Roxhill Park; suspect arrested

1:31 PM: Police and fire are responding to a report of two people stabbed at 30th/Cambridge [map], just west of Roxhill Park. Updates to come.

1:35 PM: Police are looking for at least one vehicle in connection with this – described as a newer silver SUV, possibly a Nissan Murano. They confirm there are two victims, describing as “one in a fight that got stabbed, one who we’re interviewing right now.”

1:44 PM: SFD has reduced its response size; we’ll be checking with them regarding conditions. No further info from police yet regarding suspect(s)/circumstances.

1:47 PM: Police have just said the suspect(s) and victims in this “are all juveniles” and they’ve checked the parking lots at nearby schools but no sign of the involved vehicle.

2:02 PM: They are looking for a teenage girl and apparently have her name.

2:50 PM: SFD says its medics treated a 17-year-old girl who was in stable condition when taken to the hospital and a 15-year-old girl with “minor injuries” who did not want to go to a hospital.

ADDED 5:17 PM: We followed up with SPD too. Det. Eric Muñoz noted, “There is a family relationship between the suspect and stabbing victim, making this a domestic violence-related incident. Another female juvenile victim sustained minor injuries (scratches); and was treated on scene. Video surveillance was obtained by officers. The weapon used was not located. The 16-year-old suspect fled the scene and was not located. Police are actively searching for her. Police are also looking for another involved male suspect; his involvement in this incident is under investigation.”

6:28 PM: SPD confirms the suspect has just been arrested.

23 Replies to "UPDATE: Two teenagers stabbed west of Roxhill Park; suspect arrested"

  • Alki resident November 25, 2024 (2:15 pm)

    I’m glad police have her name. There’s lots of cameras on those houses around there too. What a shame. 

  • Darren November 25, 2024 (3:05 pm)

    Is there no school today? If there is school, why weren’t they in class? 

    • Adam November 25, 2024 (3:32 pm)

      Unfortunately the nearby hs, Chief Sealth, appears unwilling to regulate what kids do while under their care. This question of yours has been asked many times, including after a student was killed during lunch last school year. I believe the rules are to stay on campus and either are just not enforced, or it’s posed as suggestion. I could be wrong, that’s just my thoughts from discussions with students and employees at that school. 

      • K November 25, 2024 (6:01 pm)

        The schools barely have money for libraries, they are certainly not going to be hiring bouncers.

      • Teacher November 25, 2024 (7:38 pm)

        Are you kidding me?  Kids have skipped school since school became a thing. A kid was stabbed a half-mile from a school and you’re blaming the teachers who were in the building…teaching. 

        • Concerned November 26, 2024 (7:49 am)

          @teacher you are doing amazing work! Thank you to the service to our community and school. We know these issues stem from home environment and no supervision in the home. @adam its unfortunate that you feel the need to blame the teachers who are literally doing what they are hired to do and going ABOVE and BEYOND for our students. If you feel the need fo point a finger maybe take some time fo look inward. Its really unfortunate and sad that this incidient took place. Sad for the kids, the families, and the school. Lets not point fingers. Have a blessed day. 

          • Stop pointing fingers. November 26, 2024 (11:52 am)

            It is infuriating to consistently see “the problems start from home” or “where are the parents?” I have a kiddo that struggled, and I was flipping over every rock and pounding down every door – begging for help and support. And even when the kids do get in trouble, the support doesn’t exist. The way you vote does matters and exists. Voting away money for schools, voting for politicians that actually move the needle in getting to the heart of where the issues come from. Sure, some of these kids have horrible home lives. Where is the support for them to remove the barriers that exist in getting them the help that could actually change the trajectory of a kids life?It’s humorous how opinionated people are that have little to no perspective of what it’s like to be a parent of a kid that struggles, or be a family that is in crappy circumstances. And I hope for all of you judgmental people, that you never have to know that type of heartbreak, worry and struggle. Stop pointing fingers and start getting curious. 

      • Pauline November 25, 2024 (7:41 pm)

        All high schools have students free flow during lunch hours or if they take running start. And also have skippers lol. Please don’t single a high school! 

      • Sealth Graduate November 25, 2024 (7:44 pm)

        When has it been the job of the school to round up students in the neighborhood? They certainly did not do that in the 70’s. If kids want to skip that’s their grades that suffer.

      • HS November 26, 2024 (9:26 am)

        A school wasn’t mentioned in the report. But for perspective, I had to reach out to Sealth regarding a students behavior offsite, during school hours, and they were responsive and competent in their response. 

    • Joe November 25, 2024 (3:42 pm)

      I was more concerned about the actual stabbing. This seems like the bigger offense. 

    • Derp November 25, 2024 (4:19 pm)

      That would be a question for their parents

    • Elton November 25, 2024 (4:24 pm)

      I don’t believe SPS kids have school today. Parent/teacher conferences

      • WSB November 25, 2024 (5:18 pm)

        Yes, as noted in the morning traffic etc. roundup, high schools and middle schools were open, but no classes at elementaries and K-8s.

    • Duh November 25, 2024 (5:12 pm)

      Because they were skipping? Like what kind of question is this

  • Alki resident November 25, 2024 (6:27 pm)

    There’s nothing that states anyone was from Sealth. In a side note, staff don’t wrangle up students around the neighborhood and return them to class. That’s never been a thing. 

    • Question Authority November 25, 2024 (10:28 pm)

       School Truancy Officers used to patrol for that specific need, the LEO Community has much more important things to do than determine what school you belong to.

      • Alki resident November 26, 2024 (7:40 am)

        Never seen a truancy officer in my life. Had there ever been any, they certainly missed picking up anyone I knew. 

  • K November 25, 2024 (6:34 pm)

    Have both the male and female suspects been arrested, or just one?

    • WSB November 25, 2024 (6:39 pm)

      The main suspect (16-year-old girl).

  • Sealth Parent November 25, 2024 (8:04 pm)

    @Adam, why the hate towards CSIHS? Was it stated that they went there? Summit is another school close by…and in fact, who knows where they go to school? Stick to the facts and stop hating on our amazing high school. You actually have no idea what you are talking about. 

  • Rhonda November 27, 2024 (12:44 pm)

    Stop blaming parents for the behaviors of EVERY kid! I know lots of terrific parents with  multiple, wonderful kids. But even a few of them have one that has severe behavioral problems, some to the point of criminal/violent behavior. In every case these parents are trying as hard as they can to deal with the nightmare of a teenager who has become just dangerous enough to fall through the legal cracks. Add in parents having full-time jobs, long commutes, other children, divorced/separate households, step parents, health issues, financial struggles, lack of support, etc, and one bad teen can literally be impossible for the best parent(s) to deal with. Be grateful if your kids aren’t troubled or have grown into responsible adulthood.

    • Hey December 5, 2024 (4:47 am)

      Thank you! Couldn’t of said it better myself 🙏🏼

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