Pre-election vigil, ‘open creek,’ more for your West Seattle Sunday

(Photo by Arlene Rubin, seen from Lincoln Park shore – note the faint rainbow)

Here are the highlights of what’s happening in our area today, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you’ll find even more listings). First, two traffic alerts:

DIA DE MUERTOS BRUNCH: Special weekend brunch at La Chingona Taqueria (2940 SW Avalon Way), 8 am-2 pm.

SWIM IN THE SOUND: At 9 am, dive into the weekly group plunge into Puget Sound off Alki – meet at Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki).

WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet for today’s run at 9 am at Uptown Espresso (Delridge/Andover).

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: As usual, open 10 am-2 pm, with seasonal produce, plus beverages, baked goods, flowers, cheese, fish, meat, prepared food, nuts, candy, condiments, more. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)

SMALL-BIZ POP-UP MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, see who’s selling what at Jet City Labs (4547 California SW).

DIA DE MUERTOS POP-UP: Milpa Masa (3416 SW Webster) hosts Rice, Beans, and Happiness, 10 am-2 pm.

(Work by Jenny Mandt, one of the participating artists – photo by Ana Cecilia Del Claro)

FAUNTLEROY FINE ART AND HOLIDAY GIFT SHOW FINALE: 11 am-2 pm at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW), 18 artists and crafters want you to see what they’ve brought to the show for early holiday gift shopping, if you didn’t visit on Friday and/or Saturday.

‘OPEN CREEK’ TO SEE FAUNTLEROY SALMON: The spawners have started coming into Fauntleroy Creek, so volunteer salmon watchers are ready for you to visit in hopes of seeing them. 1-3 pm, go to the overlook at upper Fauntleroy/SW Director and wait to be called down to creekside.

MUSICIANS FOR THE WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK: Carmaig and Geddon and A Band of Poets, welcoming donations of money/food for WSFB, 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor)

PRE-ELECTION PRAYER VIGIL: 5-6 pm “safe, contemplative space for people to gather” at Peace Lutheran Church (39th/Thistle), all welcome.

‘BEYOND LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT’: Last in a series of Sunday night events at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (3050 California SW):

We are pleased to be able to offer this series to our community and invite all who are interested in learning more about the history and future of the Duwamish tribe and the effects of colonization on the Indigenous community to join us.

5 pm-6 pm, no RSVP required.

LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: Sunday night music with the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW) – 8-10 pm.

Are you planning, organizing, and/or publicizing something that should be listed on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Just email us the basics – – thank you!

3 Replies to "Pre-election vigil, 'open creek,' more for your West Seattle Sunday"

  • Kt November 3, 2024 (8:36 am)

    Lincoln Park view of Olympics this morning 

    • HS November 3, 2024 (9:18 am)

      Gasp! Gorgeous!!

    • Fauntleroy resident November 3, 2024 (11:07 am)

      I love it when the mountains pop like that. Great shot.

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