FAUNTLEROY SALMON: ‘Open creek’ Sunday afternoon, now that spawners have shown up

Two and a half weeks after community members sang and drummed to call the coho into Fauntleroy Creek, salmon have arrived, Judy Pickens reports:

Veteran salmon watcher Dennis Hinton not only saw the first spawner of the season enter Fauntleroy Creek late yesterday (10/30) but also took the first photo (above). Volunteers report more spawners poised to enter from Fauntleroy Cove.

Sunday (11/3) the public can come have a look when the Fauntleroy Watershed Council hosts an all-ages “open creek” 1:00-3:00 pm. Dress for the weather and make your way to the fish ladder viewpoint at SW Director and upper Fauntleroy Way SW (on the bluff across from the ferry terminal). A volunteer will invite you down to creek level to check out the habitat, ask questions, and maybe see spawners. Children should bring a parent and dogs should be on leash.

3 Replies to "FAUNTLEROY SALMON: 'Open creek' Sunday afternoon, now that spawners have shown up"

  • crow October 31, 2024 (3:03 pm)

    We need to get these fish above the blockages, to the best spawning grounds above the culvert just below the West Seattle, Golf Course. Eventually the infrastructure needs to be changed out to  facilitate fish passage.  I observed at least 2 salmon trapped below the beaver dam, last week.

  • Judy P. October 31, 2024 (4:04 pm)

    Your comment relates to Longfellow Creek.  In 1998, after much lobbying by the community, the city replaced the culvert that blocked coho from getting to spawning habitat upstream of the beach.  Now the city is working on a passable culvert at 45th Ave. SW.  That leaves one more culvert to address, on the assumption that spawners will persevere to get to headwaters habitat a mile up from the beach.  Such projects take years and millions of dollars, and Longfellow is complex by comparison.  It has advocates and could certainly use more if progress is to be made. 

    • crow November 1, 2024 (10:36 am)

      Indeed I was confused. Thank you for the clarification, & education. Is the last culvert replacement you are referring to on SW Genesee Street? It seemed early to see a salmon in Longfellow creek.

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