UPDATE: Driver to hospital after crash on Harbor Avenue north of the bridge

11:06 PM: SFD is sending a rescue response to what SPD reports as a one-car crash at Harbor/Avalon, driver went “off the road” and is reported to be unconscious. Updates to come.

11:09 PM: Arriving police tell dispatch that Harbor will be blocked both ways.

11:21 PM: SDOT has swung the camera around to show the responders on Harbor just north of the bridge, but we’re not sure exactly where the car crashed – this area has the almost-complete apartment building on the west side of the street, businesses on the east side.

11:34 PM: The driver, a 48-year-old man, is reported to have regained consciousness. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening so he will be taken to the hospital via AMR ambulance rather than SFD medic unit.

12:06 AM: Police are reopening northbound Harbor.

12:12 AM: Southbound has reopened too.

7 Replies to "UPDATE: Driver to hospital after crash on Harbor Avenue north of the bridge"

  • C July 6, 2024 (11:25 pm)

    I hope everyone is ok! I work in the Activspace right there, people go so fast down that stretch of road when it gets late

    • WSB July 6, 2024 (11:37 pm)

      They revised the address to 3418 Harbor (Westside Bicycle) next door so apparently somewhere in that vicinity.

      • Neighbor July 6, 2024 (11:47 pm)

        It seemed like they were going in and out of the new apartment buildings. I heard a huge crash but couldn’t see anything. I did see a white sedan with their hazards on that I think pulled over to help before the emergency vehicles came. 

        • WSB July 7, 2024 (12:08 am)

          Don’t know about the white car, but this was described repeatedly as a one-car crash, and that one car was described as a red Chrysler 300.

  • Daniel July 7, 2024 (3:06 pm)

    I saw that last night when I was heading that direction, was wondering what happened. Still wondering how he ended up crashing there though, maybe something to do with all the construction blockage in the road and wasn’t paying attention?

  • WW Resident July 8, 2024 (6:38 pm)

    What’s the deal? I just saw something on the news in West Seattle where a woman was beat by two other women in a road rage incident. Nothing on the blog

    • WSB July 8, 2024 (6:43 pm)

      No relation to this story but since you ask, I assume that’s the person who texted us at midnight last night saying they were assaulted at 4:30 pm Saturday somewhere on California SW. We texted back immediately with a followup question and have yet to hear back. There is no assault call in the X call log around that time on California so without more information from the person who texted, there’s nothing to report.

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