BIZNOTE: Return of Pegasus Pizza

Thanks for the tips. What’s going into the former Pizzeria Credo space at 4520 California SW has finally been revealed, with the new awning signage shown above: Pegasus Pizza. The owners are the same as the Pegasus Pizza that closed on Alki more than a year ago, according to the liquor-license application for this space (filed under the business name “Flying Horse”). Court files say the case related to the Alki closure was closed this past February with “full satisfaction of (the) judgment.”

59 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Return of Pegasus Pizza"

  • Me April 10, 2024 (5:37 pm)

    I hope the Toms Piazza comes back….

  • No thanks April 10, 2024 (5:37 pm)

    Until we as a community get a formal public apology to previous employees AND they get paid what they STILL HAVE NOT been paid (w/interest ideally); no one should patron this establishment. I do not care if the judgement was closed with “full satisfaction” when many of us know former employees who are owed pay checks.Yes, the pizza is delicious, BUT the rest of this sentence is obvious.

    • M S April 14, 2024 (10:34 am)

      The pizza isn’t even very good. The couple times I tried it, it was actually bad

  • Pizza lover April 10, 2024 (5:38 pm)

    I’m glad to see that space filled again. In my opinion, Credo was better than Pegasus.

    • Peter April 10, 2024 (7:06 pm)

      Credo was waaaay better than Pegasus, but still not … good. 

      • Mike April 10, 2024 (8:49 pm)

        Credo was fantastic and Pegasus is good.  I look forward to Pegasus coming back to West Seattle.

  • Pizza fan April 10, 2024 (5:50 pm)

    Glad to see their back!!  Hope they can manage to pay their employees and rent this time around… 

  • IBeleiveInCredo April 10, 2024 (5:56 pm)

    Hurumph. The only thing West Seattle needs less than another pizza joint is to relpace one of the best ones in town with something sub par. Lets find a new place to reopen Credo!

  • Anne April 10, 2024 (6:05 pm)

    Rent for space can’t be cheap – they must have plenty of money -at least enough to rent & pay their employees.

  • UnpaidRent April 10, 2024 (6:08 pm)

    It’s hysterical that this same group of owners can be sued for 6 figures in past rent due + unpaid wages to employees and then have the audacity to pop back up ~2 years later in the same neighborhood basically. Vacant spaces are never good but sheesh.

  • Will April 10, 2024 (6:23 pm)

    Well that’s disappointing.

  • DD April 10, 2024 (6:40 pm)

    I hope they are a success.  Local businesses need our support to succeed!  if you don’t want to support them don’t go but if you can’t say something positive then don’t say anything at all.

    • Lisab April 10, 2024 (10:15 pm)

      You don’t believe employees should be paid???

    • CJ April 11, 2024 (12:20 am)

      I couldn’t agree more!  We need our store fronts occupied with small businesses!  I liked Pegasus and Credo and I’m happy one of them is back in business!  

      • Neighbor April 11, 2024 (7:25 pm)

        Do we need small businesses that can’t pay their employees?  Should people work for free?

    • WestSeattleBadTakes April 11, 2024 (4:31 am)

      At what cost? Do we really need to support a business with dubious practices? 

    • Rob April 11, 2024 (9:30 am)

      This business has caused harm to our community by mistreating its employees, many of whom live here.  It is completely fair to question them for their past business practices while also championing small business.

  • Patrick April 10, 2024 (6:41 pm)

    Pizza. In West Seattle. Who woulda thunk.

    • Curious George April 10, 2024 (7:50 pm)

      FYI:  the closed Swinery is now going to be a wood fired pizza place….ask for another pizza place and look what you get.

      • Sayitplease April 12, 2024 (8:53 am)

        Wood smoke is 12 times more toxic than a cigarette (EPA research)  it is known carcinogenic. Nasty to be breathing that in a densely populated neighborhood..

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy April 10, 2024 (6:55 pm)

    On the upside I’ll get to try it now. Never bothered before the closure. 

  • Yeah April 10, 2024 (7:15 pm)

    No one’s worried they’re going to put Talarico’s out of business?  Funny, that.

    • Socialcontract April 10, 2024 (8:26 pm)

      Anyone who has eaten both knows it’s not even close.

      • Bj April 12, 2024 (3:16 am)

        Yep. Talarico’s isn’t going anywhere. 

    • Colby April 10, 2024 (8:47 pm)

      Or Supreme or MOTO or Pagliacci or MOD or West of Chicago. We are allowed to only support one establishment of each type of food!

    • Yeah April 10, 2024 (9:31 pm)

      That was commentary on all the people convinced Molly Moon’s will put Husky Deli put of business, as if there is any similarity between the two besides a common menu item.  Talarico’s will be fine.  And so will Husky Deli.

  • WSOwl April 10, 2024 (7:18 pm)

    Great, I like their pizza!

  • Alki resident April 10, 2024 (8:02 pm)

    Hard to believe. I hope they plan on paying their hard working employees this time. 

  • JP April 10, 2024 (8:10 pm)

    Wake me when West 5 returns.

  • Morg April 10, 2024 (8:19 pm)

    Shout out to Soprano Antico…under appreciated pizzeria in West Seattle.hows the eclair spot doing?

    • Sue H. April 10, 2024 (10:48 pm)

      Agreed. I order from sopranos probably twice a month and it is my favorite place that nobody seems to talk about. Also nice to have a place within house delivery as opposed to the apps.

    • ACG April 10, 2024 (10:50 pm)

      If you are talking about the eclair place in the junction, it’s really good and the people in there were super nice. We got one of each flavor to try them all- and they were all good!  

    • BC April 12, 2024 (4:32 pm)

      It’s terrible – reminded me of Pizza Time. Talked the family into going there over a year ago and every time I’ve suggested a new restaurant since they bring it up.

  • Vee April 10, 2024 (8:21 pm)

    Good news, I like their salads, hope they do well, I liked the alki location sitting outside though

  • Sillygoose April 10, 2024 (8:29 pm)

    Great, now maybe we can collect all the back pay they owe my daughter!!!!!

    • Jay April 11, 2024 (9:41 am)

      File a complaint with the Department of Labor as soon as Pegasus reopens.

      • AlkiDreamin April 14, 2024 (8:16 am)

        The State Dept of Labor has to enforce the whole state and is very capacity constrained.Luckily, in Seattle we have great labor laws and folks who enforce them. Anyone who has experienced wage theft can file a claim with Seattle’s Office of Labor Standards. Another great option is Fair Work Center which can be more sirect at times. Both have a great track record of settling claims and wage recovery.

        CONTACT US

        help@fairworkcenter.orgCall 1-844-485-1195

  • Just wondering April 10, 2024 (8:36 pm)

    Don’t forget the new pizza place going in where the Swinery was!

  • Gerry Stone April 10, 2024 (9:41 pm)

    I am delighted Pegasus is coming back! There may be other pizza places around but in my opinion… None better than Pegasus!

  • Alki Eyes April 10, 2024 (10:12 pm)

    The audacity of them to open another business in West Seattle! Good luck to the new employees being able to cash their paychecks!

  • grocerylist April 11, 2024 (7:06 am)

    Pegasus pizza is the worst pizza I’ve had in all of Seattle. I thought it only survived on summer tourist suckers. Can’t imagine they’ll last in the junction. Does anyone know how to make food that isn’t pizza?

  • Lando April 11, 2024 (7:27 am)

    So excited for Pasta again!

  • Pizza Fan April 11, 2024 (8:26 am)

    Looking forward to eating there….  once I hear that the former employees owed money have been made whole. 

    • Crooked April 11, 2024 (9:59 am)

      Fully agree. Will not support scofflaws. 

  • Jeepney April 11, 2024 (10:20 am)

    I miss Spiros, but the restaurant that moved into it’s former spot seems to be doing quite well.

  • Kathleen April 11, 2024 (10:35 am)

    Wow– that is pretty nervy.  A business that cheated its workers out of hard earned wages, many of them teenagers, abruptly closing, and then coming back to do it all over again?  That is really gutsy.  Oh,  and their pizza was never any good.  There are so many small businesses to support– this is not one of them.  

  • Alki resident April 11, 2024 (1:39 pm)

    I hope parents are aware what the owners of Pegasus has a history of and makes sure their child selects a great place to work and not Pegasus. Your child deserves their weekly paycheck on time and in full. 

  • Pizza guy April 11, 2024 (7:52 pm)

    If anyone reading this from West Seattle likes pizza, try Peel n Press. Great pies, imho, best in West Seattle.

    • helpermonkey April 12, 2024 (9:05 am)

      agreed!! PnP is the absolute best. I wouldn’t spend a dime at Pegasus after the crap they’ve pulled. 

    • WS Girl April 13, 2024 (4:29 am)

      Totally agree about Peel & Press. Their Puttanesca pizza was the best pizza I’ve ever had. Recently dined there with some out-of-town guests, and we enjoyed the excellent pasta. 

  • wssz April 11, 2024 (10:40 pm)

    It’s incredibly nervy of them. My kids friends knew not to work there. The owners had quite the reputation for bounced checks and stiffing their employees out of their final paychecks. One of my daughter’s friends had to camp out by the restaurant door for two weeks pleading with them to pay what they owed her for her final paycheck.

    When I sent her this announcement that Pegasus Pizza was re-opening in the Junction,  she was shocked and wished every poor soul who’ll work there good luck. Even all these years later, she says Pegasus Pizza was the very worst employer she’s ever had.

    When they were evicted from their Alki location in 2022 they owed more than $145,000 in back rent.  This article in the WSB brings back lots of very unfortunate memories.  The comments add even more to the story (133 comments says a lot by itself).

  • Pizza lover April 12, 2024 (8:54 am)

    West of Chicago Pizza is right over on Alaska and is 100 times better than Pegasus.  Their deep dish is pretty good, but I love their thin crust pizza the most.  Why would anyone bother getting some meh pizza from Pegasus?  Why couldn’t we get a better restaurant in that space?

  • Whispermoon April 12, 2024 (8:56 am)

    Pegasus has a long history in West Seattle, including prior to the location that closed. Historically they paid their employees. Hopefully their new location will bring in plenty of money for them so they can catch up and pay the old debts. Let’s support their business and tasty pizza. Good luck.

    • VJ April 12, 2024 (7:51 pm)

      That is ridiculous, historically they did not pay their employees in a timely manner. Our daughter would wait weeks to cash her check.

  • Villagegreen April 12, 2024 (5:20 pm)

    I’m so jealous of the food options on Beacon Hill. I guess we are pretty white bread over here, but damn. 

  • jmt April 13, 2024 (3:17 pm)

    Pizzeria 22 is the best Neapolitan pizza in WS. They’ve got tasty salads too.  

  • Chacha April 16, 2024 (8:05 pm)

    I hope this is the start of a new attitude toward employees and lessons learned. I welcome a repented Pegasus Pizza, but if Tom’s Special isn’t in the offerings, I’ll have an attitude. (:))

  • Suzy April 19, 2024 (6:11 pm)

    I miss Lee’s Asian. Sick of pizza

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