FOLLOWUP: Shooting victim’s sister announces another protest outside Chief Sealth IHS on Friday

(WSB photo, Monday)

Three days after a protest outside Chief Sealth International High School and Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center, where 15-year-old Sealth student Mobarak Adam died of a gunshot wound, another one has been announced. The victim’s sister Leyla, who spoke at Monday’s rally and march, sent this flyer, announcing the gathering for 2 pm Friday (February 2), a “protest against gun violence and finding justice for Mobarak Adam.” This past Tuesday, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office announced that the teen’s death one week earlier was ruled a homicide. No further word yet from Seattle Police about the status of the investigation. Seattle Parks, meantime, told us Tuesday they will replace the long-broken Teen Life Center/Pool camera.

27 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Shooting victim's sister announces another protest outside Chief Sealth IHS on Friday"

  • Mrs Myrtle February 1, 2024 (5:06 pm)

    Is school out by 2pm.

    • WSB February 1, 2024 (6:47 pm)

      Chief Sealth bell time is 3:45 pm, according to the school website.

  • Big Bird February 1, 2024 (5:21 pm)

    Very sad to hear there hasn’t been any arrests in Mobarak’s death. How come his “Friends” that were with him haven’t came forward? It’s very cowardly of them to sit in silence while his family are dealing with the pain of loosing their son. 

    • Anne February 1, 2024 (6:02 pm)

      How do you know they haven’t come forward – or been identified & interviewed? Just because LE hasn’t shared every detail of the investigation with the public??

    • Erik February 1, 2024 (6:17 pm)

      I feel confidence that SPD will be able to figure it out. It’s only been a week. Also his friends coming forward with information (if they have it, we don’t know they do), doesn’t do a single thing to bring comfort to the grieving family. 

      • WS resident February 1, 2024 (7:18 pm)

        In fact, it could lead to some level of closure, justice, and answers for the family, as well as finding the shooter or weapon, which could prevent harm to others. While SPD may be able to figure out what happened, their investigation might be hindered by RCW 13.40.740, and similar cases have gone unsolved.

        Offering a reward for information might motivate a young witness to do the right thing for Mobarak’s family, if they haven’t done so yet. Hopefully we’ll have an update soon from SPD.

      • WS resident February 2, 2024 (5:30 pm)

        In fact, it may lead to some level of justice and closure for Mobarak’s family. Finding the shooter or gun might also prevent harm to others. Perhaps SPD will figure out what happened, even with their investigation limited by RCW 13.40.740. Though similar cases have gone unsolved.

        Offering a REWARD FOR INFORMATION could motivate one/more of the young witnesses to do the right thing for the family, if they haven’t done so yet. Hopefully we’ll have an update soon from SPD.

    • Alki resident February 1, 2024 (6:41 pm)

      There’s nothing that states on the news that they’ve arrested or not arrested someone. They’ve likely already talked to the guys involved. In due process. 

  • Jj February 1, 2024 (5:22 pm)

    Keep it up Leyla! They ignore me … but they cant ignore you. Peace sister!

  • Richard February 1, 2024 (5:42 pm)

    The only way to end gun violence in this country is to change gun laws & reduce the number of guns.  Changing gun laws requires voting gun advocates out of office, period. 

    When the 2nd Amendment was written in 1791, the guns used were muskets and flintlock pistols … an experienced shooter could get off 3 or 4 rounds per minute & those guns were wildly inaccurate.  Can you imagine politicians from 1791 looking at how the 2nd Amendment has been hijacked or that Americans have a 2nd Amendment right to own an assault weapon? 

    America used to have an assault weapons ban, signed into law by President Clinton in 1994 but with a 10-year expiration date.  George W. Bush & the Republican controlled Congress allowed the ban to expire in 2004 … how many mass shootings have we had since then?  Sad. 

    So for all you young kids who will be voting over the next decade & have lived with “active shooter drills” please remember there is only one way to stop this madness … vote out gun advocates, get them out of D.C. & you might be able to live a long life, as I have, without the fear of being gunned down in a church, at a concert, at a grocery store.

    • G February 1, 2024 (6:48 pm)

      Hear, hear!

      • Mark February 2, 2024 (2:42 pm)

        How about, if you commit a crime with a gun, it’s an automatic 5 years added to the sentence?

    • miws February 1, 2024 (7:15 pm)

      Richard, Excellent comment… —Mike 

    • Ed February 1, 2024 (9:49 pm)

      Support this bill to require liability insurance for gun owners.  It’s a small step but every thing helps. legislators to support it here:

      • Daniel February 2, 2024 (12:27 am)

        I’m not sure that will have the intended effect.  Criminal acts can’t be insured, and the negligence portion of liability insurance is extremely cheap, for everything except driving a car (and even then it’s not that expensive, in the grand scheme of things).  $3-4 million of umbrella liability insurance is like a couple hundred dollars a year if you don’t drive.  Requiring higher liability insurance might be a good thing to do anyways, but it’s primarily going to impact people’s ability to drive, because that’s where almost all the cost of insuring is.

    • Lp February 2, 2024 (12:28 am)

      Thank you.

    • Mel February 2, 2024 (6:44 am)

      I don’t disagree with some of your comments. But playing devils advocate, you mention you’ve lived a long life. Gun laws haven’t changed dramatically in this country over the years. So what has changed? Gun culture? I’m all for background checks, red flag laws etc. But I think we can make more immediate changes if we hold people accountable for committing crimes with guns. Make the penalties extremely stiff if you commit any crime with a gun. This city/county want to be lax on all laws and continue to advocate for getting rid of guns. Why don’t we actually start making a difference and getting these people off the streets? 

    • Dr Wu February 2, 2024 (10:08 am)

      There is not a Democrat in this blue state who doesn’t support additional gun control restrictions . Maybe a Progressive super majority in Olympia will be your only hope. 

      • West Seattle Dem February 2, 2024 (3:32 pm)

        You clearly do not know or speak for all of the democrats in this state, Dr Wu.

  • oerthehillz February 1, 2024 (7:20 pm)

    If there are lawyers involved at this point,  any connected parties are required to keep a hat on any rumors being spread. I’m sure we’ll hear more eventually. And for Richard, that is not the only way to reduce gun violence. There are many factors not easily generalized into one cause or cure. Consider browsing this article for example:

  • NotHere February 1, 2024 (7:31 pm)

    Come on, kids! You can do this! Keep it up & don’t quit. I would join you but I’m not in Seattle right now. I’m very hopeful for this generation coming up, and so disappointed and disgusted that my generation has made such a mess of things.

    • NW Mama February 1, 2024 (10:00 pm)

      This generation needs all of our support in these issues.  Let’s get off our laurels and make it happen 

  • NW Mama February 1, 2024 (9:59 pm)

    YES! Go Leyla. Do you want outside Sealth community there as well? This is an issue so many in West Seattle stand for- I think if you gave a call to action to this community we’d organize and make it happen.  And why not City Hall? Jayapal’s office? 

    • Jay February 2, 2024 (8:42 am)

      Don’t protest against people on the same side as you, go to Olympia and pack a legislative session to make state lawmakers see and hear you. Jayapal is continually sponsoring gun control legislation and pushes very hard on this issue, protesting our local representative would be friendly fire.

      • jeff February 2, 2024 (9:45 am)

        Agree. I mean, sit out in I-5 if you have to. I mean, it WORKS to do things like this… this is so serious, it’s our children’s lives.

  • WSDUDEMAN February 2, 2024 (9:30 am)

    If we actually prosecuted gun crimes to the maximum degree AND even increased penalties…you might see a change. I have other ideas of what should be done to school shooters and others who terrorize and attack innocent people..but that whole ‘no cruel and unusual punishment’ thing kind of gets in the way. So sorry that Mobarak’s family and friends are dealing with this.

  • KT February 2, 2024 (5:22 pm)

    Sadly the reality is when our country did NOTHING meaningful after all those 1st graders were gunned down at Sandyhook, it is obvious we as a nation don’t care enough about this issue to stop it.  This sadly is the new normal.  Truly depressing.  I feel bad for the children growing up in today’s world

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