COUNTDOWN: Four days until Polar Plunge ‘winter beach party’ at Alki

(WSB file photo, past Special Olympics Polar Plunge)

If the forecast holds, it won’t be very “polar” for Saturday’s Special Olympics Washington-benefiting Polar Plunge at Alki. But it’s good news overall for the “winter beach party” that the event promises to be, with a beer garden, food trucks, and costume contest, before all the “plunging” gets going. The party starts near Alki Bathhouse (60th/Alki) at 10 am Saturday (February 24); the costume contest starts around 12:10 pm, and even if you’re not going in the water (that begins at 1 pm), you have a role to play, since the costume judging will be by audience acclaim. If you do want to go in, there’s still time to register online. P.S. The beer garden also offers a tasting experience – tickets are available in advance online here.

4 Replies to "COUNTDOWN: Four days until Polar Plunge 'winter beach party' at Alki"

  • Sweetpea February 21, 2024 (5:10 am)

    If you don’t feel like plunging, but want to donate, our team would love to take donations !!!  Thanks much, Luv from Erik Johnsons Nearly Nekkid Norwegians!!!

  • TheDude February 21, 2024 (9:44 am)

    Wasn’t there already a polar plunge at Alki this year? Is it groundhog’s day?

    • WSB February 21, 2024 (9:47 am)

      The community-organized free megaswim on New Year’s Day is the Polar Bear Swim; this Special Olympics-organized fundraiser is the Polar Plunge. (And to muddy things further, we have a new weekly calendar listing for people who “plunge” into the bay off Alki every Sunday morning.)

  • Dan Libbey February 24, 2024 (8:02 pm)

    Thanks to “The Winter Weenies 101” for letting me tag along with your team today!  Fantastic Party!!  Dan Libbey

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