Another anniversary of note: Nisqually earthquake, 23 years ago. Here’s one readiness reminder

Another anniversary to note today: 23 years since the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually Earthquake on February 28, 2001. The next big one could happen in a minute or a year or a century … so preparedness is always a good idea. We usually take this occasion to remind you of one simple thing: Learn and remember the location of your nearest Emergency Communication Hub. It’s where community volunteers will help coordinate information and resources, if an earthquake – or other major disaster – knocks out normal channels of communication. Here’s the West Seattle map:

Again, this is an all-volunteer effort, so if you don’t see a hub near you, it’s probably just because someone hasn’t volunteered to coordinate one! Here’s how. (Hub volunteers hold regular drills – here’s one we covered last year.)

6 Replies to "Another anniversary of note: Nisqually earthquake, 23 years ago. Here's one readiness reminder"

  • K to the F February 28, 2024 (4:19 pm)

    Photo of a seismograph at PLU showing the quake that I took while at school there:

  • dungeness February 28, 2024 (5:40 pm)

    Was on the eighth floor of a downtown Seattle office building when the shake occurred.  Luckily the building was a newer building built earthquake safe, on rollers.  Boy did we sway!! 

    • Odd son February 28, 2024 (7:49 pm)

      Similar story for me. I never want to experience that again.

    • KT February 29, 2024 (4:52 am)

      I was working in an office that had a Chihully and the swaying caused it to put holes in the adjacent  wall with its spikes..the next day the Chihully team came to check on it and realign in.  There was a window washer on sscaffolding the adjacent building.  When the swaying started, he held on for dear life.  Was so surreal.  Also someone from our office was on a conference call with people from Tacoma who yelled out earthquake! seconds before we felt it in Seattle.

  • Just wondering February 28, 2024 (8:29 pm)

    That was the last time I took a purse to work.  I worked at Boeing in Renton and my car keys and wallet were in my purse in a drawer in my desk which I was not near when the earthquake hit.  We were not allowed back in the building but a manager went in and brought out our purses.  I now always have my car keys in my pocket!  

  • 937 February 28, 2024 (9:19 pm)

    And ALL that pressure and stress been building since.

    Be ready – beware. Do not expect any assistance for at least a week (likely 2)

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