WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another burglary at Tails to Astonish

(Images from Tails to Astonish)

For the third time in a little over four months, burglars have hit West Seattle’s only comic-book store, Tails to Astonish just south of The Junction. They report it happened around 6:45 this morning and sent these security-camera images:

We woke up this morning with someone having broken into the store. So we will be closed today and tomorrow (Monday/Tuesday) to clean up and do inventory. We will be back open on Wednesday with all the new books! If you recognize them please call us or SPD case number 24-000302.

Last year’s burglaries were on August 23rd and September 30th.

17 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another burglary at Tails to Astonish"

  • Alki resident January 1, 2024 (5:29 pm)

    It kills these losers to see other people successful. They’ll do anything in their power to see you fail. That blue and yellow jacket is very recognizable. Get these imbeciles locked up. 

  • Also John January 1, 2024 (5:52 pm)

    I feel so sorry for the owner.   He’s trying to get a successful business going here in WS.   Unfortunately crimes come with no punishment.  

  • shed22 January 1, 2024 (5:56 pm)

    The Rite Aid on California was shut down around 5pm today due to a robbery. People coming out were pretty shook. Not sure what all was involved. 

    • WSB January 1, 2024 (7:50 pm)

      Thanks, we’ll look into that. We’ve been off the desk for a couple hours; the hotline always comes with us but nobody texted. (Added: Dispatched, per recorded audio, as shoplift turned violent, which makes it technically a robbery – thief “pushed a cashier and made off with large bottles of alcohol”)

  • Alkibean January 1, 2024 (6:04 pm)

      I feel so badly for the hard working owners.  Time for security bars and door. 

  • Terry January 1, 2024 (7:55 pm)

    Seattle ( lack of ) leadership message to small business is pretty clear. They. Don’t.  Care.

  • Robert January 1, 2024 (10:04 pm)

    It’s getting tougher and tougher for businesses to stay in business.  Is it worth it?  I feel so depressed each time a read about a local shop getting broken into or vandalized.  

  • shadowtripper January 1, 2024 (10:32 pm)

    I apologize for having to criticize the Judges again who continually release criminals back onto the street to repeat crimes  without consequences.  Call me a fool, but don’t you think we have had enough car jackings, armed robberies, crash and steal and house break in’s?   The victims are the store/business owners, residents, car owners and people just walking on the street. Everyone should be shouting for stricter sentencing, more police presence and mandatory sentencing for using a gun in a criminal act.
    There seems to be no justice for the victims any longer.

    • Anne January 2, 2024 (8:00 am)

      Judges certainly have discretion  so stricter  sentencing-yes-but stricter laws & consequences are needed-that’s up to State lawmakers -let THEM know -hold THEM accountable-vote accordingly. 

  • Sue H January 2, 2024 (1:58 am)

    My heart really goes out to those owners, being hit so many times. At what point are they finally going to say I’ve had enough and go out of business or move to another area? Unfortunately it seems that the criminals have realized that there’s very little chance of consequence for anything they do.

  • Jut a thought January 2, 2024 (3:50 am)

    Why not try installing bullet proof, or shatter proof(the best equivalent possible to it) glass so that this can’t happen. Use titanium reinforced steel kickplates, and cement studs around the doors and windows so if they try to ram it down with a car they end up hurt and not the business.

    • admyrl byrd January 2, 2024 (8:59 am)

      They’re selling comic books, not gold ingots.  Not a ton of margin.

  • Alki Mom January 2, 2024 (6:04 am)

    It all starts with how adults respond to inappropriate behaviors that occur in elementary school. Elementary Schools need to have principals that lead with examples and support their staff on dealings with students who engage in inappropriate behaviors and not turn a blind eye to real problems that are occurring. Too often students with extreme behavior issues are not addressed appropriately nor adequately and the behavior continues and therefore continues in later life and theses individuals might take the wrong path in life and then you read about them in West Seattle Blog. 

    • admyrl byrd January 2, 2024 (9:04 am)

      Can’t lay the burden of society’s issues on the elementary schools.  Not their jobs to be parents and it’s all mired in legal risks and medical issues (misdiagnoses of ADHD, etc etc).  Legal and financial liability for parents of minors and 2 year mandatory country service out of high school are the best viable ways to instill the accountability and response you’re looking for.  Putting the burden of 500 kids on an underpaid principal?  nots-much

    • Alki resident January 2, 2024 (12:01 pm)

      My daughter homeschools. Who are you going to blame now? It starts at home, I don’t blame schools for my child’s rancid behaviors. 

  • flimflam January 2, 2024 (6:09 am)

    Ugh. Reading this (again) as a comic fan is rough. Its a great time to be a criminal in Seattle unfortunately…why do I bother working again? Definitely need to install bars or a roll down metal door.

  • alki_2008 January 3, 2024 (11:29 pm)

    The comic boxes need to be on rolling platform and racks need casters added, then roll everything into a reinforced storage closet at close of business every day. Having merch readily available and easily accessible and visible overnight is going to have this continuing over and over again. It’s more work for the closing employee, but paying for an extra half hour of labor or closing a half hour earlier each day could be cheaper than dealing with repeated burglaries.
    At a minimum, the valuable and slabbed comics should be stored away at closing. Leaving the moderns and commons out would be less costly if they are stolen, and maybe if the thieves don’t get valuable items, then they won’t come back.

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