WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Carjacker steals car, crashes near Delridge/Barton

That car crashed on SW Barton west of Delridge this past half-hour after being stolen in a carjacking near Roxbury Lanes. That’s according to police at the scene as well as dispatch audio. The driver hit this car …

… and then took off on foot. He was described over the air as a Black teenager in a green cap, black jacket, black pants, white shoes. No injuries reported; no other information about the carjacking circumstances, as SPD is referring that part of the case to King County Sheriff’s Office deputies.

SIDE NOTE: This happened while we were working on a story about the arrest of a teenager suspected of two West Seattle carjackings and one local armed robbery – watch for that a bit later.

20 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Carjacker steals car, crashes near Delridge/Barton"

  • WTH December 4, 2023 (5:26 pm)

    What in the world is going on. His parents/parent must be so proud. But on the flip side it sounds like he’s ready for a role in management.

  • speed bump December 4, 2023 (5:37 pm)

    This is getting RIDICULOUS.  The majority of recent suspects are described as black males, teens/early twenties.  Are they the same teens? I suppose we wouldn’t know if they are because none of them are being caught! These activities are so darn dangerous. Ugh. 

    • WSB December 4, 2023 (8:19 pm)

      Yes, some of them are being caught – in incidents elsewhere in the city. The story I’m going to get back to in a few minutes has details of one arrest that took a huge amount of detective work but led to the arrest of one teenager allegedly involved in multiple WS incidents.

  • Seattlite December 4, 2023 (5:57 pm)

    These dangerous, idiot, criminal carjackers don’t care who they might injure or kill as they speed away in a stolen car.   

  • WS dad December 4, 2023 (6:12 pm)

    Too many things like this happening. They should be in prison for a long time so they’re off our streets. 

  • Lp December 4, 2023 (6:19 pm)

    I can’t find anything about the shoplifting incident yesterday (Sun.) at Thriftway. Am I missing it somewhere? 

    • WSB December 4, 2023 (7:39 pm)

      It was categorized as theft, not shoplift-turned-robbery.

      • Lp December 4, 2023 (11:33 pm)

        Where should I look for that?

  • Brayton December 4, 2023 (6:51 pm)

    This reminds me that I need to finish installing the remote activated tasers in my car seats. 

  • Alki resident December 4, 2023 (7:01 pm)

    Find them and lock them up before they kill someone and permanently change family dynamics. 

  • MyThruppence December 4, 2023 (7:17 pm)

    Automobiles operating recklessly should be considered deadly weapons. Just saying.

    • Bill December 4, 2023 (9:01 pm)


  • speed bump December 4, 2023 (8:57 pm)

    Thank you for that update WSB, good to know some of them are being caught.  Scary being that these young individuals have probably never driven a car before in their life before stealing one. 

  • Rocky Bullwinkle December 4, 2023 (9:12 pm)

    We need more police, more jails, tougher sentencing, less restrictions on police searches. The city jacked up our property taxes several years ago to fund transit initiatives. Well, everyone one is working from home these days. So we need city leaders to reallocate that money to more law enforcement and crime prevention. 

    • TthisCommunityHates December 5, 2023 (3:05 am)

      Wow, talk about wearing your privileges on your sleeve, Rocky! Homeowner either working remotely or retired that only ever drives, and has never experienced a negative police interaction because why would anyone call for there to be “less restrictions on searches”?? I guess having limitations to searches explicitly called out in Bill of Rights doesn’t convey enough importance to you, and you’d rather see fundamental rights eroded so you can feel safe when you scroll this blog. Also, lots of folks are commuting daily, myself included, to jobs that aren’t possible to do remotely… I would be devastated if I ended up this self centered; unable to imagine the needs and lives of others. maybe more transit would lead to less cars, and therefore less opportunities to steal, and safer roads and communities in general!

      • Maria December 5, 2023 (6:53 pm)

        Rocky is right.

      • Rhonda December 5, 2023 (7:00 pm)

        TthisCommunityHates, your poor attitude shows that you’ve obviously never had a loved one become a victim of violent crime.

    • Mel December 5, 2023 (6:12 am)

      Wife of police officer here. Even if we fund more officers, hiring will be a challenge. Officers do not want to work for the city of Seattle. 

  • Watertowerjim December 5, 2023 (6:03 am)

    Whatever happened to “three strikes you’re out”?  Three strikes “caught”, I might add.  

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