WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Early-morning carjacking; store shoplift-turned-robbery

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

CARJACKING: A woman lost her vehicle to carjackers early this morning near Seacrest/Don Armeni. Our information comes from both archived police/dispatch audio and a summary provided by SPD on request. The victim said three people surrounded her vehicle while she was in the driver seat, pointed a gun at her, pulled her out of the car – a 2022 beige Mercedes SUV with plates that started in CCP – and demanded that she hand over her keys. They got in and took off, with a “dark sedan,” possibly a Nissan, following, She was not hurt. The suspects were described only as teenagers in masks and dark hoodies. Officers subsequently spotted the stolen vehicle and “dark sedan” qt/near Roxbury Safeway; the audio has one officer requesting but not receiving permission to pursue. (We asked SPD about current department policy as pursuits, since state law was loosened earlier this year to allow more of them; an SPD spokesperson provided this link to the department’s own extensive policy.) The vehicles were reported to have been seen “blowing through lights” as they headed eastbound on Roxbury. Meantime, officers recovered some of the victim’s property that had been stolen with the car, apparently including her purse. (Added: The 911 call on this came in at about 3 am.)

SHOPLIFT-TURNED-ROBBERY: This happened in the past hour, according to 911 dispatch. Four teenagers were reported to have stolen liquor from the Westwood Village QFC and punched an employee on their way out, which is what makes it a robbery. Four suspects were spotted at a bus stop on Delridge, “unloading” the suspected stolen property; according to an exchange between dispatch and officers, the store only wanted the suspects “identified and trespassed,” rather than arrested. The employee apparently did not require medical attention, as there is no evidence of an SFD dispatch to that location.

57 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Early-morning carjacking; store shoplift-turned-robbery"

  • TM October 17, 2023 (11:48 am)

    So the woman is held up at gunpoint, car stolen, located, but officer’s request to pursue denied? In most cities finding the car so soon would be a win, here the perps are allowed to go on their merry way. Wow

    • WSB October 17, 2023 (12:38 pm)

      We did write about one approved pursuit recently. But in most cases, they don’t even ask, so this was noteworthy.

    • Ann October 17, 2023 (5:19 pm)

      TM, I agree with you. That’s ridiculous! 

    • Zaid October 17, 2023 (7:20 pm)

      I cannot grasp how this has become the status quo. You can performed armed carjackings now and police are not given permission to pursue? You hear gunshots all the time, carjackings, thieves crashing through the front door of businesses almost every time unsolved. The only time we actually have a chance to catch the people perpetrating these crimes is when it’s in response to a murder. This is complete lawlessness. I can only hope the city reverts this trend.

      • TM October 18, 2023 (9:55 am)

        This case is an incredible data point. An armed car theft, and the official LE directive in current-day Seattle is “let them go”. 

        This is like advertising that Seattle is open for business for major crime. Where exactly is the line? Are the police just chaperones when it comes to a case like this?

        I feel for the woman who was robbed at gunpoint, and now has little to no chance of recovering her property (and mode of transport). I feel for the cop who was willing to chase armed criminals. I feel for the residents of our city (who pay significant taxes btw) who, myself included, are thinking “what does this mean for me, my family, kids and elderly”? This is not ok, not by a long shot.

        • Zaid October 18, 2023 (11:02 am)

          I completely agree. This sets an incredibly dangerous precedent. Armed robbery is a hair away from murder, anything can happen when you have a gun drawn on you. I can’t image how traumatizing this must have been for the victim, not even considering the property.I share your thoughts and have a similar question of “what does this mean for me, my family, and my community”? I feel like we are truly alone in terms of protecting ourselves in Seattle. Even when the understaffed police are present they have their hands tied.

  • Steph October 17, 2023 (11:49 am)

    Were there gunshots during the Roxbury drive? I’m hearing gunshots several nights a week now. It’s frustrating not to know what is happening. I’m just keeping my head down, tightening up security, etc.  I always check WSB because you are about the only good source.  It seems the SPD information has disappeared and other news sources don’t cover much.  Boy, I’m sad to see so many teenagers involved in serious crime here.  If their parents didn’t have to work all the time to pay the inflation, taxes, they would probably have better supervision and morality training.  I’m going to keep my distance from them and carry the pepper spray again. Avoiding Westwood Village completely now though.  

    • WSB October 17, 2023 (12:37 pm)

      No, there was no mention of shots fired, there or elsewhere, during the hour of audio to which I listened in relation to this incident. There are reports of suspected gunfire most nights, not just in West Seattle, and it’s not only gunfire – sometimes it’s fireworks or the modified exhausts that sound like gunshots. And sometimes it IS gunshots … TR

    • sam-c October 17, 2023 (1:05 pm)

      I heard some last night, myself.  At least I’m guessing that’s what it was?  Was out walking the dog, and heard what sounded like a nail gun (like when someone is getting a new roof).  But probably not any nail gun activity outside when it’s dark and 8:30pm.  So those 5 quick pops were gun shots, I guess.  

  • Jim P. October 17, 2023 (11:50 am)

    “Officers subsequently spotted the stolen vehicle and “dark sedan”
    ot/near Roxbury Safeway; the audio has one officer requesting but not
    receiving permission to pursue.”Well no wonder the crooks are getting more brazen,  Even if the cops find you they just wave you on through. What next?  A welfare check to make sure they got home safely and weren’t hassled?Threaten to kill someone and steal major property and the police  do nothing. This is what starts vigilante movements.

    • Socialcontract October 17, 2023 (5:41 pm)

      It would really need to be more of a Batman situation. Can you imagine how hard and fast this city and community would come down on a neighborhood vigilante group?

    • 1994 October 17, 2023 (10:24 pm)

      And the grape vine going around amongst these up to no good types is that crime DOES pay! Hey – the police show up and you can just drive away…..crime does pay! Why would the grocery store not press charges, or at a minimum the employee that was punched?!? Again, crime does pay when there are NO consequences from us as a society….crimes just will continue.

  • Paul October 17, 2023 (11:51 am)

    Passed them at the bus stop and immediately thought these kids are up to no good.  Then when returning from the post office, 10 minutes later 4 SPD cars were there.  Its wrong for QFC to not want them arrested.  That just tells them its ok to do it again.

  • anonyme October 17, 2023 (11:54 am)

    Why does QFC only want the suspect who stole liquor and punched an employee “identified and trespassed”?  That’s not even a deterrent, much less punishment for theft and assault.  What kind of message does this send, not just to criminals, but to the poor employee who was assaulted?  Why would anyone want to work there under those circumstances?

  • sam-c October 17, 2023 (12:18 pm)

    Wow. Very scary experiences for the victims (driver and QFC employee).  So maddening that teens have gotten so violent in committing these sorts of crimes.   Ugh. I wish I had a good answer.  

  • TJ October 17, 2023 (12:21 pm)

    I’m glad no one was hurt but I’m sick of teenagers terrorizing the community. Where are the parents who are supposed to be raising them right? Teenagers should be in school today, not out committing crimes. They need immediate intervention and to be held accountable for their behavior before something worse happens.

    • truth October 18, 2023 (11:02 am)

      UH, TJ,(pointing out the obvious)Positions such as yours are the precise reason WHY legal responses in Seattle and other areas have become what they are today.Just because “teenagers” are not a “protected class” doesn’t make it appropriate for you to single them out with a blanket statement such as:”I’m glad no one was hurt but I’m sick of teenagers terrorizing the community.”When you make blanket statements like yours about any subset of humanity, it remains inappropriate!Even a child can recognize that if any of many common references to subsets of humanity were substituted for your reference to “teenagers”, it would be entirely inappropriate for you to write.Why is that obvious to all others but TJ??

      • TZ October 18, 2023 (10:05 pm)

        TJ, Truth is right. It’s very unwoke to say “teenagers” in this context because not all of them are terrorizing the community. Not all teenagers should be in school. Not all teenagers are committing crimes. Four teenagers were reported to have stolen liquor from the Westwood Village QFC and punched an employee on their way out. Although I agree that THESE INDIVIDUALS need immediate intervention and to be held accountable for their behavior before something else happens, I would not assert that all teenagers should be held accountable for this crime. And it’s only obvious to everyone but Truth that you aren’t asserting the same. Unfortunately though, woke is here to stay and you can’t hit snooze…

  • waikikigirl October 17, 2023 (12:23 pm)

    Are you kidding me, why, why not?!    the store only wanted the suspects “identified and trespassed,” rather than arrested”

  • Rhonda October 17, 2023 (12:24 pm)

    Any law enforcement officer can pursue a felony violent crime suspect under both the new, modified 2023 state law pursuit guidelines and even the previous, heavily-restricted 2021 guidelines. Under the new law officers do not need to request permission from a supervisor. SPD should have pursued the armed suspects as they were/are an active threat to innocent civilians in the entire region. SPD’s policies are endangering not just Seattle residents but regional residents as well. The suspects could easily continue to commit armed carjackings and/or armed robberies.

    • Mel October 17, 2023 (12:45 pm)

      All officers need permission from their supervisor to pursue. Even in depts outside of SPD

      • Rhonda October 17, 2023 (1:06 pm)

        False. Under the new state law officers must only inform their supervisors of an active pursuit as soon as possible. Also, reasonable suspicion is now the new threshold instead of probable cause.

        • WSB October 17, 2023 (1:10 pm)

          The actual state law is linked in the story, as is the actual SPD policy; I have to publish another story and leave the desk for a bit so someone else will have to check who’s right.

          • stew October 17, 2023 (3:04 pm)

            why page breaks are so bad on this site?………from the link above……….13.031-POL-2 When Sworn Employees May Pursue andSupervisor Responsibilities1. Sworn Employees May Not Pursue Unless the FollowingRequirements Have Been Met:- The pursuing sworn employee has completed an emergency vehicleoperator’s course (EVOC), has completed an updated EVOC withinthe previous two years, and has been certified in at least one pursuitending option (see 13.031-POL-3 Ending or Terminating Pursuits);and- There is probable cause to believe that a person in the vehicle hascommitted or is committing a violent offense or sex offense (RCW9.94A.030); and- The person poses a significant imminent threat of death or seriousphysical injury to others such that, under the circumstances, thepublic safety risks of failing to apprehend or identify the person aregreater than inherent risk of pursuit driving; and– The pursuing sworn employee has received authorization to continuethe pursuit from a supervisor; and- A supervisor is actively monitoring and supervising the pursuit.A vehicle pursuit may not be initiated if all the requirements above are notmet, and the pursuit must be terminated, unless circumstances change.

  • Jeepney October 17, 2023 (12:29 pm)

    Until criminal behavior is treated accordingly, we will continue to see these types of stories.  I feel for the victims.

  • WW Resident October 17, 2023 (12:36 pm)

    Yeah, she “lost” her car to…… and of course, pursuit denied and of course QFC didn’t want the poor little violent teenage criminals to be arrested

  • Alki resident October 17, 2023 (12:56 pm)

    If this is how QFC is handling this and treating their own employees, then I no long will be shopping there. Shame on QFC for cowering to criminals. 

    • Darnell October 17, 2023 (1:13 pm)

      Dude, I don’t think you understand how assault charges work. The victim chooses whether or not they want to press charges, not their place of business..

      • Alki resident October 17, 2023 (1:23 pm)

        Dude I have two friends that work there. Your comment is not factual. 

        • Brandon October 17, 2023 (5:37 pm)

          Alki Res. If cops are talking to the place of business about assault charges instead of the victim, then the only way that makes sense is if it’s by proxy and the store’s HR is dealing with the cops on the employees’ behalf, by will of the employee.  It makes zero sense the store is given absolute authority over pressing charges on an assault of an employee. Imagine getting beaten, wanting to press charges, and your employer trumps your decision with the authorities. Wouldn’t happen, you’re the victim of the assault in that scenario, not the workplace. Think about it before you refute common sense. The legal system didn’t just suddenly change overnight for this one situation. Dude got punched, evidently not serious enough, that’s it.

          When I worked for that company and was victim to a crime, the cops spoke to me. Then I directed all further communication through my HR so not to be burdened while I did my job. Thats how it works.

          I know many people who work at Kroger too, theft happens just about every day. Company policy isn’t going to change and subject the clerks to violence to prevent it.

      • waikikigirl October 17, 2023 (1:30 pm)

        It is written: “the store only wanted the suspects “identified and trespassed,” rather than arrested” So to me it looks like the assault victims place of biz made the choice to which I still don’t understand why.

      • Josh October 17, 2023 (2:36 pm)

        Im pretty sure what happens is that an officer writes a report about an incident taking down information including victim statement if able.  The report is reviewed by the sergeant and then possibly passed on to the lieutenant who decides if the report should be referred to the appropriate prosecuting attorneys office based on the possible charges.  The attorney then decides if charges will be filed based on their view of the facts of the case and their opinion on if they think a crime has been committed and that they have enough facts to charge the accused.  They do take inital reports and victim statements into account but no victims do not get direct say in either direction if charges are filed or not. Also I read SPD policy, Rhonda is wrong.  If an officer who has appropriate training regarding pursuit attempts to stop suspects and either their supervisor says to stop or the officer deems the immediate risk involved with apprehending the suspect via pursuit  as higher than the the immediate risk of not apprehending the suspect they must disengage.  The intention behind these pursuit policies are guided less by equity and more by the fact that if an officer initiates a pursuit that ends with injury or harm to a non involved 3rd party the local municipality can be found liable at great taxpayer expense. 

    • Brandon October 17, 2023 (1:16 pm)

      Hate to break it to you but the majority of all the stores share the same policy. You’re gonna starve yourself.

      Stores tell their employees to allow it to happen, unless they are lost prevention, because they are a liability if they get harmed. They have trainings on the topic when you get hired. They can even go to the extent to get you in trouble if you bend the rules and put yourself in way of the shoplifting.

    • bill October 17, 2023 (1:58 pm)

      QFC may not want to pay for staff to be interviewed and later appear in court.

    • Rhonda October 17, 2023 (2:22 pm)

      I contacted the general manager as we shop there a lot. I suggest you do the same. 

    • WW Resident October 17, 2023 (2:22 pm)

      I remember a few years back, early in the morning I was going to work when I spotted this person on what looked to be one of QFC’s store scooters. I stop by QFC and asked if they were missing a scooter and at first they said no and then realized they were missing one. I told them the person was just up the street with it and they had no idea what to do or who to call. I asked them what they were talking about not knowing who to call?! I said call 911, that scooter is probably at least a couple thousand dollars. They finally agreed, yes, finally as they didn’t want to. Police came, arrested the suspect and got the scooter back. I don’t understand people so hesitant to have criminals “get in trouble” because of them doing criminal things

    • 1994 October 17, 2023 (10:34 pm)

      QFC at WWV also needs to reconfigure the beer aisle. It is way too easy to walk in, grab some beer, and walk right on out – a direct line in and out without paying. The WWV needs to change the beer aisle so there are some obstacles between it and the front door.  That should be an inexpensive attempt to reduce the beer theft. Or hire a permanent security guard who is minding the entry/exit. 

  • Eric1 October 17, 2023 (1:11 pm)

    People fail to realize that the government (city, county, state) have no interest in preventing, solving, or punishing criminal activity. The politicians are only concerned with doing the minimum for the general population (like your slacking co-worker) while moving money to pet projects that ensure reelection. Unfortunately, they found that during covid, minimizing enforcement and jail populations saved money that could be diverted to pet projects. Instead of hiring police officers to prevent crime, you promote a feel good approach that does nothing – shot spotter? Arresting people requires money for police, prosecutors, public defenders, judges, jails, guards, and a whole host of other service workers.  Letting criminals steal, carjack, assault, murder, rape and pillage costs politicians nothing unless the public revolts.  You can only vote with your ballot or your feet and unfortunately both of those are slow moving and require multiple people to recognize a problem. 

  • Findlay October 17, 2023 (1:13 pm)

    Please follow-up for the stolen car story.  A true head scratcher.  This is not The Onion right?

    • Just wondering October 18, 2023 (7:51 pm)

      3 am near Don Armeni  boat launch?  Really?

  • Rob October 17, 2023 (1:19 pm)

    Do the police understand that many people I know are buying guns at this point because they feel unsafe?  This will end with citizens taking this into their own hands. I think law enforcement has lost here. 

  • Regular guy October 17, 2023 (1:21 pm)

    Why are we not enforcing laws? Is the law meaningless? I hope the employee quit on the spot.

  • ltfd October 17, 2023 (1:41 pm)

    Capture. Convict. Incarcerate. Jail violent youth now.

  • Kravitz October 17, 2023 (4:31 pm)

    If I were the employee punched at the QFC while on the job, and my company did literally nothing for me after my assault, not only would I quit on the spot, but I’d be filing a claim against them for not caring about my safety or the safety of other workers and customers. I’m disgusted by the complacency and do-nothing approach that has turned this city into a living hellscape where people are continually victimized and nothing is done. 

  • Stand-up Citizen October 17, 2023 (4:58 pm)

    As I read yet another sadly all too common report of crime in West Seattle likely perpetrated by youths, I read the likewise all too common outcry: “where are the parents?!?” Folks – we are ALL connected in community. Stop wasting cycles on blame, lamentations, hiding & avoidance – get involved! Every day we each have the opportunity & responsibility to make a difference in the life of another person. Or, put more eloquently by the great James Baldwin: “For these are all our children, we will all profit by or pay for what they become.” 

  • Seattlite October 17, 2023 (4:58 pm)

    Teenager criminals doing both crimes is so disheartening.  I know what I would do if three teenagers or adults with a gun surrounded my car with the intent to do harm…but that is just me.Hopefully these teenagers will be apprehended by police.  If they are arrested, I want the parents to be arrested at the same time for negligent parenting in raising criminals who are putting citizens in harms way.  Parents are responsible for their kids until they are legal under the law.  My pet peeve are parents who have children and don’t teach them morals, guidelines like the Ten Commandments  that clearly describe the difference between right and wrong  

    • BlessedBe October 18, 2023 (7:28 am)

      we need more Christians to bring up Jesus’ sermon on the mount, and less of the continued 10 commandments cudgel…

    • April October 18, 2023 (9:35 am)

      @Seattlite I agree with everything you said except the commandments.

  • Anderson October 17, 2023 (5:43 pm)

    What if we collect donations from WB residents and then offer a $10000 cash reward for information leading to the arrest of these dangerous delinquents?

  • Puget Ridge resident October 17, 2023 (6:15 pm)

    Waiting for someone to comment, “kids will be kids.”    Unfortunately at some point, playing stupid games will lead to deadly prizes.  

  • lucky October 17, 2023 (9:38 pm)

    IDK.  I’m thinking it was best for police not to pursue this one.  You already had the kids barrelling through red lights which could have caused multiple fatalities.  I don’t know about you but I want to see my loved ones get home safe. 

  • waikikigirl October 18, 2023 (7:10 am)

    Does it say how the Officers recovered some of the carjacking victims belongings, were they thrown out of the car window as they sped away? And I agree with Lucky, I’d rather be safe than sorry for any innocent bystanders to be safe and make it home!

    • WSB October 18, 2023 (9:53 am)

      As best I recall from listening to radio exchanges, they were pulled over – possibly in the Roxbury Safeway parking lot – and transferring stuff from the stolen car to the original vehicle, a process interrupted when they saw police approaching, so some discarded items were left behind.

  • Big Dave October 18, 2023 (8:23 am)

    Never get out of your car. It’s your best defense and your best weapon. Use your car to thwart attack. 

  • WTF October 18, 2023 (8:12 pm)

    I guarantee (no promise) you that anyone points a gun at me while I’m behind the wheel of my vehicle, I AM punching the gas. They will need to make the choice to get the F out of my way or not. #NOMOREEXCUSES 😡

  • Melissa A October 18, 2023 (9:48 pm)

    This is horrible and scary. Supporting programs for teens often seems to be overlooked. There are some great local programs that help to get kids on a more positive path. Investment in these programs is good for everyone in the community.

Sorry, comment time is over.