If you wonder what you can do for our planet’s ecological health beyond basic steps you might be taking already, Saturday brings a one-stop chance to find out. It’s the West Seattle Eco-Fair, organized by the Care for Creation Ministry of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Holy Rosary Catholic parishes. Organizers say the event will feature “environment-minded organizations from around the region – including Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, West Seattle Bicycle Connections, Seattle University Center for Justice and Sustainability, Wolf Haven International, and Tilth Alliance.” You can talk with reps of those organizations and others in Walmesley Center at OLG (7000 35th SW), 10 am-2 pm Saturday (September 16th). Organizers say this has been in the works more than three years, “originally planned for April 2020 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day,” but the pandemic got in the way; “the seeming drumbeat of bad environmental news” has continued, and knowledge can empower people to take action that matters.
West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday